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Everything posted by Lews Therin
Lews Therin replied to Mvrs's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
doesn't change the fact that by definition infinity encompasses being tortured non-stop for 100.000 years whether you call it hell or not. Or perhaps i am missing something. -
Lews Therin replied to Muhammad Jawad's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Try to meditate every day until the day of the esperience. Everyone is different, but to me what triggered the first awakenigs was to listen to Alan Watts before and during the beggining of certain trips. One thing to consider, is that the act of wanting to have an awakening, or of trying to, may very well be what keeps you from having it. So maybe you should try to not to try to have an awakening? Ponder on that paradox, you will not rationally solve it, but you have to try to realise you really can't, in the end, it's all about giving up. I personally like nature. I think this specific talk will be very helpfull to you, it is divided into two parts, the first end arouns minute 17, it is that first one i'm talking about, I would suggest listening to it more than once actually, with some time for contemplation in between. Also, smoking weed amidst trip really helps with the "giving up" process, so i would suggest doing it around the middle of the trip ( be carefull you are in a confortable place, as with weed the experience can get really intense). -
Lews Therin replied to Mvrs's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Indeed to me it also seems to point infinite jouneys, with each life. Wich, to be sincere, sounds a little confusing or distressing Cause real infinity should, theoretically encompass things we would consider similar to a physical hell, with red people torturing "normal" people (with you being both), and to be frank, i have no idea what to make of this. i guess we have to wait and see. -
I think Roy answered with precision, focus on developing your self and learn how to enjoy the dance. In the past we had to have the holocaust to learn the problems of the Blue vMeme, is it so bad to have to cancel a few people to learn the problems of the Green one? I don't think so. And yes, some people may lose their jobs wich is sad, you can try to help them, but don't think you have to, nor that you have to succed, it's all part of the dance.
Lews Therin replied to Mvrs's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
It seems to me to be the case, though at one point the now may be different from what it is today. I feel like at some pointo this universe is going to end, and who knows what will be the next dream's rules? -
Lews Therin replied to blankisomeone's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I was thinking about sincronicities today, had a doubt in my mind. I had this, almost catch phrase that is "i don't believe in destiny, cause it's not about the ending, but i do believe this universe has a sense of humor". But as i thought about infinity, and the idea that to stand an eternity we have to experience everything, wich means, every decision that could be made is going to be made, and that for each thing i did there is a whole "universe" in wich i didn't do it, i realised that the idea of the universe having anything that could be thought as sort of a sense of humor must be false. For in infinity anything that connects the dots happens and doesn't happen, so the synchronicities don't happen because there is a connection, they do because it's fucking infinity so they had to happen now or in another universe that is exactly like this one except for that thing. But now as i write this, i'm thinking to myself that there must also be a universe similar to this but where synchronicites are kinda of a rule, so who knows wich one is this one... anyway, food for thought. -
Lews Therin replied to Mvrs's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Alan watts knew a LOT. And it is specifically the way he said it that makes it clear for me. Leo explains things, it is easy for the rational mind to grasp. Alan may explain a few thing, but generally he talks and talks and talks, to the point it seems he is just philosophising. Thing is, Zen, or enlightenment, can't really be explained, so you just listen an listen until the penny drops by itself, and then you realise Watts had been circling it over and over again for you to realise. The man was a genius, and i would put my hands in the fire for the claim that he understood reality and was as enlightened as one can be. On the other question, my ego death was simply the dissolution of the barrier between inside and outside, it was as if the music was me, the people dancing were me, when i got agitated the music got agitated, when i was happy, everybody would jump and dance like crazy. What an experience, what a world, what a life! -
Lews Therin replied to Mvrs's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Found out about this place in june or july, used to spend time on the spirituality section on quora, here the discussions are much deeper, been here a lot since then. -
Lews Therin replied to Mvrs's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Cool story, i had one ego death before getting to know spirituality, and it was weird as fuck, no satori though, i just thought i was high as a kite. Alan Watts may very well be the strongest drug i've seen so far. -
I beg to disagree, "manufactured" is just a word, and even though ego-death and liberation are different things, if you have a theoretical basis, with time, you can lower the dose and you will need less and less psychedelics to achieve ego-death, and every time it will seem more "holy" and "real". And every time you get back you will learn how your memories don't need a self-cosntruct to arise, until you get liberated.
Shiiiit, had never thought of it that way, but it makes super sense. I always new it worked but never knew why. Almost all my great insights, including the greatest of all, came a few moments after taking my first weed hit during their respective psychedelic trips. Living and learning... (or should i say, living and remembering? )
Very good that you enjoyed it, that's the most important! I think 3g is ok if you enjoyed your ride with one. Soooo, did you listen to music? what about weed? Next time you could try it with 3g and after maybe half of the trip you smoke a little, that will give you a feeling of what 5g without weed might feel like.
Bon voyage!
