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Everything posted by The0Self

  1. They have lots of copper. Zinc picolinate or high zinc foods can solve it. Nuts have a lot of polyunsaturated fat which is very likely anti-thyroid if eaten in amounts way out of proportion to saturated fat. They also have a lopsided amino acid profile and that can have psychoactive effects if they're eaten without other protein sources to compensate. I would not recommend keto unless you have health problems -- mainly insulin resistance. Use keto (with high protein and resistance training) to reduce visceral fat, for no more than 6 months, in order to get your insulin response healthier and then you won't get high BG after high carbs meals. High carb is fine; low carb is fine... NO carb and very low carb (<125g/d) is not optimal for health, and may actually not even be safe. Especially in the long-term.
  2. If the matabolic fatigue component to the "cardio" doesn't involve significant muscular loading, it will result in significant muscle loss, and therefore relative fat gain. MetCon/GPP will actually cause one to lose fat and virtually no muscle -- sled drags, farmers walks, barbell complexes... basically cardio that also tells your body: "don't eat the muscle, you'll need it to not get hurt."
  3. Apparently it has to do with always needing to say just the right thing in accordance with their understanding of truth, and since they don't use verbal communication of any kind natively, the correspondences can seem clunky. Like when the best phrase for a given piece of information contains idiosyncratic/etc language/word-choice.
  4. ^^ Pretty much, yeah.
  5. @Username Yeah I worked and went to school. Wasn't too obvious with it but some people noticed, and I explained what I was doing whenever that happened. Sleep was different but not too bad. Just had a 3am and 6am alarm, etc.
  6. If you already do 50-100 a day, not much will happen by doing more unless you add weight or make it harder. Elevate the legs; put hands together, etc. Include a push, a pull, and a legs-based exercise in your routine, otherwise it's incomplete. Find a tree or something you can do chin ups with. Wear a heavy backpack, etc. If you can do more than 20 reps of anything, it's too light and needs to be made harder. Do the same movements 3 nonconsecutive days a week, always progressing in some way (preferably weight added) otherwise it's not telling your body to hang on to muscle. Doing an exercise super hard 1 day and being too sore to do it again until 5-7 days later is wasting time. Imagine if baseball players, gymnasts, etc only practiced once a week... Same goes for this.
  7. I've done it many times. It isn't that much shorter, just peaks in 1.5 hours rather than the usual 4, which is nice. Lasts like 8-10.5 hours rather than the usual 12+, but even at 12 hours there are still residual effects with rectal administration. Let the tab sit in 1 ml of warm water and agitate it periodically for at least an hour. Then use a needle-less syringe and apply it approximately 1-1.5 inches in, to soak the anal columns, which have the fastest absorption rate as they're the most permeable membrane you have access to. Do not just stick it up there... I've had correspondences in PM's with people on this very forum who tried it and it didn't work -- they didn't make a solution first; just stuck it in there. It can work but won't always, and bioavailability will be much higher if made into a solution first.
  8. @Dumuzzi It is very, very risky, unless you do it right. It cured my chronic fatigue but I did it all-in, hardcore style. 6 month cycle with only a few 3-7 day breaks. With every ancillary carefully selected for copper-toxicity control, alarms so I'd never miss a dose, etc. I never had amalgam but by God there must've been something in my body because damn it worked. I dosed ALA and DMSA every 3 hours around the clock for months on end. Started at low doses and worked up to 600mg ALA / 100mg DMSA e3h. Falling blood levels cause redistribution, so the key is to not let them fall, ever, until you inevitably have to go off -- at which point there will be damage, but the goal is to have the healing net-outweigh the damage. Break-even healing/damage ratio is achieved between hours 60 and 72 of a cycle. Once you make it that long, you know you've succeeded for that round, and you should continue to milk it as long as you can handle to get that ratio up. Thus, long rounds/cycles are much more effective, but harder to deal with side-effect wise... and it carries the risk of oxidative stress from the DMSA, and copper toxicity from the ALA (avoid eating nuts while on ALA). I didn't really have side-effects. As soon as you miss a dose, that round is over, you need to take a break, and if the missed dose occurred before hour 72, the cycle was basically not successful. It can be especially helpful if you have anything significantly greater than perfectly healthy amounts of mercury, lead, arsenic, cadmium, and even iron in your system. The copper overload induced by the ALA very effectively purges iron from the body -- something that may be quite helpful if one has eaten a lot of iron-fortified foods in their life. The reason chelation studies haven't shown much in the way of curing chronic fatigue is simply because they dosed every 8 hours. DMSA must be dosed every 4 (or less) hours to prevent falling levels, which alone is responsible for the redistribution damage and prevents the healing/damage ratio from being a positive number.
