Tim R

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Everything posted by Tim R

  1. Holy Shit... Existence literally is Love. It IS Love... How the f*uck could I've not seen this? Existence IS, and it can't be anything else and therefore it accepts itself completely, even if it doesn't seem to accept something (like when we don't like something) about itself, it actually does because it IS and therefore it is accepting... It literally can't be anything else... Holy shit... I always thought Leo meant something like a feeling, like ordinary love, attachment, desire.. It's nothing like that. It's a state of being, it's a quality of the universe, It's everything, always, everywhere... It is the simplest thing that could possibly be.. It's the only thing that could be.. It was a fleeting glimpse I just had.. But finally I had it, just wanted to share it with you guys. It's true..
  2. A couple of months ago, I realized that it is necessary for me to properly integrate stage Green. I am a very yellow person, and I checked many times that I'm not confusing my developmental stage with Orange. I still have very few orange spots within me which need some integration work too, however that is currently not my main concern. For quite a while now I've been into mysticism, enlightenment work and so forth, but I reached the conclusion: before I go down that road any further (I've seen the ox and it actually scared me a bit), I probably should integrate the earlier stages and since Green shares a similar structure with Turquoise, it might be healthy to further develop and integrate that part. I have Green within me, but I feel it's not fully developed. So my question is: Do I use the same techniques which a stage Orange person would use? Because I am not at Orange anymore and I don't resonate with 95% - 97% of Orange's values. Or is there a more sensible approach to Green? I know the limitations of Green and I think it is that, which is responsible for my situation. (Don't get me wrong, I'm neither resisting Green's values, nor am I confusing Green's limitations with Orange's judgement of Green; I know the healthy manifestations)
  3. So, if this was just a strategic move, what would be the goal? (more/stronger) sympathy from his supporters? Playing the victim? Blaming the liberals for celebrating and thus polarizing both sides even more? On the other hand, if this is legit and he's actually infected - what would happen if it killed him?
  4. Oh my god this has gotta be the most ironic thing to happen this year...
  5. Currently I seem to be in a phase, in which I am more aware of my emotional state than usual, which I find very pleasant. Now, I have two questions: 1. Have you any advice on how to get even more in touch with my emotions and how to properly deal with them? 2. What ways of emotional "cleansing/detox" are there, besides from psychedelics or (shamanic) breath work? Thanks in advance!
  6. Yes, basically. Love is unconditional, it embraces everything, nothing is left behind, nothing rejected. That is also the case for existence, you see? Everything that is, is (obviously). And so everything that is, could not not be, because it already is!! Whatever is, isn't accepted by existence, existence itself literally is acceptance. It can't be anything else. How could it? Existence can't be anything but unconditional acceptance of that which is - it's Love. Hope this helps... if not, well, you won't grasp it with your mind anyway so don't be disappointed
  7. @Dodo Never said anything along these lines, did I? All hate is included by Love, because all hate is. And all that is, is and therefore is Love. Love and Being are literally synonymous. So hate is actually Love and the entire Universe could never be anything else but Love, no matter what happens. It's Love which has no opposite. Don't confuse Love for affection / liking. I think some of you misunderstood what I was saying - I didn't force anything upon him. Neither did I project anything on him. I just tried to point at the fact that he won't understand anything, if he keeps using his mind as a substitution for experience. @Nahm I see... I never thought about something like that... So some people are actually not ready and it's not helpful (at all) to even hint at something like the fact that existence is Love?.. Is it possible to suddenly realize something like that without having purified your Karma? What would happen if this were to happen? But yes, it's probably not very wise to talk if nobody wants to listen, or if the listener is not ready yet. My mistake. Thanks for the many replies <3
  8. “The psychotic drowns in the same waters in which the mystic swims with delight." What is it with "crazy"/"psychotic" people? What can we learn from them? Why do we misunderstand and ridicule them? Obviously the distinction between "human healthy consciousness" and "psychosis" is completely arbitrary. If their state of consciousness isn't "dysfunctional" in the first place, why "treat" them? What's there to fix? There isn't a single shared state of consciousness / perception in the universe, so how could we declare a "normal" state of consciousness? Is it possible as a society to understand and solve this linguistic fallacy? It would be accompanied by total Deconstructionism, are we ever going to get there?
  9. @tsuki Yes, very true. Gotta learn to love this too, you're right.
  10. @Nahm Wow, I didn't know that, thank you for sharing so much information. Where did you find it? Compressed on a website or did you do your own research?
