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Everything posted by The0Self

  1. Any time you eat anything, mindfully observe what you're doing, and have your protein first. If you still want to binge, do it mindfully, but at least the excess calories will be partially used for fueling helpful processes. Any time you eat excessively in the presence of limited protein, it's essentially "all bad."
  2. Exactly. It's when you enter into our tiny frequency band of consciousness (level/dimension/density/whatever), shared by humans and all other similarly self-conscious beings, that enlightenment is part of an actually apparent distinction.
  3. Yes, but so are plants. However they are at a lower level of consciousness than humans, so it isn't the same.
  4. Figure of speech. See above.
  5. It's a figure of speech. If I'm trying to give you a visceral feel of what it's like to have a particular symptom I'll perhaps say "it's like acid in your bones" --for instance, that's how I'd describe (to you) my experience of severe heroin withdrawal.
  6. When you don't gain or lose weight. Only real way to find it is to track everything you eat for 7 days at least and weigh yourself every morning so you get a good running average and a daily caloric intake is centered on while maintaining the same weight. This assumes you get enough protein, because getting too little protein will throw this calculation off since you can essentially gain weight seemingly independent of caloric intake -- because 1 pound of muscle (very high protein content) consists of about 600 calories whereas 1 pound of fat consists of about 3500 calories. You don't want protein to be low, ever. At least 120g per day is best but if you simply aren't willing or habituated to eat that much, it's highly recommended to get at least 80-110+ to avoid easy-to-prevent suboptimal health markers. Btw fiber only counts about 1.5cal/g. Not the full amount of carb's usual 4, but not zero like many seem to think.
  7. Less total free androgen load. That's basically the only way. Lowering DHT won't really help because doing that will increase testosterone, which is almost as pro-alopecia as DHT. Of course, lowering androgens if they're already at healthy levels will increase chances of infarction. So not really. Maybe lowering stress, resistance exercise, sleeping well, and just eating whole foods can help.
  8. I actually found plain dextroamphetamine/Dexedrine (but NOT Adderall) to be more effective than 'afinils, with less side-effects. Personally didn't experience too much addictive tendency with it -- which is saying a lot, since I used to be an IV heroin user (addict), and used quite a bit of coke/crack as well... Definitely would not consider them nootropics. Things that have nootropic effects include: exercise, lifting heavy but not to failure, fasting, certain dietary habits (too much to get into here), optimal sleep (waking at the same time every day, but changing how early you get to bed depending on both training-stress and work/emotional-stress), meditation (especially), ... ... And some chemicals: pregnenolone, aspirin, intranasal insulin aspart, L-histidine, glycine, creatine, collagen, magnesium, coconut oil, and LSD and other psychoactive drugs (micro-dosed frequently or macro-dosed infrequently).
  9. Not really judgement per se. Not overt judgement. Unseen judgement? Or preference; alive flowing responsiveness; ego; apparent separation, no matter how subtle. Apparent distinction seems necessary for anything to appear to happen. Just a theory.
  10. Yeah, there definitely seems to be some truth to that. But you are the whole as well as the part, and you can transcend layers. Consciousness does evolve, and it can “touch/be God,” it just can’t go “all the way,” because that’s what nothing is...but nothing is already everything.
  11. Weed, like anything, can be a double-edged sword. It seems the more effective it is for a particular individual, the more psychosis-inducing it can be. It's as if it acts as a mind-stimulant, causing you to be more aware of projections, but when you're more aware of projections, well, you experience a world of projections. The real problem is when some of these projections take hold of you and utterly convince you they're real, though it's not really a problem. I found weed to be quite wonderful, but absolutely experienced psychosis from it, especially while combining it with ketamine, etc.
  12. Can't tell if you're joking. If you are not joking, you do realize you create your own reality, right? If you are joking... Well, just know that what you're detailing can actually be a delusion the mind makes real -- it can make ANYTHING seem realer than real; infinitely real, when it's neither real nor unreal; it's everything appearing as a particular story. You have no chance of winning against the mind. But the mind has no chance of winning against you. Already.
