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Everything posted by Vrubel

  1. @Leo Gura How did you find out? Did you "time travel" of sorts and witnessed ancient Egypt and you being a rat there?
  2. Yep, that's all you need! Don't underestimate though how deep this goes. 1. Girls don't care about your money! (hopefully, you do have enough just for some basic stuff. it's more a matter of practicality than attraction). 2. 7+ women are not harder than girls that are 6's! In fact, it will be harder for you to build trust and connection with a six because your attraction might falter (or not be there at all) and the odds are she'll be much more defensive, skeptical and act out of insecurity. 3. The only other common misconception you didn't mention is looks. Yeah, women don't care about your looks. This goes deep! (Just maintain common hygiene and nice clothes so you yourself can feel confident.)
  3. @StarStruck I grew up in a very stage green school and higher education system. I always was cringed out by all of the gay propaganda because that is exactly what it is: propaganda. Though it's obviously not the same as some nazi or communist propaganda so at least I am grateful for that. And I did not turn out homophobic so it worked on me haha. I definitely can see the advantages of all of that gay propaganda because it does stand for acceptance and in a bigger picture a more free and compassionate society. Though the danger lies in a complete overthrow of healthy good old down-to-earth conservative values, and that was missing a lot I was feeling. I see a lot of young people in society very confused and just not ready for the real world because they were always treated like a special snowflake, things like 'work', 'masculinity' and 'ambition' get too demonized nowadays.
  4. That's literally the only thing they're giving in abundance and in prime quality(;
  5. @charlie cho Oh I am well aware of the massive bullshit of religious folk. Of course, all of that bullshit will backfire at some point. Religion is a massive source of backwardness and retardation in society, think Iran and Saudi Arabia. Though you're not appreciating how completely different the worldview is of religious people, like truly orthodox religious. They just don't care or value the same shit as you. The more I understand religious people the more in shock I get about their medieval backwardness and barbarity. Even though on a personal level they are the most friendly and always ready to help, it's their political organizing that can get very dangerous.
  6. Agree, though I would change 'looks' for 'energy'. Energy determines everything. You basically have the common societal view, yeah day game is socially unacceptable. And there are genuinely good reasons why it should stay that way. It's inherently unscalable and more girls for me(; But in all seriousness, different personality types go best with different approaches of meeting women. If you have a decent social life, sure thats a great way to meet women. For me personly I would absolutely hate the idea of being part of a friend group or having to maintain a social circle. (yeah I am extreme in that sense). The supreme advantage of day game is that you basically choose the hottest girl you desire most, the supply is endless on a good location. Being good at day game is like having a cheat code to reality(;
  7. As much as I dislike religion. From my experience religious people are genuinely the happiest in society because they have a close-knit community, always help out and support each other, and possess a sense of purpose. They don't have the same attitude as standard Westerners. They don't care that much about material success, technological advancement or explaining themselves to secular people. They just have a script and they follow it, it's not an easy life per see but it is a simple one. I am talking from my experience, maybe its different in America
  8. Haha, yeah I mean that state when you can't find any hot girls and so you are really seeking them out as some sort of hunter. This can put you in a weak "low-status" state. But yeah, the majority of day game is just walking. That's a big plus if you ask me, like if you had a bad day you still can go home knowing you had some healthy exercise.
  9. Definitely not "just sitting there like a crouching tiger". You need to walk and blend into the scene. This is a core principle of day game, especially for beginners. You need to ensure maximum anonymity so as not to feel like -or come across as the crazy guy. There is a reason day game doesn't work in villages or your own neighborhood, it heavily relies on the anonymity offered by big busy cities. Also, the company I had my boot camp with asked us to never approach on their street/in front of their building, why? because of reputation and it's totally understandable. And even though in a sense "you're hunting" you should not have the composure of a hunter/crouching tiger, that's creepy. The most cringy form of day game is when a guy just stands around, even more cringe when a guy just stands on a busy walkway and stops every hot girl that passes by, I call that river tax game, never do that. The best form of day game that makes you feel like a badass is when you walk around as part of the scene and approach girls and that approach has the same mannerism as someone asking for directions. This combined with knowing your type is the most advanced and purest form of daygame that will make you feel like a movie hero.
