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Everything posted by The0Self

  1. @deci belle Interesting take. I kind of agree, but it certainly is a very illuminating experience, ime. Shows the emptiness of the mind. And it is easily achievable by just noting over and over (viewing all experience as not-self) until there's less and less available to note until... GAP... then the bliss wave and insight. Of course, that is only the beginning, as I think you were getting at. Are you pointing to the fact that what arises dependent upon conditions does not actually arise? What is empty, is not empty? What is unfabricated, is not unfabricated?
  2. Yes, it is 4 hours or more often, but since ALA is often combined with it in the protocol (because it's the best mercury chelator by far), and that must be taken every 3 hours or more often, I just said 3 hours. Even for DMSA, 3 hours is better than 4.
  3. The jhanas will help you understand nirvana. Noting can actually get you to it as well -- I mean serious noting for hours at a time, every single second. Objectifying every sensation like the mere experience that it is, causing your mind to get tired of experience, and incline to nirvana. When nirvana happens, it is perceived after the fact as a gap -- you jump forward in time as if that space didn't exist. You can never enter nirvana -- its value lies in the experience of the last thing the mind does before nirvana appears: the mind stops projecting, and immediately there is nirvana, revealing the emptiness of experience. Nirvana is extraneous to the realization of emptiness (awakening), but they often go hand in hand.
  4. I no longer do this, but what brought me into spirituality was recreational use of psychedelics. Particularly combining psychedelics like LSD with dissociatives like ketamine. Recreational use of anything that produces a powerful change in consciousness is called being a junkie.
  5. Hmm. Now that is interesting. Make sure you take them on an empty stomach. I would highly recommend 5-MeO-DMT (rectally or smoked) in that case -- I cannot imagine 10-40mg of that not working for you or anyone ever. It's possible you're just immune to serotonergic psychedelics? I've never heard of that, but who knows... If that's the case, dissociatives are the next best thing (apart from meditation). Ketamine can give you ego death just as illuminating as most 5ht2a psychedelics, ime. It can awaken you to infinite consciousness just like traditional psychedelics, though you are more likely to get that from 5meo. With ketamine you MUST be stationary in a comfy chair or laying down somewhere -- it is far more inebriating than 5ht2a psychedelics. Disso's are tricky though, because the dose required for insights is just below the dose that will cause memory loss of the experience -- however one could argue the same is often true for 5meo and lsd. I'm actually surprised how little dissociatives like ketamine are mentioned on here -- they seem to have great utility ime. Combining dissos and 5ht2a psychedelics even seems reckless to me, but I've had great success doing just that.
  6. Daily mindfulness meditation. Eventually self inquiry will solve this. IME self inquiry is a much more advanced and fruitful technique than many give it credit for. It isn't even mentioned until stage 8 TMI, 2 stages after jhanas become possible. Self inquiry can lead to states that rival 1000ug LSD.
  7. Read Rob Burbea's Seeing That Frees. Most incredible meditation inspiration I've come across. It's so dense you'll never extract all the value out of it.
  8. I often feel this way but in my case I've found it to be an illusion, much like a frog in water that is heated to boiling and because the temp increase is so gradual is doesn't react and just stays there. Whenever I look at where I was a month ago, I almost always see quite a change when I honestly assess it. But I have to actually look carefully in order to see this, because the changes are very gradual. However, there are absolutely ups and downs, in terms of effectively embodying love and wisdom, on a monthly basis (occasionally drastic backslides; ego-backlash?), but on a yearly basis? Every year since starting this work I am a completely transformed individual. I never would have thought in the past, that I'd be in the state I'm in now -- utterly okay, with limitless options in front of me, and a penchant for contemplating literally anything -- this habit has had a snowball effect, and I'm very exited to see where it takes me. And the funny thing is, everything I've just said is actually fairly easy to overlook, because of the aforementioned slow, gradual nature of the development -- but it's getting harder and harder to overlook it.
  9. @Mason Riggle I feel it pertinent to add, for whoever might see this: what you are, does not possess a self. If it seems like it does, that's an illusion, seemingly brought about by the experience that this is really happening -- what is overlooked, is that it is also not happening.
  10. What is, is what is not. What you are, is what you are not. That won't help. This conversation serves no purpose.
  11. Does the body not appear in awareness, along with all these thoughts? They appear just like the sky appears.
  12. Okay. Splitting hairs I would say. Feel free to ignore this, but I would humbly add: There exists only infinite levels of distortion. I AM is the highest truth and the root delusion, timelessly. Reality is a paradox. Liberation is seeing emptiness -- nothing is ever as it appears; it merely appears, uncaused; neither real nor unreal. Do enough self inquiry and you may change your tune about there being any self at all. To be confused about what you seem to be, there has to seemingly be a you. If there is any judgement at all, there is a seeming you. When there's just what is, there's no room for anything else, it's just gone forever -- what would come back?
