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About Cosmin_Visan

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    Bucharest, Romania
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  1. You project your own ignorance onto me. But of course your ego cannot handle such a possibility, so you just double down on your projections.
  2. Besides, such an answer can be applyed to anything. And when the same answer is given to different questions, it becomes empty. For anything anyone says, you can at any time say: "is just you ego talking". Well, of course. What else is there if not egos ? So, your point ? Aaa... I know what your point is. Is just your ego that cannot handle such a possibility, so you just double down on your projections.
  3. Again your monosyllabic way of answering. Just proving once more the very subject of this topic.
  4. Why do spiritual people employ empty flower-power talk to hide their lack of real understanding ? When you ask them a question, they just say "God is beyond questions. God is at peace." and by saying such an empty bunch of words they feel satisfied with themselves that they don't need to put in the efforts and thus their real lack of understanding is safe. Well... is not safe. You cannot trick an intelligent person with such puerile attitude. So why are you doing it ? Who do you think you are impressing ? And as a side note, with such an attitude, I cannot stop wondering what kind of jobs these people have in real life. Can they be engineers ? Can they tell to their manager: "We don't need to make sure this bridge doesn't collapse. God is at peace. God will save all the drivers!" ?
  5. Language is consciousness. Is an elaborate way in which free will has access to strong modifications of consciousness.
  6. Prove Pyhtagoras Theorem! From whatever color you want. Just prove it!
  7. You seem to be trolling. You use empty flower-power words that you think that makes you look smart. Well, they don't. They just make you look silly.
  8. I don't care about your classifications. If you declare you have infinite intelligence, then you can also do something with it. You don't just stay on the ground and sing kumbaya. If you don't do anything with it, then you are just hallucinating. And hallucinations have no value.
  9. I watched the entire video, but I didn't see any answer to my question. He only talks about random trivial experiences that people had. Can you give the minute at which the question is answered ?
  10. I read the book. It's a low quality materialist book that says that we are robots.
  11. No worry about me, I am intelligent. So give me the proof.
  12. I don't think you can see the tree if you don't name it.
  13. I guess I should just give monosyllabic answers as you: Infinity! Bro!