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Everything posted by The0Self

  1. @lmfao Big time. It was about 4 years ago and I basically haven't had any significant fatigue since. Who knows how much of that was chelation vs meditation vs recovering from opioid dependence though.
  2. Many wildlife preserves have animals that are more or less unaware of humans (or at least lack the capacity to tell we are some kind of higher life form). Same thing with us. Just as we respect nature and allow it to develop naturally when we can, other civilizations do the same to humans, but since they already have the technology to travel to or affect other planets light years away, they are FAR more effective at this than we are with animals — they are able to remain unseen exactly as long as they wish, and seen exactly when they wish. And btw, they are in fact choosing to reveal themselves to some of us. Increasingly, these days. There are probably quite a few on this forum who’ve either been contacted in dreams, on psychedelics, during meditation, or just looking at the sky with an open mind. Or in any situation, really. Consider the empty distinction between ET’s and angels.
  3. Definitely check out We are not alone
  4. It’s often thought of as important to strike a balance between insight (seeing everything as impermanent, unsatisfying, and not you) and stillness/happiness (coaxing well-being as if it’s a fire you’re building over time). Also forgiveness and gratitude are very important. And inquiry and surrender can be powerful.
  5. @integral That’s only when running like 1g of test a week. At least 600mg. And even then, it barely affects recovery, it’s more that it allows you to build muscle while sitting on your ass — it does have a synergistic effect with proper training though, and proper protein intake (>120g/d). And btw they often get up to 4 grams a week. Average test production is 50-150mg per week. TRT is 100-150 but you can get docs to go as high as 200-250 if you manipulate the test by just going off completely 3 weeks out every time you know a lab test is coming. You aren’t going to see any benefits from increasing test levels naturally, even if it were by an unheard-of, impossible amount like +40 percent.
  6. @BlackMaze Masturbation has literally no effect on testosterone. It does have an effect on active circulating prolactin for about 10 minutes, but then you produce PIH (prolactin inhibiting hormone; aka dopamine) and that reduces the prolactin. No-fap benefits may be psychological, they may even be physiological, but they have nothing to do with testosterone.
  7. I love Frank Yang but Metta is about the fastest-acting technique there is, after forgiveness and gratitude.
  8. Background practice -- meditation/technique that can be done every waking moment: Self inquiry -- if you're still experiencing, find who does it Noting mental states throughout the day, more or less every second or Metta -- send well-wishing and hope for happiness to everyone you come across, your self or a person you look up to when you're alone, and see them as God. Works very fast By far the quickest is forgiveness and gratitude, but they cap out pretty quickly relative to the first 3 listed
  9. @Dhruv Psychedelics are super weak when you're on serotonergics. The intensity won't come back until about a month after you've been off them. Supposedly it can actually be dangerous to combine them anyway. If you get serotonin syndrome you will want to die -- shivering so hard you look possessed, pouring sweat and feeling like you're falling out of an airplane.
  10. SSRI wd is mild compared to SNRI wd (Effexor/Cymbalta/Kratom). You're lucky. It only lasts a month though so hang tight. I came off Cymbalta a few years ago. And kratom a few times. The emotional lability was the worst part for me -- inability to keep from laughing or crying in inappropriate situations. And the brain shivers when I was trying to sleep, etc.
  11. This has nothing to do with recovery. Delayed onset muscle soreness is tangential to recovery. It means you're doing too much at once, but there is no reason to not train sore unless it's literally so painful you can't do it. No reason to train less than 3 times a week. Keep waiting until you aren't sore, and you'll continue to get sore. You need to train sore or ease into it.
  12. If you have access to a chin up bar and dip bar you can get started on weighted chins and dips asap. They are basically like DL and SQ for the upper body. You can do sprints or some kind of weighted carry or even max incline walking on a treadmill (or climbing stairs) with a heavy backpack on (facing forward; on chest rather than back) to have decent lower body development while waiting on the gym. Yeah I'm much more concerned about health these days, rather than brute strength. Leanness is fun to play with too, and the girls love it and it's pretty easy to do by just waiting as late in the day as possible to eat, and getting at least 100g of protein a day.
