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Everything posted by The0Self
The0Self replied to CBDinfused's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Must the entire world become enlightened, for whatever takes place after a planet has achieved enlightenment in full, to come to fruition? Obviously, yes. -
It doesn't have a double thiol group to act as a hook that positively charged heavy metals can situate themselves between. It isn't a chelator. It can move heavy metals around (possibly damaging the system of a mercury toxic individual), since it has 1 thiol group, but it won't help you excrete them.
The0Self replied to AdamR95's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I advise against it. You can go there intentionally by combining dissociatives with psychedelics though. Again, highly unrecommend. -
E.g. If you take 100mg ALA every 3 hours for 72 hours running, that would be a 3-day (72 hour) round (or cycle), which is the absolute minimum length the round must be, since you damage yourself every time you come off, but damage while on-cycle (on-round) is minimal -- it's almost all heavy metal excretion (no redistribution) while on-round. The break even healing/damage point occurs after 60-72 hours (of consistently taking the chelator every 3 hours), so it would be to your benefit to do rounds much longer than this. The fastest route would be a 6 month round, but I don't think that's ever been done and it's not advised. I essentially did three 2-month rounds with a 1-week break between each. Doing it for long stretches at a time significantly decreases the total amount of time you'll have to spend on-round before you clear out all the heavy metals you need to. However, copper toxicity can be a problem with ALA, so you'll need to take both zinc and molybdenum 4x/day -- twice a day is insufficient. Even taking 7.5mg zinc and 250mcg molybdenum (the appropriate amounts) 4x a day each will not stave off copper toxicity forever. And oxidative stress can be an issue with DMSA so you have to take antioxidants. Does that clarify?
You can get it done a lot faster if you do long rounds. Let me explain... The minimum round-length is 72 hours in order to be reasonably certain that the healing/damage ratio is a positive number. The longer the round, the higher that number. Falling systemic levels of the double-thiol chelator are what cause redistribution, which is why you have to take the chelator so frequently, and why longer rounds are far more efficient -- your levels don't fall until the very end of each round, when you stop taking it, therefore you should minimize the amount of times you have to do this, via going as long as you can handle. The only reason not to do them for long stretches is an inability to handle it. A 3-4 day round and a 3-4 day break every week will clean out sufficient mercury/lead within 2-5 years (closer to 1-2 years if you did 1-2 weeks on / 1-2 weeks off) -- the same thing can be achieved with one 6-month round, though you shouldn't actually do it that long. I basically intended to do one 6-month round but there were a few 5-7 day breaks (each initiated upon accidentally missing a dose) so it ended up being essentially three 2-month rounds, in the end -- that's all it took. I recommend planning on a 6 month round and just taking a 7-14 day break each and every time you inevitably accidentally miss a dose. And btw, each 50% increase in dose results in an 18% faster rate of mercury excretion... Since taking larger doses results in comparatively less redistribution, taking larger doses (ramp up as you can handle) will not only speed the process up a bit, it may also have a bit of a buffer effect, protecting you from times when you miss a dose by 30-60min, which should rarely happen, nonetheless. For the majority of my largely-uninterrupted 6-month cycle, I was taking 600mg ALA and 100mg DMSA every 3 hours.
