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Everything posted by The0Self

  1. Oh yeah btw... While ALA is the principal chelator of mercury, it will not chelate lead. It only chelates Hg and Fe(III). Also Se and Mn... but those are usually more beneficial than toxic -- you may want to supplement selenium and manganese at some point after taking ALA for a while.
  2. @BlackMaze I occasionally employ intermittent fasting as a diet adherence technique for one of my hobbies (weight training; athletics). It has no benefits outside of being a very simple way to eat larger satisfying meals really close to each other while in a calorie deficit. Benefits beyond that have only been shown in rats but it can be seen that the benefits don’t transfer to humans. For health problems, on the other hand... I believe I researched it briefly in the past, but can’t remember anything particularly remarkable with regard to it. Another hobby of mine is going on random research binges — a good way to start is by googling the letters “ncbi” followed by whatever key words you’d expect to find in the research article containing the info you’re after. I suggest trying that for this topic and letting it take you down rabbit holes but never forget the main task at hand — finding out if dry fasting is right for you.
  3. This is wrong. I am not into SM at all. I do it for women because they appreciate it. Not all of them, sure. But the majority I've been with. Generally, the minority of women that aren't into it are well under 30 years old and inexperienced.
  4. @BlackMaze What are you trying to do with this intervention, exactly? I assume there is some problem you're under the impression a dry fast could serve as a solution for?
  5. I am accounting for that, which is the only reason for the 7-10 (otherwise it'd be 8-10). Sure, there are perhaps edge cases where the best one could hope for is a 5, but some people just have it really hard. Most women are not in that category, but a 5 is still better than a 2. If a woman with a quite-unattractive face gets the body of a supermodel, she will be at least a 7. When the body looks so fit it causes guys' heartrates to increase with just a glance at their ass, the "ugly" face will then be far more likely to be perceived with compassion; as "sweet/nice," rather than as "ugly." Some have really poor genetics for beauty standards, but with the trifecta of barbell training (heavy deep squats, press, etc), intermittent fasting, and protein-overfeeding (well over 100g a day absolute minimum), any woman can look more similar to a supermodel than 99 percent of women. It's such a powerful intervention because not many women do it, and it produces a body shape that looks irresistible and almost magical to a man -- takes about 3 years but profound results would be noticed within 3-9 months. Note to women: about the intermittent fasting... It isn't a required component like the other 2, it just makes dieting so much easier. If you already feel you're too skinny, there's no point in doing the intermittent fasting, as it has absolutely no benefits outside of diet adherence -- it's easier to eat 3 good sized meals (example meal: milk, eggs, potatoes, and veggies until satisfied) at 3, 6, and 9 PM (won't even feel like a diet) than it is to eat 5 tiny meals that leave you in a state of low-grade starvation at all times... Typical example: Again, that's typical, not special. Went from a 4 (or 5 or whatever one's subjective rating is...) to a 9 like it was nothing.
  6. Men may have a slight advantage because they're more able to increase their attractiveness without changing their looks -- simply by conveying an uncompromising attitude of "I am a man and you are a woman and therefore I have the power to make you whole," an otherwise physically unattractive man/male can seem attractive to most women. But the advantage is only slight, as women can make themselves super physically attractive by simply doing the trifecta: getting very strong with barbells, fasting or using diet techniques, and over-feeding on protein (and never doing "cardio" again) -- it just tends to allow any woman from number 6 all the way down to 1 to turn themselves into a 7-10. It's easy (well... simple, anyway) but not everyone knows how to do it, or even knows that the option is in fact available. It just takes a holistic knowledge base for that task to be completed without great difficulty, but it can be done, and has been done, many times... That option is in fact available (to any woman reading this). If I were a woman, you better believe I'd be turning myself into a 10 or as close to it as possible.
  7. They both have their pros and cons. The main thing preventing most women from attracting men is ignorance (and possibly laziness) though. If a woman is unattractive, she can make herself attractive -- well beyond the lowest standards of many above average men. All it takes is lots of protein + lots of heavy barbell training, and more satiating foods and diet techniques (like intermittent fasting and mindfulness of hunger) if they're overweight -- no matter how unattractive their face is, this intervention can cause their body to be so brutally attractive it won't even matter.
  8. That can certainly freak some people out but that not enlightenment. An insight experience, maybe...which can produce elation; terror; despair...usually primarily just letting-go. Enlightenment, on the other hand, is the apparent, but not actual since there never was duality, end of good/bad, coming/going, in/out, past/future, real/unreal, etc.
  9. @knakoo Just watched it. Yeah... she is truly giving the power to men with this info lol, for men who don't already embody it. Not sure how one could go about faking it, but at least they'll be less confused. In fact, it's so true and helpful, I just noticed something... I feel threatened by this information being out there. I feel exposed. Can't imagine how other women must feel about it. If it's any consolation, I'm not so sure this stuff is anything but intuitive. Perhaps when everyone can see behind the curtain, life will actually be better for us all, but I do actually feel slightly threatened and exposed.
  10. The only part that I'll probably plainly just say isn't true (I haven't watched the whole thing yet), is that this is something women will never tell you. They have told me many times how they appreciate that I'm doing this sort of thing. Edit: Resonated with everything else she said. Subscribed to see what else she might have to say.