  13. @Lyubov Starting Strength is a fantastic program but it's not the end-all-be-all, and especially not if one isn't willing to eat a rather unhealthy amount of food. This is a spirituality forum, not a get-strong-at-all-costs forum. Not doing weighted chin ups as a novice is generally a mistake. The program you illustrated has no scapular retraction (until DL stalls, but that generally takes a while), but basically if one is simply progressively overloading (via additional reps or preferably weight on the bar) every session (at least once a week but most preferably 2 or better yet 3) in the 5-15 rep range on the press and the deadlift, and preferably the chin as well, everything else is basically just details. And the 2 sets of curls are optional, as stated. They're easy and aren't going to cause one to over-train, and many guys simply enjoy doing them. They are pretty much unnecessary, but at least do chins to get scapular retraction.
  14. That's exactly what seemed to happen to me. Like I was no longer looking out, but in, from nothing. Sometimes feeling God-like, sometimes feeling like the center-ness to experience was falling away (very scary). You might possibly be in for a bit of a shift.
  15. As a novice you will never need longer than 48 hours to recover, you just might get really sore if you come in and blast a particular lift once a week. Do it 3 times a week and you will very quickly no longer get sore. I highly recommend a standard proven linear progression program like Starting Strength (not my favorite but it's better than 99 percent of programs out there). Here's an example of a good program, 3 days a week, these sets are after at least 2 sets of ramped warm up immediately prior for each lift: Chin 3x5 (weighted, obviously) Dip (or bench press) 3x5 Deadlift 1x5 (eventually alternate with Squat 3x5, once you're unable to add 10 pounds to the DL every session) Press 3x5 Curl 2x8 (strict, standing with barbell) (optional) Add weight or reps every time or as often as you can. Always stay in the 5-15 rep range; 5-10 is better. ~3min rest between work sets
  16. The adaptation response only lasts 28-48 hours after a session, so if you aren’t training 3 days a week for the same lift, you’re shooting yourself in the foot. After training for 2 weeks like this you will no longer get sore. Soreness is not a marker of recovery, just so you know. Just don’t work out so hard that you’re unbearably sore. Soreness on a proper program should not persist much past the 2nd or 3rd week
  17. Great take. I've broken the ice with girls (who would seem to be) way out of my league at the gym by honestly inquiring into how I can get a butt a large as theirs, provided I see that they're doing exercises known by people in the know to specifically work well for giving you a big butt. If they're actually doing it, then clearly they have to know someone else does it or is looking into it (whether or not they're a guy or girl), and that person is me, and I'm asking her about it, talking about something few guys have the audacity to talk about to her face, and now she can honestly coach me on what she's learned. That's resourcefulness. It helps to exude an extremely friendly, care-free, and humorous attitude and personality. If they're doing a bunch of butt-blasting 20-30 rep light weight toning shit with machines, I skip them. If they're doing deadlifts, deep squats, and especially, glute bridges (because those are notorious for doing almost nothing other than making the butt thick and juicy), and they indeed have attained a huge muscular butt, that's who I'm after.
  18. @acidgoofy Almost every heroin user I knew also used crack/coke (same exact thing the way we were using them), simply bc dealers nearly always sold both. Speedballs.
  19. Interesting... At least where I live in the SE USA, there is absolutely no shortage of super attractive women of various ages.
  20. Yeah I like Ray Dalio. One of the good billionaires imo, lol. Not that I think billionaires should exist, truth be told.
  21. Happened my first time. One night stand. She performed oral on me which fixed it. It never happened again. In fact the opposite often happens -- I get hard just watching whoever my current girlfriend is bend over, etc -- ultra horny, heavy breathing and all, at inconvenient times / in relatively inconvenient situations too!
  22. I for one think it's a fantastic idea.
  23. I don't really see a problem with it either. I may have came across the wrong way. I've been a jhana junkie in the past -- can't say it did anything other than benefit me, but that's because it was coming from within and actually opposing neediness, rather than reinforcing it. I was also a legit heroin (and crack) junkie a while back, so yeah, I ain't judging by any means