
Member Apolitical
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Everything posted by Vrubel

  1. By the definition of Western standards, they are! You're in for a culture shock if you visit those places. (I am not strictly talking about the model aesthetic which is in my opinion overrated but just more generally cute, hot and attractive.)
  2. Have you ever been to Buenos Aires, Kyiv or Moscow?
  3. No. I am (half-jokingly) saying it's attractive when women are really into you. If a woman looks like a 10 but doesn't see your worth and beauty she is then barely a 6 for me. Then you basically sleep with a guy-friend with a vagina, gross (don't take it too personally you have the right to your specific preferences). But for me, there is no girl that I will reject faster than one who is masculine and dominant. Feminine and submissive that's how I like my women. This.
  4. Haha yes exactly. If she is helplessly into you that's a sign of good taste and high intelligence(; you can then smuggle some extra points and judge her a solid 10.
  5. Yes, No silly games of withholding compliments or making the girl feel like she is "nothing special". Though high-quality men will subliminally communicate that the women they associate with are very hot/high quality, maybe she'll get the feeling that she is only slightly less than his norm and has to prove herself a little. But both men and women have to "prove themselves" to each other essentially. @Hardkill You make perfect sense. I agree, it is incredibly satisfying to have a submissive "traditional" girl and it's also incredibly satisfying for her to subjugate to the man. This should not trigger anyone but is the natural order of things.
  6. Go to Argentina it's an ocean of graciously gentle-looking blue-eyed Latina girls. Nobody is "monopolizing" them, maybe if they move to another country they'll stand out more and start feeling more entitled. Some cultures just more consistently have hot women to the point it's not that special anymore.
  7. There are countries where being 8 and 9's is the norm so the women don't feel that special or entitled there. Recently have been to Argentina, holy shit the girls there are so consistently cute. The same is true for Eastern European women who have to actively compete to just get a decent guy despite themselves being insanely hot. I don't know much about American women but I also assume that a good portion of American girls score pretty high and maybe only some elite 10's will feel extra entitled. My girlfriend is South African, she is hot but so are South African men so she doesn't have the overly entitled princess mentality.
  8. Yeah, the big point is that this topic gets people obsessive and leads to ugliness more often than not. I am personally deeply connected to Israel and have a deep understanding of the country, plus I am a history buff. So that explains my fixation. But if you're a "random unaffiliated" you just absolutely needlessly torture yourself with obsessive emotional and mental hellscapes corrupting your thinking and making yourself weak on a deep fundamental level. The biggest lesson you can draw from this conflict as a Westerner is to just be immensely grateful and appreciative that you live in a good part of the world and that many good people had to lay down their lives enabling you to live in freedom and comfort. Don't take this for granted! If you were a Gazan, a decades-long conflict and the psychopathic actions of your government would see you trapped in a warzone. If you're an Israeli 20-year-old you have to do some hardcore house-to-house urban combat in the most fortified terror nest in history to secure your people from barbarous atrocities. This obsession is also a multi-billion dollar industry for people who capitalize on it for example by just doing the same lazy debates over-and-over again. The people who capitalize on it are actually the smart ones but those who just mindlessly consume and uselessly sabotage their own well-being with it, are the fools. Suppose you're directly affiliated with this conflict by personal connection. In that case, the only truly productive thing you can do is to transmute your second-degree trauma into becoming a better and wiser human being, more appreciative, more loving and more forgiving to the people in your life. That's pretty much the only battle you can fight and actually win, the rest is a waste of energy and waste of life. In Israel for example all of the walls between people have come down and everybody is helping and supporting each other the best they can. Contrast that to some obnoxious prick on the internet or protesting somewhere, who thinks he's there to free Palestine.
  9. If Israel would have been an underdeveloped shithole, you would have pampered it or don't give the slightest fuck about it, so I guess Israel doing something right
  10. I just had a phone call with the Israeli government to do more aid and they listened. https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/israel-will-try-to-flood-gaza-with-aid-from-multiple-entry-points-says-idf-spokesman/
  11. @zazen Found the interview with Herzog: https://nos.nl/nieuwsuur/video/2512299-het-volledige-gesprek-met-president-herzog-van-israel-over-de-oorlog You can watch with an open mind and judge for yourself. It's in English, sorry for the annoying commercials at the beginning.
  12. Yes, anybody who thinks that Gantz or Herzog are some kind of extremist and don't care for peace is perversely delusional and tells me more about them.
  13. I could see a comment like this coming from miles away. Again, I must ask you to see things not only through your pre-made narrative but also more fairly as they are in the reality beyond your narrative. Dutch tv did a really good interview with him when he visited, it's not yet freely available because it was so recent but he made perfect sense explaining himself (and Israel). Anybody who knows anything about him knows he is a very reasonable, moderate and peace-oriented man.