  9. @Vignan 110ug is probably the most conducive to insight, but you don't know what's in there -- dosage nor actual substance. It should be tasteless. And I highly, highly doubt it's a 300ug tab. I've had tabs nearly that high but they are EXTREMELY rare. Meditation is probably more suitable for your (and most people's) goals. I would take the whole tab if I were you but that's not necessarily what I recommend to you.
  10. 5-MeO-DMT is helpful only insofar as it helps you to live a conscious, wise, loving, and soulful life. Doing DMT without practices would arguably mean "it didn't work for you."
  11. You’d be hard pressed to find anyone that knows about coaching athletes that would say the following isn’t optimal: 10% reset upon ~2 failed days in a row for a lift Weighted stair climber / max inc tread WU for a few minutes Only the first 3 exercises for each day are not optional: Mon Squat 3x5, +5 lb per session Press 3x5 +2.5 lb per session Chin 3x5 (weighted chins and dips) Dip 3x5 can save time by doing the chins and dips in combined sets (Band) face pulls 2-3x10-20 Standing crunches 2x20 Wed Squat 3x5 Bench 3x5 Deadlift 1x5 +10 lb per session Glute bridge 3x10 Barbell Curl 3x6-14 (8) Tri ext (hand leading) 2-3x10-20 Fri Squat 3x5 Press 3x5 Chin 3x5 Dip 3x5 Lateral raises 3-5x10-20 Calf raises 2x10-25 ... Stretch If cutting weight, you’ll probably soon only be able to add weight to the bar every other session, for this progression. Deadlifts are hard to recover from: No touch-and-go reps Pull fast; avoid grinders and fails — better to rest before getting the last rep than doing it too soon and failing; always leave 1+ rep in tank for deadlifts. Not saying you should do the above, it’s simply an example of the ideal. I copied and pasted it from my notes. Anyone who asks me what I recommend as the optimal program for a novice, I send them that. If you don’t know much about barbell training, you will need to learn. You can get by on a much more minimalist program of this if you desire: Chin 3x5-15 (combine sets with Dip to save time) Dip 3x5-15 (see Chin) Deadlift 1x5 / Squat 3x5 Probably do the Press too Optional lateral raises or curls or whatever you feel like doing if you aren’t exhausted already 3 days a week What you propose really requires a lot of work.
  12. Anabolism as opposed to catabolism -- specifically of muscle fibers. Growth stimulus. This is very important when losing fat so that it's almost all fat and not muscle. While whey protein can make it far easier to meet protein intake goal, Michael569 is correct in that it is probably best not to do this. Whey protein has a high concentration of cysteine, which is very anti-thyroid. You want to keep thyroid hormone (specifically T3) high by eating at least 125g carbs a day and having some collagenous foods as part of your daily protein intake. Since you will need to be in a calorie deficit (your stated goal of losing fat without body weight is basically something you'd best forget about), you will be hungry and should eat whole, satiating foods like oats, rice, greek yogurt, eggs, potatoes, lean beef, fat free dairy, chicken, etc. My favorite meals are eggs + baked potato mixed, oats + greek yogurt mixed, and white rice + chicken + vegetables mixed. Skipping breakfast can help get your total calories down quite efficiently. The protein and strength training is crucial. Don't "work out" if you care about your health. "Train."
  13. You might be on the wrong forum section. Or perhaps not.
  14. Increase anabolic activity as much as possible + adequate protein. Progressive overload on the muscles. Barbell exercises. You're going to have to lose weight to lose fat at any appreciable rate without anabolic steroids. What you propose is possible but an insanely slow process. You have to give your body a damn good reason to do it, because by God it sure doesn't want to -- extra muscle mass without extra fat increases caloric needs and makes starvation more likely. Your body will fight you tooth and nail to prevent this from happening unless you're basically telling it "well, you're gonna get hurt lifting these heavy weights if you don't." So yeah, lifting heavy is required.