Lews Therin replied to Mvrs's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Thewritersunion @Mvrs Tell us your first experiences, must have been incredible at such a young age! -
Lews Therin replied to Mvrs's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Mikael89 Don't know if a can say what it is, i think it is beyond words, so i will tell you my experience. I had been trying to meditate for close to a year, but it always felt like i was trying, and not meditating. One day, my last day in amsterdam, i ate some truffles in the way to the airport. It had been a week at most since i learned about Alan Watts (but hadn't heard much), and for some reason, in this specific trip, i was feeling very present, like i had never before. So i seat in the airplane chair and decide to use the oportunity of being so present to meditate. So i start meditating and suddenly i am not feeling as present anymore, so afeter some moments i give up... And i'm feeling very present again. So i decide to try again. To no avail, as soon i start trying i am not present anymore. So i give up. And suddenly i am feeling present again... This time though i start feeling i'm close to the middle beetwen being present and trying to meditate. And then i hit a strange spot, i realize the difference beetwen the two moments, the diference was the very fact that i was trying! As soon as i realize that it seems all the tension in my body evaporates, i realize all my life i had been trying to feel good, or to feel better, and all i had to do was to stop trying, I start laughing a lot. I also felt stupid i never realised that before, it seemed so obvious, as it was right under my nose my whole life, and until then i just couldnt see it. I had never felt so good, felt so LIGHT! To the end of the day i felt amazing, waiting in lines, being on a car, everything was incredible. It was as if i was floating. As Dr. Suzuki would say: 'well, it's like ordinary, everyday experience, except about two inches off the ground.' -
Lews Therin replied to Mvrs's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Nice bro, my first time (satori) i had just made 21. When i was 17 i was a crippling mess of libertarian anxiety hahahah. Wouldn't change my course for a thing though (why would i?) How old are you now? -
@SoonHei I think you should eat at least a banana before tripping. Can't say what was the real cause, but once i was with some friends and we decided to wake up 5 a.m. to eat shrooms and watch the sunrise. I ate a banana and everybody else ate nothing, and as we walked to the place we would watch the sunrise everybody but me puked. Myself i have no memory of ever triping having eaten absolutely nothing on the day of a trip, so i can't say if i would puke or no. Another thing you may find interesting, many times what i do is stay without weed for basically the whole trip, and then i smoke after some 5 hours as the trip is about to end, that gives it a small extra life. Anyway, just a suggestion, do what you feel like doing.
Also the driving thing, in 8 hours you should be fine.
I recommend eating something, but not anything heavy and not too much, also you better have an interval of at least two hours before eating the shrooms after having your meal. Usually i like to listen to nature way more than music while tripping, but you could try both (if you decide to try both, beware you could very well turn on music and end up forgetting it, hahaha) Also, if you are going to listen to music, i suggest something instrumental, if there is someone singing, they are in a way selling you their ideology, wich could distract you from listening to your "inner guru". Another thing, 1g is nice, practically impossible to have a bad trip, 0.5 has it's merit, but i would start with 1g Alan Watts used to say psychedelics are like a medicine, you start with X dose and with time you lower it, that way you bring your insightfull, higher self closer and closer to your normal self. (of course you can up and lower the dose as you wish, for fun or for insights, but generally the idea is that with each time you need less shrooms or lsd to attain satori)
Lews Therin replied to Psychventure's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Not exactly, you are infinite even before you "die". Hitler isn't really Hitler, he is "God" pretending (to the point of believing it) to be Hitler, just as he was pretending to be millions of jews. None of this is real, it's all a play, or a game if you will, that "God" plays with and to itself for entertainment, or lack of anything else to do. Try to keep yourself busy for eternity, at some point you will probably decide to try some crazy sado-masochist shit, like killing yourself in a gas chamber over and over again... There is no Karma, Karma is something that you believe is your responsability, it only exists as much as you believe it to exist. In the end, you don't cause suffering to others (there are no others), you cause it to yourself, cause you wanted to try it and see how it feels. -
Lews Therin replied to BipolarGrowth's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
savior from what? -
Lews Therin replied to Mojinius's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I wouldn't think so. A little less than two years ago i experienced a sort-of-sudden enlightenment amidst some bad times in my life. Thing is, i was at the time taking vyvanse daily for adhd. I had been taking it for over a year and a half, so you could say my entire "spiritual journey" was while using it. Sincerely, i feel it even helped me. When i used to take lsd i would take it with vyvanse and it would make the trips so clear and easyer to understand. It was a completely different thing from lsd before vyvanse, since now i could focus on the insights and experiences i was having. Of course medicines vary, but i don't think there should be any problem with it. -
Hello everyone, i was today trying out the first Kryia Yoga techniques, starting with the alternate nostril breathing. Thing is, i have a deviated sptum, wich means my left nostril can take up air twice as fast as the right one, and expell that air too. I know through hearing and trying that expelling the air slower than when you breath in makes your heart rate slower. my doubt is if this could hinder my experience or make it dangerous in some way, as i oscillate between breathing in quicly and then taking very long to breath out, and then breathing in slowly and breathing ou really fast. The book says to take 6 seconds in each side, but to me that is simply impossible, right side takes at least 10-12 seconds, whereas the left one could be done in less than 6. I wanted to know you opinions as, from my little experience, i feel a little out of air by the time i finish letting out the air through the right side, and i that bothers me a little.
It seems you don't want to invest it in assets, and that's fine. I will only say if you DO change your mind and wanna invest it, don't go for crypto or other speculative nonsense, that's where they get your money, over 90% of those who invest with speculative purposes loses their money. So, if for any reason at any point you decide to buy some assets, focus on buying stocks or reits (solid choice) that have profits and projected to maintain those profits in the long run. That's very important, focus on the long run, on you retirement. People who try to get rich fast with stock end up not getting rich at all. That all said, i think that amount can really help you with your LP so you should focus on it. If you ever start getting more money than you need from it then you should think about assets. I think their main point isn't getting you rich, as mentioned, it is giving you safety. So if you ever get sick and can't work for a year or more you will have the passive income from you investments to maintain your standard of living. Hope i helped, feel free to ask any question.
here it says it couldn't find the track, i don't know if it's your file or my pc