  14. This weekend Pro-Palestines were loudly protesting in front of the opening of the Dutch Holocaust Museum in Amsterdam. Like seriously have some respect for this very solemn occasion honoring murdered countrymen, survivors and the history - so crucial to your civilization and society. It was opened in the presence of the Prime Minister, the King and the President of Israel which of course has drawn the demonstrations. btw the president of Israel is a very moderate and gentle person, making the protest all the more cringe-worthy and more like a middle finger to everything we stand for as an honorable self-respecting society.
  15. Nice lash out, even further proving my point.
  16. I am telling you an important truth on a particular issue. You seem like an intelligent person so you can add that to your total understanding.
  17. The reality is that most people go way overboard and easily get all obsessive, ugly and yes: anti-semitic. Ignorance and malicious hate are inherent in extreme ideology whether rightwing or leftwing. Of both of these groups, Jews or the Jewish state are the key target. Both have their own simplistic and dogmatic narrative and the role Jews/Israelis play in them. Also, both of these groups think of themselves as incredibly righteous and as fighting evil. My bar to consider someone anti-Semitic is very high but for example, Hamas support-and-sympathizing is a dead giveaway. I know that sometimes people get accused of anti-Semitism for absurd reasons. Like J.K. Rowling for the Harry Potter bankers. That's just absurd and petty. Also, considering that Rowling is very sympathetic toward Jews and Israel. But If you're one of those people who is obsessed with Israel, you have pretty much no choice but to integrate the truth of Israel's right and dignity. Not doing so is a slippery slope to becoming the thing you hate most. And oh boy is this issue an obsession for you people. Why do you think Piers Morgan has like a million of practically the same debate videos on the topic.
  18. The topic is more heated because there are Jews involved. It's hard to explain but there is something about Jews that makes them "satisfying" to target for certain people who really get carried away in their political narrative whether extreme rightwing or leftwing. I guess it's because Jews tend to be successful and overrepresented in key fields but still have certain weak points or vulnerabilities that people can rip into and run with it like there is no tomorrow. Even if many extreme left people say they "hate Israel but not Jews", the principle is the same. Hate is hate and there is nothing wise or compassionate about their obsessiveness and demonization of Israel, it's the very opposite of that. How convenient to only "love" Jews if they are weak, defenseless and irrelevant. Western people go way overboard with criticizing Saudi given that it is relatively advanced for an Arab country (how about criticizing the slave markets in Libya or the actual ongoing genocide in Darfur). Also crucially Saudi does not seek destabilization in the region. That would be the Iranian government.
  19. @ArcticGong I mostly agree though Greeks don't need to reclaim Constantinople to secure their future and live in freedom, resilience and sovereignty, for Jews it was a stark necessity to reclaim at least a part of their historic homeland. It's a common trend that minorities in the Middle East must show a certain excellence to survive, they cannot afford to fall into riffraff behavior or they'll be mercilessly hammered down. You can see that in Christians, Druze, Kurds, Armenians and more. The extremely talented president of El Salvador is of Palestinian Christian descent. Israel is not as merciless as the surrounding region so Palestinians have no stark pressure to show excellence in survival to thrive as a people and instead constantly sniff out the vibe of deterrence or lack thereof to impulsively act.
  20. By virtue, grace and historical poetry. It was already perfectly explained in a recent post of mine, I know you're just being a nar. It's the Jewish homeland and he lives there.
  21. Israel's military objectives are twofold: -remove Hamas from power (so they never kill and kidnap Israelis again) -free the hostages. (for obvious reasons) These two goals are equally crucial but rub against each other making this situation an all the more horrific conundrum.
  22. Israelis are not going to pamper Gazan civilians as long as this bright and beautiful young girl is still held there. (Just one example, they also hold two babies and over a hundred others.) https://www.jpost.com/israel-hamas-war/article-791158 There is no spiritual bypassing this and playing the extremely redundant numbers game, Jews have a genuine love for each other, Arabs most certainly do not. Most countries would undoubtedly deal with such savagery with real f*cking genocide, like China, Russia, Arab countries (the latter two are where most Jews are from and yet they are so much more gentle). It's so obvious that Hamas relies on exploiting the morality and level-headedness of Israel. In fact the whole reason they committed their attack is because they knew that Israel is too advanced to do a real genocide even in retaliation for mass murder, kidnapping, animalistic mutilation and rape of civilians.
  23. Jews are mostly an Eastern European and (most of all) a Middle Eastern People who have Israel as their homeland by history and stark necessity for their survival as a people. (It goes way deeper than that but those are two of the main points). Jews tend to be a relatively advanced and gentle people, especially given the regions of the world they are from.
  24. @zazen I already explained it, read again what I wrote in my last few posts. Maybe even contemplate and reflect a bit. Right now you’re just talking past me so there is nothing I can do. The level of discourse here is so low that I am not even arguing or showing you other (perhaps more sophisticated) narratives and POVs but I am simply defending the truth of 7/10 from the onslaught of your all-corrupting claws/narrative pushing.