  11. No, these are not harmful entertainments. First of all, what precisely do you mean by "harmful"? If we say "something is harmful", it means that it somehow negatively interferes with our desired outcome, right? But you see, there is literally nothing inherently harmful in the universe. Only your thinking makes it so. So it depends on what your goal is. Even if your goal is to find out what reality is (fundamentally), it is not harmful to engage in science or thinking, because through recognizing that you won't find the Truth in science or religion, or belief, or words, or concepts or anything else along those lines, you get redirected towards your goal. Getting lost in a maze is not a bad thing, because now you know at least that you went the wrong way. You see? Calling science or conceptual knowledge "stupid games" depends on your personal and thus relative goal, too. Even to think that learning about quantum physics just for it's own sake is a bad, useless or harmful thing is wrong, too. It's a game. What do you think spirituality and searching for Truth are? Doing spiritual work is just a game as well. If you think spirituality is something more serious, something more real or more developed than drinking beer, watching TV or doing materialistic, rational science, you're utterly lost and haven't understood it yet. Don't you see that spirituality, meditation and psychedelics can be regarded just the same way as getting drunk? Both are ways of trying to get rid of yourself and the suffering that the self implies. Don't be arrogant. There's nothing, absolutely nothing better about engaging in spirituality than in anything else. So in conclusion: there is nothing inherently wrong or harmful about knowledge, science, talking, thinking or studying for it's own sake - because "harmful" depends on what your goal is.
  12. I was trying to understand the 4th dimension (as a spatial dimension, not as time). Could it be, that change in the 3D world is just the shadow of the 4th dimension cast onto/into our world? Watch these 2 videos to understand how I came to my idea of change being the shadow/projection/cross-section of the 4th dimension. Could it be, that all 2D-objects are nothing but cross-sections of 3D? Equally, all 2D change would be nothing but "lateral" movement in 3D? The boundary between 2D and 3D doesn't actually exist, 2D-inhabitants are simply not aware of it. So in a very fundamental sense, all 2D appearances are actually 3D appearances (they're just appearing to be 2D). So could it be, that all our 3D appearances and processes are the same typ of cross-sections (although I'd actually have to say "tesseract-shadow") of 4D? Only they appear to us to be 3D? What about the contents of an N,N-DMT flash? I personally haven't done it yet, but I often hear things that sound rather... hinting at 4D. Any experiences/references?
  13. @Member Actually, no, but I get what you mean. Why do you think that way? Is this inspired by a DMT experience or something else?
  14. Lol if he did, he should probably go see someone... doesn't look like healthy crap at all...
  15. @Ibgdrgnxxv Drop everything you think and believe about God and yourself. Especially the idea that you are somebody and that God is somebody/something/somewhere. Otherwise you'll never find out.
  16. Omg I've just discovered something pretty cool: If you recontextualize a tesseract, you literally get an impossible 3D object. Tesseract: https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/tesseract#/media/File:Schlegel_wireframe_8-cell.png Try to recontextualize the tesseract, so you get something like this: Impossible cube: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Datei:Impossible_cube_illusion_angle.svg It's exactly how you would do it with a Necker cube (https://www.cut-the-knot.org/Curriculum/Geometry/Necker.shtml). The only difference is that you end up with an impossible 3D object, which is pretty cool... Didn't Terence McKenna say something about seeing impossible objects in the DMT flash? I know I'm kinda throwing around a lot of ideas where I suspect a possible connection, so don't take it too seriously...
  17. There's nothing wrong with having achieved all these things. But it's neither necessary to brag about them and use them to try to claim authority, nor is it a very humble move...
  18. @Leo Gura In the Harry Potter story, there is a mirror. This mirror is able to show us our deepest and most desperate desires of our hearts. What would you see in that mirror?
  19. "I'm hugging the toilet out of love, pure love. I love it so much and then I get down on my knees and I see the dirt, the lint, dirt, dust and pubic hair in the corner of the of the bathroom and I take my hands and I just - I run it slowly and sensually through the dirt, until I accumulate a large ball [...] of pubic hair and lint and dust and like.. nasty pee dirt and I'm looking at this and - this is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life." "Imagine that [...] God had a face and you ever got to see the face of God, the kind of emotions you might experience and the kind of beauty and profundity you might feel - this clump of pubic hair is the face of God." (from https://youtu.be/ypDRRcMKj7E?t=2342) I think those are my absolute favorite quotes when I heard him say these thing for the very first time I just couldn't stop laughing...
  20. "We're inside the trash bin of the universe right now - this is the trash bin, hello??!.." (from https://youtu.be/1zjuDdysOL8?t=4866)
  21. Damn, this one is good...
  22. "Everyone is your brother and sister. Yes, you'll be banging your sister But that only deepens the love, Lol." (from https://www.actualized.org/forum/topic/34866-to-all-struggling-males-stop-playing-victim/?page=2)