Lews Therin

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Everything posted by Lews Therin

  1. It's a complicated topic, and i don't live in Europe, but my thoughts are as follow. The EU is World's most developed place, and the continent where the population is higher in the SD scale, that means, in a few years it could become a breeding ground for 2 tier thinkers, who may have a chance at solving some of the world's problems. It is sad that many countries suck right now due to past exploration by EU countries. But the truth is, Europe doesn't help anyone in the long run by taking in more imigrants than it can handle. By filling their countries with RED/blue or purple/RED or even Blue imigrants we pull their center of gravity down the spiral. That way, we keep things sort of where they are, except the population will increase and we weill destroy more and more the environment. So it's a best shot to limit immigration and do what we can to speed up the conscious development of the continent. Untill we don't have a few powerfull governments on solid Green with at least some shades of yellow nothing is gonna get really better. And as people in third world countries reproduce like rabbits, the immigration problem will get worse and worse.
  2. Have you talked to him? You seem to be someone he would listen to, and he seems to be in need of some guidance. I feel he can use his reach in a very positive way with the right guidance. Without it he may lose his audience really fast and end up depressed or something.
  3. I think people can dream of that however much they want, the national states aren't giving up their power nor their properties for at least another 100 years or so.
  4. More or less, if i'm not mistaken, Obama bombed something like 7 countries, so it's a littel different because of the increase in scale. Again, i can be wrong but i believe sending troops requires congress approval, with his drones Obama basically bombed whoever he wanted to.
  5. Veganism will save the world = Dogmatic belief = Blue We must protest if we want change! = A Green can believe that, but not per se a Green trait All drugs should be legal, it's your body, do what you want man! = More like Orange than Green Companies are greedy and evil, if they only gave back to the public.. = greedy yes, evil no, the second sentence is not green at all If you support [insert company here] you're evil! = Very Blue If you're not far-left, you're dead to me. = Clearly a Blue thing, with far-left ideology, nothing to do with Green "My Online-Guru-Prahamahalashamaganayalamaya said this crystal will clear me of all toxins! Isn't that cool! = that is someone who hasn't embodied Orange, again, nothing to do with Green. "I read a FaceBook post that this Ancient-Chinese-Himalayan-Dragon-Natural-Mineral-Mountain-Super-Tea will open my Chakras!" Could be said by someone Green, but believing Facebook (the content of the sentence) has nothing to do with Green "Hey, guys, wanna go 5G-mast hunting this weekend? I hear them waves block your chakras!" = Where do you come up with these???? Then why are you failing at every turn to describe it? Next to R is the T "when IT is literally the collor of relativism" C'mon, you made absolutelly no effort to understand the sentence, wich was pretty obvious anyway, how can you call my post low effort?? We were talking about Green... That is so far you best description of Green, except for some reason you call it turquoise...
  6. One thing i actually thought about, but didn't ring that much to me, was to be a independet stock analyst that focus on environment friendly companies. You could sell a recommend portfolio (in wich people pay monthly to have acces) were you analyse both the results and numbers of each of your selected, and their impacts on the environment, that way people who want to invest in stocks for themselves without damaging the world can just read you content.
  7. As i said, not up to me to saywhere you are, i will just sharing some information. On another topic, your description of Green sounds way more like Blue than Green. How can you list absolute morality when ir is literally the collor of relativism? Overvaluing authority? You are describing a Blue person with progressist ideas.
  8. I may also be a naive Green, but i feel you can't ignore the responsabillity of the commander in chief of a country when it meddles in another countries affairs. I used to think Obama's election was cool. Then Lybia happened, and i started to dislike him a lot. Today, each day i gorw more fond of him, due to better understanding some of his actions and responsibilities. That said, somethings i just can't swallow, and i think Lybia is the best example. Gaddafi did not pose any threat to the US population, only to the interests of some US corporation's who wanted to exploit the continent. And Obama signed the order to bomb the country, effectively destroying it and turning it into to a hub of slave trade. And you dont have to compare him to a school teacher, Trump for example did a much better job (even though i like Obama better) at not destroying other countries. You ask what the alternatives to drone strikes are? i feel like NO drone strikes are a GREAT alternative.
  9. Don't take this as an attack, but logical deductions is a Orange thing, I can speak of this with some amount understanding cause through my first months studying spiral dynamics i thought i was manly yellow getting my first fingers on turquoise. Now i've realise that i have just recently started to embody Green. I can't say if that's your case, nor anyone else here, only you can. To me the realisation came as a great hit to my ego, as i thought i was so advanced. Now i know it helped me a lot understand the struggles i am going through, which in turn helped me feel way more peacefull through a better understandind of my shortcomings. Spiral Dynamics as a way of gratifying your ego is a useless distraction, but if you are willing to be honest with yourself about where you are, it can be a very powerfull tool. On a side note, the USSR might have been bad in many aspects, but i don't feel it deserves all this bashing, from what i know many advancements in tecnology and medicine were achived there. And the speed of modernisation they made was something many would think was impossible if not for the fact that it was achieved by them. All things considered, it may not deserve so much praise, but it deserves respect.
  10. False equivalency. reaching for enlightenment doesn't make you lose things that you need to sustain yourself, at least, in the great majority of cases. So there is pretty much no down As for day-trading, it does have a downside, one that can be pretty big. As you said it, it's like a drug, and it takes time to learn, so it's time to get hooked. Of course, if you feel like doing, just go and do it, but people need to be aware that there will always be many risks beyond their awareness.
