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Everything posted by The0Self

  1. Yeah, dissociative + psychedelic is insanely intense. Even if the psychedelic is just cannabis, it can be very, as you say, "non-dual as fuck." It even works when the "psychedelic" is MDMA! (Very well, I might add!) Might want to have a great deal of insight practice under your belt though...because if psychosis strikes, you're screwed...unless there's the deep intuitive realization that it's all empty of being the way it appears to the mind. I landed myself in a psych-ward once from not heeding this! More skilled and more careful now. Even if one can handle 5g dried shrooms with ease, 100mg ketamine (not all in one sniff) + 1-2g shrooms can still give great trouble. It's the wild wild west of boundless consciousness. The ineffable, impossible state that transcends logic; preparation; death; everything. Wait at least until you're feeling the effects of the psychedelic, preferably before peak but past the initial early-come-up phase, then begin very patiently and deliberately insufflating small bumps of K. Make sure you have somewhere to lie down!
  2. Funny. But... I'm gonna be the busy-body for a change and point this out as maybe just a tad bit irresponsible. Maybe. But what do I know? And believe me, I thought about typing essentially what you did, but it never occurred to me to actually type it and press submit, it's just what wanted to come out as a reaction, but then the real response followed. Mindfulness of "wanting to projectile-vomit words on the screen" may be in order. If the reason you have this cavalier attitude towards this stuff is because you've tripped so many times and seen stuff that most people probably never will see, then surely you've learned some of the more esoteric ins-and-outs of psychedelic use? Why not share that? @Kalo Try not to take me too seriously.
  3. 5-MeO can be much more scary than LSD, and so can n,n-DMT, but n,n-DMT in small doses would perhaps work better for you than LSD. Not saying it definitely won't go bad, but there are some reasons why LSD and 5-MeO (and to a lesser extent, ketamine) are sort of in a league of their own... LSD is actually somewhat similar to 5-MeO, in that ego-death, dissociation, memory suppression, and thought-loops/confusion can be particularly prominent in the experience... which can often lead to fear or irrationality. Even psychosis/delusions. n,n-DMT is more visual, sober, and hyperspace-like -- you're less likely to have complete memory suppression and ego-death. Mushrooms are kind of like half way between those 2 camps. Don't take this too literally, it's just my particular intuitive grasp, based on well over 100 trips. It may minimize the risk of anxiety and possibly delusions, but not depression or suicide. Probably not a great idea. It really sucks the life out of the trip anyway -- you'd be better off (in terms of both anxiety-relief, insight-promotion, and safety) just taking half the dose of psychedelic. But don't go too low -- IME if you dose too low you get all the anxiety and none of the benefits. Too low IMO is less than 1g mushrooms or less than 75ug LSD, fwiw. Don't. Please don't. Lol. Good luck. I'd steer clear of them for now, though.
  4. Increase bile flow: All 4 taken together, 4x/day... Taurine + Glycine + Milk Thistle Extract (Silymarin) + lecithin/phosphatidylcholine Go easy on both fat and sugar.
  5. I don't think so. Once "the choice" has been made, it's only 4th and up. And Gaia chose positive, by a slim margin. I could be totally misunderstanding. It's been a while.
  6. ^^ Exactly. OP: And this can be like ladder. Start by observing how you're emotionally reactive and see things a certain way, but then later you realize it was all in your head. Progressively do this with more subtlety, all the way to the root assumption: "I AM." You know you are, but whenever you find the I AM, it's obviously not the I because it is appearing to the real I. Every time you find the I, it ain't the I, by definition.
  7. Oh, you're right about that. Definitely not 51% in 4th lol. More like 0.005-0.05%; 1 in 2,000-20,000 individuals (my estimate). What I think Ra said is that Earth was being harvested to 4th or staying at 3rd regardless of the numbers of souls in 4th/3rd. What the 51% represents in this case is Earth (as an entity in itself) being 51% positively polarized. Or perhaps the % of the collective psyche positively polarized. That's my understanding of it, anyway. It's about polarization, not density, in this case. Gaia is 4th density, but barely made it -- i.e. if it remained 5-50% positive, as it had for centuries, it would have remained a 3rd density planet.
  8. According to the Ra material Earth is now 4th density. We apparently barely scraped by at 51% from what I remember.
  9. It's the fucking bomb dude. Highly recommend.
  10. @Raptorsin7 The thread was about self inquiry. Was telling him how to do it. Nvm. Forget it. Sorry if there was offence or something.