  13. I really think people underestimate how powerful meditation can be. When I hear people speak of their meditation experiences (not referring to you, just a generality) and they say things like it was "nice" or "peaceful," my reaction is generally: I can't be the only one... Meditation can be so extraordinarily blissful you may absolutely consider moving to Malaysia to become a monk or something. When you first experience jhana this is a fairly rational response. It takes lots of practice, perfecting technique, listening to others experiences with it, and most of all: finesse. I would highly suggest following a proven system to build the foundation to eventually enter jhanas. My favorite one is TMI. Meditation led to awakenings and completely transformed my personality in stepwise fashion such that 2 years into it, I noticed I no longer had basically any of the problems I used to have.
  14. Yes. The true self = that there truly is no separate self. Everything = nothing.
  15. No problem! Be very careful with DMSA. It's not something to be messed with. MUST take it every 3 hours around the clock for 3+ days at a time -- longer rounds (e.g. 2 weeks) are FAR more effective. I did it for practically 6 months straight, along with ALA, basically with only a few short breaks of maybe a week each -- it literally cured my chronic fatigue -- and later my sleep paralysis went away but I highly suspect that in particular was from getting off Subutex/buprenorphine (I used to be a heroin addict). Search for Andy Cutler's protocol -- I would only trust the info found on a site called "onibasu." The limiting factor in taking DMSA for extended periods is oxidative stress; the limiting factor in taking ALA for extended periods of time is copper toxicity -- copper toxicity can be mitigated by taking 1mg molybdenum and 30mg zinc (picolinate) total per day in 4 divided doses.
  16. And who knows that? If anything is a self, it certainly cannot be the known, because the knower automatically trumps it in that regard. But the knower is also known, or more accurately, assumed. Awareness synonymous with absolute emptiness is the only candidate for a self, but since it is empty of existence it is obviously not a self. However something appears is a dead giveaway it is actually not that way.
  17. Find a better source. That should not happen, even from 1 gram (dried). 6g undried shrooms is only like 0.6g dried. Some serotonergic medications (SSRI's, etc) can prevent you from tripping though, so be aware of that.
  18. Wait, what? 183 cm. That's 6 feet dude. I'm 5 10 and while many people I was competing with in swimming (swimming benefits from height as much as basketball, look at boat length and speed) at a high level were much taller than me, in everyday life I am often called tall. I have literally never once seen my height as an issue and I don't think I would have even if I were 2 inches shorter. The only way to increase height is to take estrogen blockers and/or growth hormone before growth plates fuse -- before finishing puberty. That would actually work, but nothing else will.
  19. Because it interferes with the free will of conscious agents. All conscious agents have the freedom to be malevolent or confused (Rush was at least one of those 2). In my likely somewhat distorted but well-formed view: The only time it is permissible to interfere with the free will of conscious agents is when they interfere (for instance, by murdering, stealing, etc) with the free will of other conscious agents, such that interfering with the free will of the offending conscious agent (for instance, by isolating them in prison) would expectedly result in a net positive increase in freedom for all conscious agents... That freedom must include the ability to display malevolence and/or confusion, as well as (my personal preference) love and/or wisdom. One could maybe argue Rush meets that criteria, but I wouldn't be so sure. And yes, "free will" isn't actually real -- that's not the kind of free will I'm talking about -- I'm not talking on that level.
  20. Idk but after reading some of The Law of One it jived so incredibly strongly with my past psychedelic work I honestly am tempted to believe it's basically entirely legit.
  21. Fasting Coconut oil Lots of carbs (controversial) Well-cooked potato with butter Gelatin / hydrolyzed collagen -- especially to balance out higher quality protein -- ~100 grams of protein per day is required for optimal body composition (and so is lifting weights) but that may make some feel a bit unpleasant from all the inflammatory and psychoactive amino acids, especially if at least 10-20g of that isn't coming from collagen/gelatin. And yeah, chewing food a lot more than feels necessary -- this can help a lot. And turning the shower on cold for some time before you get out. If some foods, particularly eggs, make your stomach feel bloated, it could be the result of your body not processing choline effectively -- perhaps try a phosphatidylcholine supplement. Quote I found from a user on an unconventional health forum: "If you've got a defective PEMT gene like i have, you can't convert the choline into the phosphatidylcholine that you need to reverse fatty liver. Just as a test, try taking a capsule of phosphatidylcholine. Five minutes after ive taken it my stomach shrinks from bloated to completely flat. its amazing."
  22. Just bumping this thread. Aaron Abke is awesome. The Law of One / Ra stuff ( is incredibly interesting and mind-blowing.
  23. The prettier the girl, the less apparently needy the guy selected. Dumb and shallow often means detached and seemingly un-needy. That's not the only way to be (or seem to be) un-needy, it's just the most common way to seem so, which has led you to your incomplete conclusion.
  24. Even though awakening often occurs after a whole lot of spiritual obsession, I'm not convinced that means the awakening was the result of that. In fact, upon awakening, it's recognized it was always that way -- there was never anyone there. Just identification with an idea of who you are. "I am awakened" is an example of a perfect oxymoron.