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Everything posted by The0Self

  1. Wasn't putting you in a box. Was simply pointing out spiritual cycling can resemble bipolar. It did with me and many others. Doesn't mean it "is bipolar." I'm saying that at the risk of cheapening bipolar though... So just know... Bipolar can be so intense someone becomes a successful entrepreneur one month and the next be so depressed they can't even kill themselves even though they want to... So don't think I don't know how bad bipolar can actually be.
  2. Sounds like bipolar. Similar can be triggered by intense meditation practice. Especially attaching attention to awareness and leaving it there unmoving for 30 minutes straight or more -- unbelievably powerful with enough meditation skill.
  3. No Any description is also what is. Whatever happens is just what is already. So nothing ever really happens.
  4. "moment" is merely a construct. There is only what appears and doesn't appear. Try to stay in the present moment (the now) -- now realize this is madness, since there is only now. It's effortless -- there's nowhere else.
  5. They certainly won't really solve any problems. However, they can seem to make it apparent that there was no problem that could be solved. Usually not, though...
  6. ^^ Exactly. Why was this even a question?
  7. If you have high testosterone you may have high hematocrit -- in this case donating blood would be highly beneficial.
  8. What arises dependent upon conditions, does not arise. What is, is what arises and what does not arise. No separation. None whatsoever. The freedom of nonduality: what happens, does not happen. What apparently happens (seems to happen), doesn't really (actually) happen. I am you = what appears is what does not appear.
  9. Nobody wakes up, but if Neanderthals had self awareness, the cognitive event known as enlightenment (collapse of self awareness / personal doer-ship) probably could happen. Of course, I don't know.
  10. Seeker: So what’s it like in liberation and having no ego? No one: Liberation? Ego? What are those?
  11. What is seen (well, what apparently happens) is all there is. The assumption that hides this is “why don’t I see everything else.” There isn’t anything else; you assume that what is, is knowable. All there is, is not known by anyone, it’s simply all there is.
  12. @Javfly33 Find that place between: doubt and certainty, judging and caring, intention and expectation, safety and danger. There’s no one there, yet it’s all there is.
  13. There’s no separation. Taking one step further into or out of perfection is not possible. I am you. (There is no we). This is everything. “The Infinite.” There isn’t something else. It seems like others exist, but that’s only because: you’re taking on a real perspective, of which there aren’t any.
  14. No intention for confrontation. Merely saw an opportunity to share insight.
  15. You can't fully realize God unless you realize what's in front of you right now (including the assumption that there is a you at all, if that's arising) is absolutely everything. Everything. You assume there's a bunch of stuff that exists, but hidden from your view. Full God-realization will not (can not) occur while that assumption is still in play. If that sounds crazy to you, just you wait.
  16. When duality collapses it's clear that nothing is everything, real is unreal, etc. Solipsism is nonsensical without subject object. Subject, object, and consciousness are not separate even one single bit. That which can be said to be truly solipsistic is not an individual, and solipsism only makes sense from a supposedly real perspective (an individual).
  17. This is not what actually happens but the view it can trigger is as close as I can point to: Imagine technology advances so (approaching infinitely) far in the basically infinite future that we realize we actually need to create the universe in the first place. With time machines and access to infinite consciousness we create the universe. That would be a rather empty universe, right? No real beginning or end? Self-created, and therefore empty. Again, that's not what happens, but the view it points to is closer than what is likely to be an alternative view. What "really" happens is simply nothing being everything. Relative is absolute; unreal is real; nothing is everything, empty is full. Unconditional Love.
  18. @Someone here It's all just a story. The idea that in the future there will be nothing happening assumes that's not already exactly the case. This is, always was, and always will be a singularity. Leo posted on his blog a theory that certainly seems plausible, but it's still a story -- the idea that infinite expansion will eventually lead to nothing happening; a singularity, out of which a new Big Bang occurs. Ad infinitum. This is already The Big Bang. You are no closer to the beginning of it than the end of it.
  19. Diagnosed: psychosis (several acute incidents; not at all chronic), opioid/substance use disorder (was relatively chronic). Suspected but not diagnosed: OCD, anxiety disorder. Diagnosed but not mental: narcolepsy. Better now on all counts. All have resolved, even including narcolepsy (not medically recognized as possible, to my knowledge). Suspected now: some of what could technically be described as depersonalization, derealization, and bipolar. But not diagnosed, nor to any extent whatsoever that is personally concerning or even unlaughable -- it just seems to come with the territory. I wouldn't have it any other way.
  20. You are not-you doing mahasamadhi in order to be you. lol ? jk (just in case, lol) ? ? I’ll watch the vid later but I’ve experienced what I thought at the time to be “almost-mahasamadhi” several times — experience collapsed as did the entire apparent universe, my life, and all time such that everything was revealed to be “contained” in a zero-dimensional point of infinite energy. ??
  21. Personal identity drops, along with the story, and notions of being separate. There’s nothing else, so where would “you” go? Death is a concept with no reality anyway. If someone dies and knows they’re dead, then no one is dead. If someone dies and doesn’t know they’re dead, then no one is dead.
  22. Not even an experience, but a being. If in enlightenment there is any notion of having gained anything, there’s still further, but who wants cosmic suicide? ?
  23. This. It's hidden when you look for it. It didn't come, it never goes. You are plants, dogs, trees, as much as you are your self -- that is to say, not at all. This has no separation. It's nothing being everything. No one can know it though. It's indescribable.