  10. @Ramanujan The important thing is to be consistent, starting out it is going to be scary, messy and cringy at times but if you stick to it you'll make some hardcore improvement.
  11. @Hardkill He seems to be an open person, corresponding with a lot of people. He basically got a particular worldview and wants to spread it as best he can, that is his whole stick. My grandfather used to have correspondence with Chompsky from Russia. He peddled his views but was also genuinely puzzled about communism not working. At some point, my grandfather cut off correspondence with him because he perceived him as increasingly respectless and insulting. He made his blood boil with his extremely uncompromising leftwing view.
  12. @Lincisman You will have your hopes crushed and your heart broken a few times and then you will harden up a bit and not commit to women so soon. But sounds like you're making great progress cold approaching! being genuinely good at cold approach is a superpower more valuable than any sex. It's a smart strategy to really hone that skill down before committing to a girl. Also, a good tip would be to always capitalize on good energy and momentum while doing cold-approach. Like for weeks I was really struggling to get into the game but yesterday I had two instant dates in a row. If you have good energy, don't go home, approach some more! Also only approach the girls you are genuinely attracted to.
  13. Conservative figures like Jordan want to be a father figure to warn a spoiled and ignorant young generation about the seriousness of life. He does this out of love and compassion. And while I agree that the whole anti-woke thing is way out of proportion and plainly stupid because I believe the softer and well-meaning a person is the softer you need to treat them. You gotta agree that wokism is pure bullshit and not at all healthy mature progressive politics. Also, as long a good chunk of the population is conservative you need to take their agenda into account so as not to get a backlash and also this is simply how democracy works. I admire the love and compassion progressives have for minorities but they overlook simple truths of how the world works and this is where the ignorance and danger lies.
  14. What does it mean when a girl wants to meet you but actively avoids planning and most annoyingly avoids communicating clearly why at the moment she cannot? I already slept with this girl two times. The first time was a dominating style and she really got attached, the second time was more intimate and vulnerable. While she obviously enjoyed it she got somewhat detached after that, (maybe she figured that "she can have me" and therefore I am not so high value anymore). Now via text all of her messages are very short and the response time is also disrespectfully long. I told her I have the feeling it's no longer on between us. But then she apologized and told me that she wants to meet. But further, she continues with her long response time and stubby messages avoiding the planning. I even said "Girl, help me out a little" but it didn't really work. I would totally understand if she communicated clearly and gave a good reason but she doesn't bother doing that at all. How should I proceed with this girl?
  15. @jonatech256 I see some pitfalls here: Neurotic self-denial: repressing healthy material desire with "spiritual/puritan" thinking. Being too cheap: Most simple enjoyable things in life cost money. Also, educational end genuine enriching things almost always require some investment. Dating/relationships: Being or having a partner that is broke is very annoying and impractical. But at the end of the day, it is about what kind of life and lifestyle you want to design for yourself. In my student years, I was basically couped up with my parents purely focusing on my studies and not much besides. Only after finishing, I went on to travel and allowed myself to relax and explore domains like psychedelics and dating. I would also add that after you are used to a certain standard of living it is a very painful process to downgrade. I cannot imagine the absolute hell of not living on my own or not being able to travel once in a while.
  16. @integral Credit free economy is definitely not a competitive system. Sharia-based Islamic banking still uses all kinds of backdoors like asset-based financing. Which is practically the same as credit lending. In medieval times money lending was almost exclusively the domain of Jews. But even Christians lent money but instead of an interest rate, you were expected to be late on your payment and pay the fine. Yes, Assets are the key to wealth. Though in Europe where I live assets get taxed the shit out. You might argue this is good because it helps redistribute the wealth to lower-income people as well but in reality, all it does is screw over the middle class because for them it will be much harder to acquire and benefit from assets while the truly exceptional wealthy still can afford it.
