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Everything posted by The0Self

  1. Guess the answer is no... On the other hand... Really though, you might be putting all your eggs in one basket if you're planning on getting treated by Gojiman and are 100% convinced, e.g. that "it just simply will definitely work and there's no way it's not working -- exactly as I plan for it to." (etc) You might just view it as another intervention and remain hopeful you'll keep looking for, and find, a solution to your particular situation. At first glance, the way you speak on this topic indicates one of two things: 1. That you already solved your issues and are warning others not to make the same mistakes you did, or 2. That you haven't solved your issues, and by proselytizing to others, you are proving to yourself that you have nothing to worry about, by telling others of the virtues and airtight/foolproof logic of a particular solution -- the solution you have planned for yourself, which definitely will (must) work...
  2. God wouldn't be all-knowing without knowing what it's like to not know, would it?
  3. No such thing happens. God is all there is; you are God; God programs itself with certain impairments (i.e. as various forms of life including various types of human) in order to learn new lessons about what it means to be God. A principle one of these impairments is forgetting that one is reality itself, which is God.
  4. Not that you should do it again, but on a water fast, just 1-2 grams of sodium chloride a day will not be enough to maintain a blood pressure that keeps your vision from going dark and ears from ringing upon standing. Takes like 4-5g/day. At least. Magnesium is required too but not nearly that much.
  5. There isn't really good and bad. A grossly inadequate simplification: there's lipoprotein than transports cholesterol to the liver (HDL), and lipoprotein that transports cholesterol from the liver (LDL). LDL is anti-fatty-liver, but pro-atherogenic. These all contribute to cardiovascular risk: Unbalanced lipoproteins High triglycerides Inflammation Oxidation Bone demineralization If 4 of the 5 are a little iffy but 1 is several standard deviations above the mean health-wise, it's possible you'll live quite a long time. Leo have you looked into ezetimibe, statins, and gamma tocotrienol for decreasing LDL/HDL ratio? Along with a bit of EPA/DHA to drastically lower triglyceride/HDL ratio?... Perhaps add some anti-inflammatory like bioavailable curcumin + nontraditional anti-oxidant like histidine or melatonin... and you just might probably be golden, at least for the fairly-long-term, even on full carnivore. Maybe not literally those compounds but along those lines.
  6. Eating meat is fine (actually good if you're athletic) but it's not ideal to eat only meat. And Inuits are literally the number 1 shortest lifespan cultural-ethnic group... lol I wouldn't try to make that case with that example.
  7. Not doing what you believe is right. For instance, for many, their ideal is (their idea of) Jesus Christ. There aren't necessarily good and evil people; just beings playing out the results of their conditioning, in a complicated web of interactions in which plenty of "unfairness" will take place. Life itself. And there is karmic debt, in a sense. What you do has consequences. In a sense, you could say life is the inevitable result of limitlessness. There isn't necessarily reincarnation, but rebirth might happen because the alternative is nothing, which is limitless, which means anything can happen, including life as you observe it now.
  8. It's just cause and effect. The degree to which you don't live up to your ideal will determine how unsatisfied you are with yourself.
  9. For people who don't get a bad reaction to starch and plants, it is best to include those in the diet -- to counteract the carnivore diet's effect on cholesterol and the cardiovascular system. You only need carnivore if you need it, and hopefully not forever but if that's all they can do, it probably beats a diet of processed foods by a long shot. Doesn't mean it's the optimal diet by any means. It does not seem to be the case that humans should eat meat only, but it also seems to be the case that eliminating meat entirely (and especially eliminating animal products entirely) makes optimal health a bit more complicated, not that it can't still be pursued.
  10. Really? Well, considering the aforementioned deer/elk jerky was from my friend's freezer who hunts for food all the time and it's extremely economical and probably humane... And he isn't the only person I know who does that... It definitely seems to be a fairly common thing, at least in the southern USA, but I'm pretty sure it's more or less ubiquitous. ^^
  11. I don't "buy" it either, hence "theoretical." Though in my research, I have found some convincing evidence over the years that protein may only be assimilated at a rate of about 10g per hour, throughout all hours, without the inclusion of exogenous insulin (and potentially some other PEDs). As in, even if you ate 240g of protein all at once, once a day, you'd still assimilate all of it -- it would just take a full 24 hours, theoretically. A very similar phenomenon is actually proven to occur with fats, btw -- it would not be unreasonable to assume something similar may be true for protein, as protein is generally even more difficult for the body to fully assimilate. It occurs with both fat and carb when daily caloric intake exceeds ~10kcal, but even in those cases, daily protein intake did not exceed 240g by much, if at all. Just a suggestion for future troubleshooting. If it's too much trouble to try it, absolutely don't bother. If it's no problem, perhaps consider it. That's all I'm saying. The downstream glucose conversion from 240g protein is way more than enough to keep from going keto, if that's perhaps what you're worried about by increasing fats significantly to make up for the calories.