The0Self replied to Vignan's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Girzo Yes, but barely. And it's probably not that kind of dose. The paper itself will practically have just as much of a bitter taste. If it tastes like much more than paper, like obviously some chemical, or metal, it's probably NBOMe. -
The0Self replied to Vignan's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Vignan We can't know for sure, but that tab is highly likely to contain 70-140ug. Make sure it's tasteless. If it's bitter or has any strong taste at all, it's not LSD, it's likely 25X-NBOMe, which sucks. -
The0Self replied to infinitelovegodetc's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
^^ !! Glad I'm not the only one who has found dissociatives to be just as powerful as psychedelics. Ketamine is very fruitful, at the right dose -- too high can produce amnesia and sometimes psychosis-like states. When k-holing it's necessary to lay down on the floor ASAP. Cannabis + ketamine has been one of the most powerful 2-substance combos I've ever used -- insanely powerful mystical experiences. I hesitate to say this publicly, but I've added MDMA and LSD (often substituting mushrooms for LSD) to that same combo, and even when all 4 are at very low doses... Man... I wouldn't need any trips for like a month or 2 because I'd still be trying to integrate the experience. The more I develop in meditation and spirituality, the more intense psychedelics seem to get. I used to be able to casually walk around tripping balls on 1000ug LSD... Now, 110ug is basically a life-altering event. This phenomena... It seems to go double for dissociatives like ketamine! Even small doses cause the bottom to drop out of experience. -
The0Self replied to infinitelovegodetc's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Space Cannabis profoundly increases the likelihood of an ego-death event, because it inhibits long and short term memory. The driving force behind an ego-death experience on psychedelics is memory (context) suppression. -
Try raw carrot salad on empty stomach and eat nothing for 45 minutes after. Strands should look like this; long as possible. The long strands clean out your digestive system. Add white vinegar and melted coconut oil (natural antibiotics) and plain salt. It tastes great too. That's not me, I just found an image. They seem to have added butter -- I prefer coconut oil as it's pro-thyroid and a stronger antibiotic.
It's very important when you're over-reaching. Especially in barbell training. Do less sets for a week at 80% weights and then pick up where you left off, or slightly below it, even if the weight feels light -- just keep bar speed fairly high. Probably not necessary until 135 press, 225 bench, 315 squat, 405 deadlift or so. Until then generally all that's required is occasional 10 percent reduction in weight for each specific lift that you happen to miss reps on for 2-3 sessions in a row, building back up to where you left off over a 2 week period, but never reducing intensity below 90% for more than 1 session, to prevent detraining.
The more you know about what you're talking about (or the more you think you know), the more dogmatic you'll sound. We're all doing our best. Nutrition science is truly a mine-field.
@Bogdan We'll just have to agree to disagree on that... I have no gut issues or health problems. I love wisdom. If you're healthy, you don't have to think too hard about diet, but to get there... that can take a lot of work and luck. I've been through way, way harder a journey than you'd assume. I'm not the one with health issues. I DO NOT side with carnivores, man -- like I said, even obligate carnivores chew on green stuff. Humans trying to actually be carnivores is dumb, just as it would be dumb (misguided) to try to be an herbivore. @Adodd You misunderstood. I'm not advocating more animal products. Just saying cutting them out entirely is irresponsible and actually arrogant, ironically. Not to mention dogmatic. This is not the place for it.
Meh, I usually err on the side of not sending <person> to prison, so I for one am unconcerned if he gets off light. Good... One less person in prison. Unless you think he'll do it again. He probably leant his lesson. If not, who cares.
The0Self replied to Vignan's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Quarter tab is likely 25ug. My perfect dose is 110ug -- I use nothing other than that dose if I can help it. I've taken up to 1000ug in the past, but never need doses that high anymore. -
That isn't a real thing. One's amino acid requirements dictate whether they'd be more accurately categorized as a carnivore or not. Also, what they've eaten historically factors in. Cats and dogs need taurine -- they're both obligate carnivores. Though dogs are slightly omnivoric since they produce amylase, they cannot synthesize vitamin D nor taurine, therefore they're obligate carnivores.
@Bogdan You're absolutely right. Even obligate carnivores chew on green stuff -- a lot of it. My dog eats grass all the time even. Of the longest lived cultures on earth (Okinawans, Swedes, Georgians, Himalayans, Ecuadorians, etc) ALL eat a starch-based diet. However, while centurions eat TONS tons of grains and starch, they also generally eat dairy (especially cultured dairy) and meat. Fair amount of vegetables too, of course! Inuits -- almost no starch; very low carb; mostly animal -- average age expectancy: 60's... low 60's. So yeah eating mostly meat is a bad idea. Of the top 10 longest lived cultures, every single one of them eat large quantities of foods that keto/paleo/vegan followers say harm your health. The main place where I strongly disagree with you is this fact that you can either deny or accept: while eating mostly animal products is associated with health problems, eating animal products AT ALL is completely unassociated with health problems. "Oh well... you can find a study that will say anything..." Well no... in this case you can't. If you know how to read data and are aware somewhat of common cognitive biases.