  17. @integral Well... sometimes it was obviously my fault, sometimes I could have been better in some aspects but many times I just left clueless. I had the most wonderful dates never followed up. But in this instance, if I had to analyze I think that I became too soft and loving too soon, I outpaced her attraction by too much. She initiated lovemaking twice, in the evening and at midnight but in the morning she kinda left in a hurry. She was noticeably detached by then. I just keep wondering if I made her too uncomfortable or something, maybe I did not satisfy her enough though she did scratch up my back.. So yeah, I am clueless.
  18. I contemplated why she dragged it out and lead me on as she did. I think she did it because she did not want to give the impression she lost attraction during our night together. Directly after our meet-up, she communicated very sweetly but slowly flaked away while still giving me hope. She wanted to give the impression that she is flaking away because of her life or something and not because of me. She did it out of compassion. Her desire was to minimize my hurt but Ironly I would have appreciated just a clean sharp flake or an honest statement. I had some very nasty flakes in my life where I was really led on to the last moment. Girls consider that shit normal. I even by accident came across one such girl again, she come up to me starting to chat with me about how much she enjoyed the date. (Though after that date she did a very nasty lead-on and flake). And I was like so done with that shit, it boggles my mind that girl had the balls to approach me and chat to me without shame. I was, of course, respectful in that interaction but energy-wise I made it known to her that she needed to go away from me because I was so done with her.
  19. @RebornConsciousness Yeah, modern people even historians can't fathom how incredibly non-material the medieval worldview was. Medieval times were a spiritual North Korea. Your suffering has great meaning so don't bother demanding change, remember if you're bad you go to hell and if you are good you get to be with Christ in heaven. Though the story of Christ is a legit spiritual allegory of the human-God relation.
  20. The medieval looked onto existence with an innate and deep humility as his consciousness was painfully aware of his insignificant peripheral existence. He served the lord of a manor who in turn was part of a chain of servitude that continues many aloof and unapproachable lords up. He knew that he lived in a middle age, still in the dark as the bright light of sophisticated civilization has not yet shone since Roman times. And maybe most symbolically, the very center of the world was far away in Jerusalem. But the humility goes way deeper... The medieval worldview was absolutely non-materialistic. Medieval people saw themselves as living in a "realm" of some sort. Their realm was fragile and surely to end one day, (the end of times/apocalypse). The whole of life was fragile as death and disease was never far away. Life was just an "intermediate station" to test your faith. If you passed you went to heaven, if you didn't pass you went to purgatory, or hell if you were irredeemable. Your material condition is not important, only your spiritual one. In medieval times your suffering was given meaning by the suffering of Christ. For example, medieval art pieces such as a Corpus Christi (Christ on the cross) would dignify and give meaning to your suffering as you can identify with the suffering of Christ. While a sculpture of the Mother Mary would comfort your misery and pain. Because of her feminine, compassionate, and nurturing nature, she is approachable to ordinary people. She is also close to God and will soften God's judgment for you. The medieval worldview is highly mystical, imaginative, and non-materialistic but it is metaphysically strictly grounded-by and contained within the unquestionable truth of the Christian story. Oh... and It only just so happens that this mix of genuine mysticism and dogma has produced the universe's most optimal tool for feudal social control and order, it's Genius!
  21. Yep, I got that insight. Being confrontational, having a grudge, hatred, a bitterness will always be hurtful to you at a very deep fundamental level. But even so, there is a time for peace and a time for war.
  22. Haha yes, this is the story of my life when it comes to dating. I am now really aware of the stages of grief and how they come in waves. At the heart of it is a very sensitive innocent desire to connect with another human being of the opposite sex.
  23. @something_else Yeah, she doesn't have the heart to say 'It's over' which ironically makes it even more painful as she is dragging it out and giving me hope. I think about sending her this: I am ending communication because I think it's going nowhere. I really enjoyed seeing you, I wish you a lot of love. But man... I hate how unreliable women are. They are all sweet and proper in person, showering me with compliments and love but when it comes to texting I get treated like a dog.
  24. No, I think it became clear to her that I want her more than she does me. I think I gave up the "player spiel" too early.