  15. I am the devil. I am God. I don't know anything. It's just me, the infinite ocean, forever. Nothing ever really happens. Whatever is dependent, is not. Boundlessness No meaning or purpose Nothing is as it appears; all experience is projection -- no me = no consciousness. There isn't anyone to do anything, and there never was. This is exactly what is looked for -- sense of separate self seen as a circular paradoxical/illogical pattern / spiral concentrically reaching its center point and realizing it is just part of the show and it's an illusion -- it can never know it's not there. This experience is an infinitesimal drop in an infinite fractal of being. Higher beings are privy to my current state. Merging with the Godhead / higher density complexes is possible. Love is all there is.
  16. Put at least some of it in an equal-weighted (as opposed to cap-weighted) modified S&P500 for safety -- just the S&P but with equal amount in each stock rather than almost all of it in Apple/Google/whatever. It almost always performs quite a bit better than the traditional cap-weighted index (SPY).
  17. Isn't it obvious? If he is literally asking all of them, he's effectively really asking none of them.
  18. I've had a few surgeries, and also know quite a bit about this, as I was pre-med a few years ago and was very passionate about the whole thing. They usually give you a dissociative anesthetic such as ketamine or nitrous oxide, combined with a GABA-A modulator such as midazolam, for the purpose of producing unconsciousness. For deep anesthesia they'll often give you fentanyl as well, inducing a pseudo-opioid-OD but they'll ventilate you so you don't die; possibly barbiturates and/or propofol. You won't be able to stay aware. The experience will generally be one of feeling the onset of anesthetic effects... and then being told the procedure is over. Unlike sleep, anesthesia doesn't just suppress memory, it actually causes unconsciousness, which from your perspective, doesn't exist, so you just teleport/time-travel in zero time to the point where they take you off the drugs. With only the dissociative (without the GABA-A modulator or the fentanyl) you would very likely remember the experience, and it can be a powerful spiritual experience. But that won't be the case.
  19. @ilja Elite sports is decidedly unnatural. You'd be surprised how much drugs they take. Shocked even. Some of them are basically walking chemical containers.
  20. @ilja A fully vegan diet will prevent 99.9% of athletes from making it to an elite level. It is a hindrance to recovery. This is partially because a plant-based diet results in much lower systemic IGF-1, which is very good for avoiding cancer, but very bad for athleticism. The entire reason for why anabolic steroids work (which by the way, every single elite athlete takes, especially in the Olympics -- there may be a handful exceptions worldwide, but certainly not in sports with a strong strength component...) -- they agonize the androgen receptor in the muscle cell nuclei, which locally releases IGF-1, which causes the adjacent muscle fibers to repair and grow much faster than usual via a chemical cascade involving increased protein synthesis of actin and myosin. If elite athletes manage to succeed on a vegan diet, it's despite the vegan diet, and only with the help of anabolic steroids.
  21. There's a reason you see so few vegan elite athletes. Athleticism and recovery don't necessarily correlate with health. A plant-based diet may be healthier than an omnivore diet (I personally tend to disagree, but that's another topic), but it certainly isn't optimal for recovery, and anyone saying otherwise is not a serious athlete, isn't opening their eyes, just doesn't have much experience with training, or is a genetic freak. Again, you may have the upper hand on health matters, but for athleticism and muscle hypertrophy, a plant-based diet is truly a suboptimal and limiting way to go about it unless athleticism and recovery aren't high up on your list of priorities.
  22. As far as I'm concerned, while there is no real answer, all it takes is some contemplation to see the absurdity of the question.
  23. Enlightened people cannot meditate, since no such entity exists. Meditation is fun.
  24. They don't get turned on slower. The reason I say this is I've found there is a particular thing I can do that especially turns on most, but not all women, and within half a second of doing it their vagina is already sopping wet. Even a man getting hard takes like 3 seconds at least. Course I've only done this after we're both naked so yeah we'd already be well past the initial stages of attraction.