The0Self replied to freejoy's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
While the above is basically the fruit of the path, what some refer to as enlightenment is: the destruction of the sense of personal doership, whether or not awareness comes along for the ride. -
@Bogdan Likely wrong again on all counts. If you think you have nutrition science down pat, you don't understand holism. At all.
I believe "anatomically herbivore" is a term of propaganda, specifically from PETA. Not only are we not herbivores, we evolved and thrived on cooked meat. Many animal products. A vegan diet may be fine, but it's easier to get wrong than just doing what we've always done.
@Michael569 I think "the answer" for the cohort you're referring to is probably just resistance training + protein sparing modified fast if they're overweight, to get their insulin sensitivity to skyrocket and then they'd be like 100x more resilient to any harmful dietary habits. But yeah, if they aren't going to do that it would be helpful for them to know saturated fat is certainly harmful in excess, as is any kind of fat -- one of many reasons I have for never recommending keto unless it's specifically for the goal of losing fat, in a calorie deficit, for less than 6 months and never again. And even then, I'd say anyone who isn't weight training (or if they're unable, doing something that resembles it -- any load bearing activity involving at least one activity of each 1. pushing, 2. pulling, and 3. leg-dominant movement) getting adequate protein (easy, but making sure it is done), and eating whole foods (and losing fat if they need to)... is likely missing out on a longer life. And if they're doing keto without also doing those, they're wasting their time. And of course if one is so unhealthy as to be ravaged by cholesterol, fiber can help them.
This is probably true, but particularly provided they're in a weekly/etc net calorie surplus. If one doesn't resistance train (which changes protein needs which would need to be accounted for), one could argue they already don't care about their health (if they only knew, anyway) because that's probably the most effective way to extend one's life, so that would have to be accounted for. Saturated fat is perfectly healthy, and it can and maybe even should be consumed in amounts that vastly exceed PUFA intake... However, this is only optimal as part of a diet already quite low in total fat. You only "need" around 1g of n-3 and 6g of n-6 a day (though total fat under 20g / day is associated with increased injury rate), and that's just to prevent the state of PUFA deficiency, which is characterized by increased metabolic rate and reduced inflammation via increased T3 conversion and increased production of the anti-inflammatory mead acid from saturated fat. The increased metabolic rate in deficiency means one has to compensate with more food if they are to stay at the same weight... And to meet their increased micronutrient needs -- though that/this last sentence is not conclusive by any means, just my intuition along with a holistic interpretation of the data as it stands. High saturated fat and low fiber are mainly associated with health problems in the extremes, and in the presence of health problems; insulin resistance, and often excess fructose consumption... and lack of weight training, and already-excessive visceral fat. If one eats a balanced diet of whole foods, with adequate protein, and weight training, and with low body fat content (if there is excess body fat, getting rid of that asap with the underlined text + a calorie deficit via eating highly satiating foods such as potatoes; eggs; Greek yogurt), then there really just isn't a whole lot more one can do to increase their chances of having a life expectancy several standard deviations above the mean -- the fiber content of their diet will be largely irrelevant.
The0Self replied to Vision's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Any time you are doing something you know isn't the wisest action (such as being lost in thought, or procrastinating), that's what dipping your toes into lower-consciousness feels like. Notice when you are doing this, and be grateful that you recognized it -- that's what dipping back into higher-consciousness feels like. Noticing this over and over again is a numbers game. -
The0Self replied to Vision's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
If it isn't enjoyable, do whatever you can to make it so. Simply notice when your attention is not on your object, essentially go "aha!" and thank your mind for its ability to do this, and then gently but firmly place attention back on the object, observing it, with only the intention to... [see bolded text]. This causes a positive association between mindfulness and satisfaction, eventually snowballing into a self-sustaining process. Good luck. -
No it doesn't. It just asks that you "try it on for size" and see how it works out for your development.