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Everything posted by The0Self

  1. It defnitely says yes you can use ALA only if all you need to chelate is mercury. ALA e3h for a bare minimum of 72 hours straight is the foundation for the protocol. Plus copper control. And long rounds are best.
  2. Low thyroid causes your system to correct it via higher catecholamines, which constrict distal blood vessels. Make sure you get at least 125g carbs per day. Substances that increase warmth and decrease sweating and urination: salt, starch. Substances that decrease warmth and increase sweating and urination: fruit, water, potassium, dairy
  3. II read it in high school. It's a waste of time. Just go out and talk to people. If you see an attractive woman, your feet should be moving. Get the pickup phase behind you as fast as possible so you can get rid of any insecurity you have -- so you know that if a girl leaves you, you have the skills to compile a new hookup rotation in 1 week...
  4. @Twega It's not exactly chem 101. The more holistic the foundation, the harder it is to explain things in full, but suffice to say, if it was found to have no negative impact on heavy metals, it isn't a chelator. Proper chelators, like ALA, when used incorrectly, will cause brain damage. If sulforaphane didn't cause at least some bodily stress due to redistribution, then it certainly isn't going to cause increased excretion of heavy metals / chelation -- though it really is useless to even refer to some compound's affect on "heavy metals" rather than the specific ones it actually affects. ALA chelates Hg, As, Fe(III), and Se, the first 2 of which are "heavy metals" -- notice lead is absent. For lead you need DMSA and/or DMPS, but they don't chelate intracellularly. There's much more to it as well but I can't remember every bit of it atm. Every chelator and proposed chelator has a long rap sheet; it's not exactly a mystery anymore what these compounds do. And the thiol double hook issue is entry level understanding before touching the idea of chelation with a 30 foot pole. It's pretty easy to piece together; just takes a while, to actually see how this ends up affecting people in the real world. Any effective single thiol group compound vastly increases the likelihood of a mercury toxic individual being rendered bedridden. Even mentioning glutathione in the context of chelation is bound to make oneself slightly more likely a candidate for brain damage.
  5. Completely different type of tension, man. Tension is just a word/tool/artifact. Fitness/strength and maximum hypertrophy comes from training above minimum effective volume (and below maximum recoverable volume) with 90+ % of max force potential on every rep for every work set with good form. Adaptive response only lasts 48 hours, so train every 48 hours to maximize protein synthesis uptime -- 3 nonconsecutive days a week, e.g. Mon/Wed/Fri. Squat, deadlift, bench, press, and one scapular retraction exercise (weighted chins or rows from the floor) form the foundation of any complete program. This is quite possibly the healthiest thing you can do aside from meditating every day.
  6. @Bogdan Yeah. Holism is the name of the game when it comes to nutrition. Some examples of people with a very holistic approach: Gojiman Ray Peat Andrew Cutler Jason Blaha (as of ~2018 -- even he agrees, as it's when he took it upon himself to throw out all dogma with no exceptions) I don't agree with everything they say, but the degree to which their huge knowledge base is holistic, is so great, you'd be remiss not to at least look into all 4 of them.
  7. @DefinitelyNotARobot I used to think the middle east was the last place ready for this sort of teaching, but after meeting quite a few Muslims at my university (many of them foreign exchange students from Saudi Arabia), I have somewhat changed my view. Sure, these places are generally more conservative, but serendipitously, praying 5 times a day can really overcome a lot, as it's basically a facsimile of meditating 5 times a day -- surely 5 sits every single day for weeks/months/years will have some consciousness-boosting effect in most individuals.
  8. If you really did this and Leo let you, and you made it work... I'd say that'd be a fantastic place to start a great life purpose journey. And to anyone thinking it wouldn't catch-on in Saudi Arabia... I'd beg to differ. I attend university in USA, and the Saudi exchange students are, in terms of consciousness and open-mindedness, at least on par with the Americans. Good luck. Talk to Leo about it.
  9. To me, CBD feels like an anti-psychedelic, whereas THC functions as an alternative psychedelic, complete with an entirely novel way of accumulating insight. THC has many unique qualities, but two very prominent ones include: 1. Very effective, acute (temporary; not with lasting effects) suppression of short- and long-term memory, and therefore context-suppression -- very provoking of an ego-death or ego-softening event. 2. Increased awareness of the energy body -- a feature that makes itself quite prominent by the time one has reached advanced mysticism territory -- weed can give a sneak preview of this aspect of experience. Acute awareness of the energy body (or pain-body) has enormous functional (and even hedonistic) utility, as it can essentially be used as a lighting rod for undesirable emotions. At the energy body's highest development, it can even be used to ground-into-raw-data positive-yet-imperfect emotional charges such as ambition, anger, anticipation, excitement, etc in order to reveal the truly satisfactory state of loving, compassionate, and joyful peace.