  13. Everything you ever did was for the best. You feel as if someone has been watching you all along and being your cheerleader the whole time, but that someone is you, which is everything, and love fills the shape of existence with being. Just as the visible light spectrum is expressed in a tiny frequency band in the electromagnetic spectrum, the mind is expressed in a finite frequency band in the infinite creation/creating/creator -- and the mind is the God/creator of said finite frequency band.
  14. Interesting. For me it would always produce an extreme boost in consciousness, but concurrent with an extreme decline in both short and long term memory. This makes ego death much more likely, but can just as easily cause a sort of pseudo-psychosis. It’s as if I’m sensing, very clearly, higher dimension energy fields surrounding “compound-beings” — the ego-death-generated integrated intersections / conglomerations of many of what we would call “individual minds.” My theory is it's judgement coming from lower distortion / higher consciousness beings that have not fully surrendered a form of ego which is impossible to fully surrender while still appearing to exist. It's all just God's monologue though -- and not a personal God.
  15. To you, the mind is everything. Nope you didn't get it. Now, take that statement and its implications as literally as you can possibly imagine.
  16. Everything is exactly the way it should be. Every single role, utterly perfection, as a necessary part of the infinite wholeness.
  17. To everything, the knowing mind is you. To the knowing mind, the you is everything. And everything is you. But there’s not really a you.
  18. I actually wouldn't be surprised if a couple people read that and woke up. Like TO-DAY. Can't believe I haven't seen this statement delivered like this, and why I never thought of it. I'm still bullshitting while writing this I'm not even doing it lol.
  19. I wonder if this could actually be an underlying issue. He probably already tried increasing bile flow. Nonetheless, twimc, the protocol for maximizing bile flow is: Taurine + glycine + silymarin (milk thistle extract) + lecithin/phosphatidylcholine, all four taken together 4x/day, preferably on an empty stomach. But the underlying cause of the insufficient bile production/flow itself? IDK.
  20. Vitamin k2 mk7 has very strong theoretical and experimental basis for helping to prevent arterial calcification. Optimally, concurrent with daily calcium intake between 800-2000mg every day, magnesium 320-500mg, adequate vit B6, adequate vit A, adequate sunlight, minimum 100g/d protein (preferably include a collagenous/glycine-rich source), adequate estrogen/progesterone/pregnenolone production, adequate sodium and potassium intake, and proper pH balance. ^^ That refers to phylloquinone (phytonadione; vitamin K1), but Vitamin K2 MK-7 supplementation is far more effective -- providing significant osteocalcin and MGP carboxylation at just 45mcg/day. Carboxylation improves linearly with dose until reaching the diminishing-returns daily amount of 180mcg. Even higher doses provide some additional carboxylation, with maximum carboxylation observed at 500mcg/day vit k2 mk7. Basically, the only significant dietary source of k2mk7 is natto -- it generally should be supplemented. I recommend Jarrow or Life Extension brand -- they each have a very good Vitamin K2 MK-7 product. Besides whey protein, creatine, magnesium, and collagen, Vitamin K2 MK-7 is the only supplement I use regularly. I do sometimes use others, but not regularly like k2mk7 -- l-carnitine; glycine; l-histidine (1-2g on an empty stomach is a highly effective appetite-suppressant + energy-booster); pregnenolone; EPA/DHA. *** This may be especially helpful on carnivore, considering the high phosphate content of meat. Might want to look into calcium supplementation as well (unless dairy or cultured dairy can be tolerated), as it's not just the daily Ca intake that matters -- the Phosphate/Ca ratio should generally be kept as low as possible.
  21. Interesting. I basically don't feel anything from CBD. A bit of relaxation and tiredness, but very subtle. Certainly no recreational effects whatsoever.
  22. You did it too. You wanted to experience everything, including life as a limited human. It's actually sort of obvious that you are reality.
  23. It is most certainly not based on that. Yes, cardiologists are behind the curve. I know what you might be pointing to — I was speaking at a basic level, not meaning to imply that there even is necessarily “bad” cholesterol. I aim to be as holistic in my continuous integration of information as absolutely possible. What it is based on is weighted anecdotes, trial and error, holism, research, and integration... and thus, it is necessarily tentative.