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Everything posted by The0Self

  1. I don’t have it in a way that’s bothersome. Everyone can notice the sound of silence if they’ve done enough meditation but that’s probably not what you mean by tinnitus. I can make it very loud and use it as a meditation object, but only if I choose to.
  2. I had visual snow, constant whooshing noise in my head, and trails behind moving objects for almost 2 years after that one trip that put me in a mental hospital for a couple weeks. I got some relief with pregnenolone — it was like cotton balls were taken out of my ears when I took it, and it provided relief for 3 days; clear vision and everything.
  3. This is precisely one of the reasons why taking too much psychedelics at once can either wake you up, or put you in a mental hospital. Imagine the realness dial on that dream being turned up 1000%, and on top of that, your mind is temporarily far more powerful and crafty, boosted by the tool of tapping into infinite intelligence — scenarios can manifest... ANY scenario. As good as possible, and better. And as bad as possible, and worse. The good news is that ALL of it is no more real than it is unreal! And it’s all the absolute. And there’s no real separation between any of it.
  4. By "too far" I mean the point at which you realize: that love doesn't belong to you -- it's all there is, and there's no you. A person doesn't survive the recognition of unconditional love.
  5. The ego doesn't have to strengthen itself if it's not there. Probably why he's seeking ego-death. Maybe he just wants a break? Lol.
  6. I'm not interested in tripping either. I rarely do it these days. If you go "too far," you may realize there's nothing to be done -- everything is already perfection. Whether that'll stop your character from continuing to do what it sees as awakening the species or whatever is completely unknown.
  7. Hmm, maybe increase the dose, change sources, or get LSD-25. Just 110ug (used to require much more; up to 1000ug) of good LSD will get me to such a high state of consciousness that I can barely see the room I'm in, my body feels like it's the size of the universe, and I cannot even remember that I'm a human. Also, quite often, experience inverts -- like I'm God looking in at conscious experience rather than out, from infinity -- I have experienced a similar state just from self inquiry as well.
  8. Are you talking about N,N-DMT? I personally don't find it particularly superior to LSD for spirituality, besides the intensity and immersion of the visuals, maybe. Plus it can be quite enjoyable. LSD is quite sufficient for producing very heavy spiritual experiences -- past life recollections, timelessness, ego-death, etc. 5-MeO-DMT on the other hand is like LSD X 50, but without the visuals. Sort of.
  9. Because there's no bounds; there's just everything. You have no idea how bad it can get out there in the infinite ocean of anarchy-consciousness...
  10. For real. I actually did have to go to a psych ward after a trip, about 5 years ago. Combined way too many psychedelics and dissociatives. I was reckless. It was beyond insanity and I actually still sort of believe I did some real magic type stuff during the experience. Come to think of it though, I didn't even see it as a bad trip. Just pushed it WAY too far, especially for my development at the time. When I use psychedelics, I almost have the mindset of going to war. I would never recommend psychedelics... but in a way, I actually think not taking them can be an even bigger risk.
  11. @Red-White-Light If something is grounded in emptiness, then that's not emptiness. In this work, emptiness is an adjective referring to the lack of self existence in anything. There isn't anything that stands on its own. That's how there truly isn't a ground. It only seems like there's a ground because everything depends on everything else, meaning, ultimately, nothing depends on anything. There's just infinite everything, which isn't anything.
  12. But they're both beyond logic.
  13. Sure would, but it seems 100% certainty would only come about in this case by having 0% doubt. Of course there'd be no actual certainty if there's no one real that's left to have certainty.
  14. Certainly, and amazingly, it seems to be the case. If truth is all there is, how could one ever access that which is already and only? You couldn’t. All you can do is stop experiencing stuff as real. Of course you can’t even do that, because it isn’t actually happening.
  15. Ok, then in that case, emptiness would not be a good word, because consciousness is empty of existing as a thing.
  16. Well it isn’t grounded, so yeah I guess that would be a good word lol
  17. That’s obvious to me. I’m aware subject and object are interdependent and empty. You said in Ralston’s reality, truth is love, regardless of his perspective. In my view, any solution to a problem is not the truth, but simply an answer, to an unreal limitation.
  18. You seem to imply there is objective truth. I can’t see how one could ever know that. It seems one can directly contact ultimate truth; but objective truth? How can objective truth be known when anything objective is viewed subjectively? Objective truth seems to imply real self nature — and at this point, any notion of real self nature seems utterly absurd to me. Just thinking out loud.
  19. That guy (iameternallife) seems to have just been banned in like the past day anyway lol.
  20. Wouldn’t that be a disagreement about beliefs (or understanding) about isness?
  21. He’s almost certainly going through a manic phase, in my view. But the distinction between a manic phase and certain types of awakenings (especially kundalini) is a fine line.
  22. It really seems like there can be no stopping of what is. In sleep, in may seem like appearances stop for a bit, but really the appearance just gets very subtle. In cessation events during meditation, when there really is no appearance, that period of no appearance simply isn’t experienced — it is seen after the fact as a jump-forward in time, with absolutely no delay.
  23. I never had a following of people (certainly not online) to announce it to, but I’ve had awakenings like the one you’re seeing in him, like 6 times. They were legit.
  24. And iameternallife was a totally different individual