  10. If you don't know you are God, then trying to figure out how you are God will be a fruitless endeavor -- you'll be working with two loose variables that you don't have the spiritual traction to grok. It is impossible to both: not know you are God, and know what God is, simultaneously. Do not waste one moment contemplating how you are God. Rather, contemplate: what is God?
  11. Yes. This should definitely be mentioned. From my research it seems damage generally only occurs from daily use of grams, for weeks on end, but after one weekend of using about 1 gram total, I did have very painful sensations in my bladder for about a day. So yeah, probably best make sure you aren't dehydrated for even a moment in the 24 hours following any ketamine session. The bladder pain it can induce is scary -- it can be so bad you want to vomit.
  12. Spiking insulin is only an issue if you have serious health problems. All this research is incredibly ignorant of the fact: if you don't do barbell training, you either don't care about your health or you are ignorant of its benefits. If you send a signal to the body that it has to get strong or it will get hurt, the body will do its best to fix whatever it needs to in order to prevent injury.
  13. For real. I don't use it much now, but almost every time I used it I'd think "how do more people not see this as a valuable psychedelic?" I was beginning to think it simply just affects me differently -- produced vivid God-realization quite a few times.
  14. The first option is probably your best bet, provided you’ll also be doing resistance training and getting adequate protein for the goal of increasing insulin sensitivity — bare minimum 100g/day. I can’t say for sure what you should do. The higher your body fat percentage is right now, the more likely that first option is going to help. Optimal is 12-15%. And resistance training (heavy barbell training, not merely running or “working out“) + adequate protein is generally the most important part of the equation, or close to it.
  15. We worked it out. They actually correctly label it as amount of mushroom material itself -- they don't imply the mg amounts refer to psilocybin content.
  16. It clearly says 3000mg of mushrooms. Nowhere does it say 3000mg psilocybin. They are not misleading. 3000mg mushrooms will provide about 30mg psilocybin, and some psilocin as well.
  17. 250mg (0.25g) psilocybin is the psilocybin content of 25g dried shrooms. Either that dose is inaccurate or you mistook "psilocybin" for "psilocybin-containing mushrooms." Or they're actually dosed that high... which is pretty much impossibly ridiculous. I think you can sensibly assume these contain 3000mg of psilocybin-containing mushrooms, not 3000mg of psilocybin. In which case you could probably be best served by taking the full 3000mg, for an insightful experience.
  18. You misunderstood. Yes, 1500mg is 1.5g, obviously. There is 1.5g psilocybin in 150g shrooms. Jokes on you, unfortunately. Careful next time in order to keep from looking like a fool. It happens.
  19. Those doses seem quite a bit off. 1g dried mushrooms generally contain only 10mg psilocybin, so 1500mg would be like 150g dried mushrooms... "way too much." Perhaps the minute psilocin content of the mushrooms contribute significantly to the psychedelic load and that's responsible for the discrepancy? I'd look into that.
  20. Same, but as a guy. Considered myself a 6-7 for most of my prospectively sexually active life, but supposedly it's more accurately 8-9+ -- was called "gorgeous" one too many times, before finally realizing just how good I had it. Started dating "older" women (as in 29-39yo). Seems to be far more fruitful than dating women around my age (mid 20's) or younger.
  21. You do. You have all powers, necessarily including the power to truly believe you don't. It was the only way (in a sense).
  22. No vitamins; minerals. No nothing. Especially fish oil. Unless it's significantly more than a week or 2, but in that case you'd have bigger problems -- protein will be a necessity; collagen and muscle tissue will break down (even worse for your health than you'd expect). And the multi didn't cause the heart rate issue. Fish oil does that if taken on empty stomach -- by more than one mechanism, no less... one of them being: converts to prostaglandins and decreases progesterone and thyroid activity, causing your CNS and adrenals to make up for it by increasing brain norepinephrine and adrenal epinephrine release, which is why I'd take a guess you were also likely experiencing cold hands during this episode you describe. Only reason to supplement a fast is if it's for fat loss, in which case pure fasting would be a terrible idea when compared with a PSMF -- protein-sparing modified-fast, in which you consume nothing other than virtually-purely protein-containing foods such as egg whites, chicken breast, whey protein, etc... to get <1000 calories a day composed almost entirely of protein (100-250g).
  23. @Eren Eeager You're welcome.
  24. @BlackMaze Look into it for long enough, and you'll eventually see there's very good reason to believe the overall health benefits do not transfer to humans. There is plenty of money behind fasting... Tons of people, including members of certain religious groups for whom fasting is a common practice, have a vested interest in proving the beneficial effects of fasting. They haven't been able to prove or even really suggest benefits in humans outside of its (admittedly, very effective) use as a diet-adherence tool -- i.e. the beneficial effects are purely calorie-restriction-driven. With that said, if there is a specific issue you have and want to fix, fasting may be of use. But don't do it for general health as it is quite clearly not directly efficacious for that purpose. If you wanted to starve certain types of bacteria in the gut, an extended fast could perhaps be of use, but I'm not up to date on that info.