  11. @Raptorsin7 It ain't about figuring anything out. You literally just turn away from absolutely every experience. Nothing more to it than that. Watching Rupert Spira is an excuse not to do this -- nothing wrong with that.
  12. Whatever you can see, that you cannot be. Turn attention toward what is aware of the changing experiences. It can be frustrating, but it's like going to sleep -- if you try to bring about its goal, you will fail. Ceaselessly turn attention away from (ignore) every experience (ALL of them), towards what's aware. If you catch the I AM, realize you're aware of it so it can't be the real I, and turn to what's aware of it. Repeat about 2 million times (probably more; maybe less). Seriously, it's that simple. You can't let it go dormant for too long though. If you want self inquiry to do what it's designed to do, you'd better be doing it when taking a shower, brushing teeth, etc. Otherwise you're better off doing something else. It's so simple, but when you actually do it, you'll probably think you're doing it wrong; "no way is it this hard!" Etc. It is that hard; you're doing it right. Ignore everything and turn to its knower... over and over and over = Self Inquiry
  13. These "beings" who approach 8th density are hardly "beings" at all. Even 6th and 7th are known only to highly developed multi-soul-complexes of millions of enlightened (4th and 5th density) identities/individuals who have then progressed another 30 million years or a rapid pace. It is apparently said to increase in complexity/transcendence/etc after 8th, for infinity.
  14. Consciousness is not in a place called here. A place called here is an appearance in consciousness.
  15. I should point out, most are not the type of awakening associated with self-inquiry, nor the type associated with unknowing. Or God-realization... Rather, these are detailed logs of Kenneth Folk coaching meditators to achieve Arahatship -- basically the flavor of path that Frank Yang took, as well as the Buddha, fwiw.
  16. If it has an emotional-memory source? Forgiveness for not accepting that part about yourself -- i.e. "forgive me for not accepting you" to your inner-child, shadow, or part of your psyche that you resist. What you resist, persists. Be mindful of the subtle ulterior motive that will creep in: doing this to get rid of that part of yourself -- love it instead. This will be about 10 times more effective and easier with adept meditation skill. Perhaps try to learn how to enter Jhana, which will blow your head off, making it very easy to maintain daily practice and increase non-distractedness further. "Concentration" is a word you should probably never use, as it is incredibly misleading. This builds "concentration," but really it builds openness; well-being; stillness.
  17. Lol ketamine void can definitely have Infinite Love. Especially ketamine + cannabis + psychedelic combo. Many actually refer to 5-MeO experience as "the void."
  18. Because there never was Samsara. It's already Nirvana, but what appears can be illusory, in that duality is believed and experienced, rather than simply appearing.
  19. Your assumption is that there's a thing called matter that has real existence, but you've never experienced matter -- if the definition of matter we're using is roughly "stuff independent of consciousness." Now, if your definition of matter is "the physical manifestation of consciousness," then clearly the source of the psychedelic experience; love; etc is not matter, but consciousness, since by this definition the source of matter is consciousness. Pretty simple, but without direct experience of absolute truth, Be-Lie-(I)f's (mostly hidden) will always get in the way.
  20. “If I were you, I’d be doing the exact same thing!”
  21. Well yeah, but that doesn't change fact that narcissism is about as probabilistically incompatible with humility/enlightenment as you can get. At least that's what my conditioning says. Remnants of belief systems. I don't know that, but it is obvious.
  22. That's detachment/transcendence. A laudable state. Not enlightenment. Not saying (no-)you didn't awaken, just that this has nothing to do with awakening (not saying you implied that it does).
  23. A question rooted in experience of relative, does not call for an answer rooted in conceptual knowledge of absolute. What you don't understand is how this is like telling someone who's asking where you live, that you don't live anywhere because there is no you. Existence and time are in mind only, but that's beside the point. "Nothing goes on after you die" is true in exactly the same way as "you aren't having an experience right now." In a relative sense, those are completely useless statements. And it's misleading, since, if we were to talk absolute, there is of course no death... so "after you die" is nonsensical. Statements with meaning: "you will wake up tomorrow in your bed;" "you will wake up in another life after you die" -- I don't "know" that for sure, yet it is quite clearly the case, since this right here IS death.