  12. Because he's eating a lot of meat, I would assume. Sounds like a great idea. I don't think I have the stomach for it, but I can see it as a potentially humane and natural practice. Oh man... if I was on an obligatory carnivore diet, I would probably learn about deer hunting. I love deer jerky -- having it home-made and in high supply?.. That would be amazing.
  13. So about 90-140g x 3 = 270-420g/day. Yeah, if there's someway, somehow, that you can get it down to about 240g/day, that would theoretically be quite beneficial. 240g basically seems to be the optimal daily protein intake -- even if it's only marginally more healthy than 120, that doesn't change the fact that 240 is best. I wish there was some carb source you could eat, but meat + healthy fats is the next best thing. I would experiment with various fats and get blood work. Perhaps have a period where you eat only non-polyunsaturated fats like coconut oil, meat, butter, and olive oil. And another period when you limit saturated fats. The saturated fat vs polyunsaturated fat debate is a holistic nightmare -- it's almost so convoluted, nothing less than real-world, self-experimentation troubleshooting will suffice.
  14. Not that important, but it is highly preferable to do it as early in the day as possible so you can eventually bring the meditation with you into your daily life and remain mindfully aware and peaceful no matter what appears in this peace.
  15. Coax, nudge, play patiently and skillful with the feeling of well being and love. Once you have it to any degree, follow it. Follow it like a thread to grow it into what you were "born" to make it into.
  16. I see. That's rather unfortunate, but certainly not without recourse, by any means. (^^ referring to cold extremities ^^) Interesting. To me this sounds like excess protein from carnivore is totally sufficient for your optimal supply of glucose, and by extension, T3... due to protein->glucose conversion downstream from the gut. Perhaps by sheer coincidence, it appears to be coaxing-out an ideal homeostatic balance of T3, insulin, and cortisol -- this is definitely the case if you do in fact not suffer from cold extremities while on this diet, as this indicates adrenal sufficiency and minimal (good) (nor)epinephrine/catecholamines. And if high-carb doesn't work for whatever reason (as seems to be your situation), high protein is simply the next best option. Sounds like it's working pretty well! Hope you keep troubleshooting / perhaps do what you can about finding a long-term solution or alteration that can allay the potential associated cholesterol/cardiovascular hazards of carnivore. Completely irrelevant: I'm sure you already know, but with all this excess protein, you will be unable to enter ketosis (unless your protein intake is somehow far less than what I assume). Not that you would ever want to -- just pointing it out, fwiw. Also, I have 2 questions: **What is your reaction to egg whites? (I think I remember you saying whole eggs caused issues). **How many grams of protein would you estimate you consume in a day? In general, the more protein the better (in all sorts of ways), but there are slight diminishing returns at upwards of 100-120g/d, very prominent diminishing returns at 1g / lb bodyweight, and no further benefits (in most cases; when anabolic drugs aren't in the picture) when intake surpasses around 240g/d, at which point undigested protein can theoretically be an issue -- perhaps that is causing your recent stomach pains? Oh, and a nifty little tidbit: if you're ever in that diet-related low-consciousness / "anti-psychedelic" state, a potential short-term solution for that is intranasal insulin. Worked like a charm for me. Aspart is by far the best, but Humulin R actually works too, and it's otc. If you know someone with type 1, they probably have Novolog/aspart.
  17. Leo, how do you think you'd fare adding white rice and/or well-cooked well-salted potatoes to your current carnivore diet? Perhaps that alteration could help to make the diet sustainable? Ensuring a minimum of ~125g carbs per day. Just thinking out loud.
  18. I would imagine carnivore diet not helping this at all, whatsoever. It has other benefits, but cold hands and feet due to thyroid insufficiency will only be exacerbated by daily carb intake dropping below about 125g. A modified carnivore diet with the addition of white rice and/or well-cooked well-salted potatoes may help tremendously with this, though that may defeat the purpose.
  19. And your long life will be due in part to that.
  20. People just have different perspectives on the issue. For instance, I have a particularly inflammatory view: if you don't train with barbells, you either don't care about your health or are ignorant of its benefits. It's just what seems to be the case, from my particular holistic view. Not everyone will agree with that, and from my perspective, that's just due to ignorance. Vegan can be healthy, vegetarian can be healthy, omnivore can be healthy. There are no hard and fast rules, but if we were to "go there," I would personally, somewhat regrettably, take non-lifters' advice on diet and especially health, with a grain of salt.
  21. It's a tough topic to be so vulnerable on because treating it as the truth can appear like you know something that others don't. My intuition tells me it's probably legit -- i.e. that channeling actually did apparently happen and a transcendent social memory complex from Venus really did contact humans and inform them of how the universe works, but I don't know that to be the case. It certainly jives more-or-less perfectly with my most profound psychedelic experiences.
  22. It's not like it's a long-term solution. It's just an intervention. I never needed it, but some might. In the long-term you need greens/vegetables, unless you're so active and muscular that your daily caloric expenditure is such that you can hit all your micronutrient requirements with non-micronutrient-dense foods like white rice; potatoes; steak; maybe some nuts; etc.