I've tried so many sources of information and they usually provide a quick hit or just some instructions to solve a problem that really don't work in the long run or let alone remember. I have been listening to Leo for about 5 years and it was constant searching on YT that led me to him.
His recent content has been a bit alienating for me but I still find it useful. However his older stuff just keeps giving. Long time fans, tell me how does this guy seem to know such good advice? I've tried reading some self-help books and they usually have a couple of good ideas and the rest is just filler. Honestly his stuff is so good I feel sorry for people who are into this work but have no come across Leo's work. Heck humanity itself can benefit from this stuff.
Don't get me wrong about his new stuff, it does get me thinking but his old stuff gets to the goods so cleanly and brutally that I found his new direction a bit jarring. Anyways, my question to ya'll, I really want to learn social skills and in a way that changes my inner thoughts. The only other good place I have found is Girls Chase which has had a similar level of impact on me. Unfortunately all other advice is just fluffy and generally forgettable. I've found reading about other things has also helped to broaden my mind a bit and taken off my attention towards my problems.