  11. No supplements really work any better than food. Maybe whey protein and hydrolyzed collagen if you struggle to consume the true optimal protein requirement of 100g per day. Maybe creatine if you're older or don't eat red meat, but make sure it's high quality, as it's super cheap anyway and you don't want to risk contaminants -- from what I remember, unflavored CreaPure checks out, fwiw. Maybe 1 fish oil cap (not the full dose) on some days, but not every day. Perhaps a fraction of the recommended dose of a good multivitamin (for instance, one made by Pure Encapsulations), every now and then. Supplements besides the above can be useful in certain obscure situations, but only if you have an absurd amount of holistic bio-nutritive knowledge. To say everything affects everything else is as true as it gets. Knowledge is power in this field, but incomplete knowledge is dangerous -- it helps to think of everything as a web. For instance, a quick example: Appetite too high for your liking and you want to reduce it without taking, say, d-amphetamine? Well, that's laughably easy to accomplish... Take 2-4g L-histidine base on an empty stomach up to twice a day. This will lower appetite tremendously. However, it will bind/complex-with and can deplete zinc, cause copper toxicity, cause liver stress, and increase your risk of ulcers in the long term and/or at too high of a dose -- all that can be ameliorated with other interventions. It can also decrease inflammation and oxidative stress -- not necessarily a good thing unless you really know what you're doing.
  12. Might've been overly abrasive, preventing you from being as receptive to what I'm saying. I apologize. But my information is good and my point (though it may not have come across correctly the first time) still stands, even if maybe it shouldn't have been directed as specifically toward you. I wasn't trying to sound clever. I actually happen to have valuable holistic information, as I'm sure you do as well. Hear me out. The fact is, if a person is truly mercury-toxic, chlorella will hurt them. This is not exactly CHEM-101 but it is just simple (bio)chemistry in the end. The people you've treated may have been properly served by it -- I won't argue with that. But they weren't mercury toxic, which was the point of this thread. I think we may have got off on the wrong foot.
  13. "Assholes get more laid than good guys..." ? I think you mean people who seem like assholes get laid more than guys who try to be or appear nice. True kindness and integrity (being a good guy), on the other hand, can get you laid. A lot. E.g. charismatic people. When picking up women, it doesn't help to appear like you're trying to be or appear nice, sure...but being an asshole is just dumb.
  14. Raising consciousness = increasing effortless gratitude. The effortlessness, strength, steadiness, and scope of the gratitude we feel, alone, is the collection of factors most highly correlated to what we call high consciousness.
  15. Just be aware it is great for working on a specific task and boosts the ability to keep focused after directing your attention, but it impairs fluid thinking, task switching, and intentional directing and re-directing of attention. It increases absorption but overall it decreases mindfulness and therefore indistractibility. Its best quality is as a motivation booster, if that's what you want. Makes doing what you need to do "easier."
  16. @Eren Eeager You absolutely can do only ALA. It just won't chelate lead. It is the principal chelator of mercury both in and out of the brain, and intra- and extra-cellularly. ALA can be done by itself. DMSA and DMPS are accessories, primarily providing an additional route of elimination as they are excreted through urine whereas ALA is excreted through feces.
  17. I remember that one. Lulz. I know y'all seem to like Cenk but back in the day (like 5 years ago) he used to be, if anything, a perfect example of the limitations of green. His interview with Sam Harris was embarrassing, even if he was right. And on TYT, I've seen Cenk make a comment on a clip they just played, lie about it (or at least grossly misrepresent it), before Ben M. corrects him, and Cenk would then go on a tirade of something along the lines of "I know what I saw, dammit" and when I'd go back and watch the clip... sure enough Cenk was seeing what he wanted to see. It happened too many times... and I think Cenk really does just see racism and malice everywhere when conservatives are involved -- he just didn't seem to understand that people are ignorant. Examples off the top of my head, not even close to all inclusive: He hallucinated malice that wasn't present when the judge sentenced Dylann Roof, honestly implying the judge was somehow more sympathetic to a murderer than the victims. Cenk claimed the judge was trying to get the victims to forgive the poor Dylann Roof... The judge himself literally never even brought to the room anything that could possibly be construed as a faint sentiment of forgiveness, much less mentioned the damn word. The families were devout Christians, and a number of them, through powerfully intense sobbing btw, said "I forgive you" directly to Dylann Roof. That's it. Cenk repeatedly misrepresented this one, and I don't think ever even retracted it. Grotesque... not to mention entirely disrespectful to the families -- you could tell Ben M. was very aware of this and desperately but unsuccessfully tried to get Cenk to change his mind, like a parent trying to calm a child down during a tantrum. When Sarah Palin was referring to some group like Antifa, she essentially clearly said "they aren't even peaceful," and Cenk swore up and down for days, in the face of everyone calling him out on it, that what she actually said was "they aren't even people." Come on... I haven't been following him much in recent times but he has been utterly delusional in the past. Maybe he's changed -- aware me if that's the case.
  18. @Quantum Toad Chlorella was the first thing I saw on the first page. You are unqualified to give an opinion on this matter and you will get someone hurt. Chlorella contains a compound with 1 thiol group, not two -- you should know why this will damage the shit out of a heavy metal toxic individual, but clearly you don't, so please do more research. Chlorella renders truly heavy metal toxic individuals bedridden with permanent damage...
  19. Probably has something to do with having a very high level of a very specific type of intuitive intelligence, combined with laziness. People with that combo of traits are often seen as lucky.
  20. Hey, as long as they don't hit you, no big deal. There are a number of alpha males with low neediness AND high consciousness, which is what you're really after, but they're few and far between. Maybe you'll come across one in your daily life some day. Most of the "bad boys" are stage red, creeping into toxic blue. But some start out that way and go all the way up the spiral. Again, unicorns. They're often ex-drug addicts, as that's a common form of intense suffering that has its own heroes journey that can lead one to the spiral.
  21. Meditation changed everything for me. Women give me their numbers more than I ask for theirs.
  22. Must the entire world become enlightened, for whatever takes place after a planet has achieved enlightenment in full, to come to fruition? Obviously, yes.