  11. there are manyy researches that say that between 90 aand 95% of traders lose more money than you get, so i wouldn't risk, better to learn something else. And about the question of value offer. Amongst long term investors we say that the value of traders for society is that the give liquidity for the market. In other words, a trader, who is just looking at the market tendencys and not the real value of a company, is the only person who will be willing to sell some asset when the price is very low, beacuse of his focus on the short term. So the value of traders is that they sell stocks for a low price when the market is bad so the long term investors can buy cheap. Aside from that no, there is no value being created.
  12. The rational mind, AKA the ego. My intent was not to say that IT IS that way, but as an exercise of thought, it seems to be where the word infinity points to. Even though the rational mind would never be able to begin to grasp how infinite is infinity, logic (whoever limited it may be) says that something finite as for example different things my mind can conceive, should be encompassed by infinity. I may very well be wrong, but i wanted to hear opinios on the topic. It seem maybe i am long overdue for some meditation. hahaha btw @Nahm, i've so far learned a lot from your different posts on this forum, incredible work!
  13. Can you be a little more clear? I have to say I still don't get it. Is the problem the world should? cause i don't mean as "the self should do anything" but more as "it makes sense for it to do everything".
  14. Yeah, i have to admit i don't know anything about that. To me, frankly, it SOUNDS like buddhist mythology, but i recognize i might as wel just have not gotten to a point of understanding where that makes sense.
  15. Hmm, don't know if i got it right, but infinity should encompass diffrent forms of linear time (or perception of linear time) as well as other stuff. At least in my mind. If if it didn't there would be something being excluded, and therefore wouldn't be infinite.
  16. @Moksha Oh, i see what you mean. Isn't that Paranirvana? or the "state" you "achieve" (or return to) when your body dies? I presume it's something quite inevitable, and about wich there isn't anything that can be done about it while living. Best we can do is enjoy the way as we move forward to that, it will come when it comes, for now, let's enjoy our respective body-minds.
  17. every tab varys in strenght despite the numbers, but i feel like in average 200ug would be somewhat comparable to 4g shrooms, so it may fit nicely into your progression. I will say nothing more cause expectations are a great enemy of the Now.
  18. depends on the lsd and the mushrooms, so no one here can give you a precise answer, how many shroom trips did you have? if you had one and it was amazing, most likely that dose of lsd will be ok. But yeah, you could have a bad trip, i have had many, and i don't regret any of them, i leraned a lot with all of them. there is something about confronting a bad trip and coming back on the other side that makes it more special then a simple good trip. So i would say, if you feel like it, go for it.
  19. I can't say what was the buddha's experience, but i always thought "becoming universal consciouness" was regarding identification, and that the thoughts and memories continued. At least in my mind that makes much more sense as the thoughts and all steem from the body and it makes no sense to have a body that doesn't have thoughts (that seems like the description of a lobotomy). Think of it this way, you body is a ship, the thoughts are the ship's radar, they point to things you need to be aware in order to survive among people and nature, memories and emotions are other similar functions of the ship. So ultimate consciouness would be to realise there is no real distinction between the ship and the sea, and therefore that the ship doesn't need to survive (wich is why after you disidentify with the ego, the idea of death stops being something that suffering, as if you are not just the ship there is no problem with it sinking). That said, the ship's functions, the radar, sonar and etc... continue to work normally, in fact they somewhat function even better cause the anxiety of life goes away (think that the captain doesn't need to check the radar 2 or 3 times to be sure of what it is showing).
  20. Very frequently though "i" don't get caught up, and everything just seems to pass through the mind as the reflection of clouds on a lake. Weed tends to make "me" get caught up a lot, one of the reasons i started smoking less with time.
  21. There were and are thoughts, memories and emotions, the body-mind has them. They seem to just flow effortlessly. "I" do sometimes get caught up in them, specially when it's something that triggers a strong emotional reaction. When that happens the result is acting them out like any ordinary person would, and that can take as long as it takes to remember it's just part of the play. When the remembering that it's just a play comes though, the thoughts just let themselves go, no need to identify and then let go. Sometimes the thoughts go like this "someone said something i don't like and i should, oops, it isn't i who is having the thought's (at the oops the first sentece let's itself go) oooops it isn't I either who cares about who is thinking what (by this point the second and third sentence let's themselves go). And here the mind starts feeling funny and the body starts laughing.
  22. Relatively yes, but someone going through hunger in africa, never even hearing about enlightenment, will feel his sufering is very real. Same thing for someone in "fiery dimension", if infinity is as infinite as it seems to be to the human mind.
  23. Not exactly, but it's not about peace, i thought heaven was just as unavoidable as hell, and that it would last forever as well. But it doesn't change the fact that being burned for millions of years must, at least at some point, hurt a lot. There also be millions of years of bliss and every other conception of heaven, even one where you are being burned and enjoying it (sort of a masochist heaven). But being tortured and hating every minute of it, wanting it to stop and having it continue on and on must also be a part of infinity... Or at least that's the belief that keeps emerging.
  24. It can happen, it happened to "me". I had been practicing meditation and listening and reading a lot about zen and taoism as well, but the final dissidentification happened while tripping on 75ug of lsd, right after taking a hit of weed whilst looking at a campfire. I do believe the process of integration may be more confusing though, i'm thinking about making a post about this eventually, but only after i finish my tests in college. Is that the Gospel by AcaciaConfusa?
  25. Who says i'm not enjoying it? I was just talking about the meaning of infinity my mind can conceive, and asking what people think about it... It has nothing to do with enjoyiment except in the sense that talking is a way of enjoying the dream...