Tim R

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Everything posted by Tim R

  1. I'd like to start a collection of quotes from Leo. Many of the things he says are very inspiring, funny, wise, outrageous, weird, etc. and I think a collection of quotes would be a cool and useful thing to develop. Just share your favorite things he said or wrote in either his videos or here on the forum.
  2. Here, some brain candy for ya. This episode is from the Lex Fridman Podcast with Michael Malice. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BIk1zUy8ehU (PS: "The link could not be embedded because www.youtube.com does not allow embedding of that video.")
  3. I hope everybody here recognizes that it's not possible to "stop your brainwaves" and that this obviously is a hoax...
  4. You're frustrated because you expect them to understand. Drop your expectations or at least regulate them to an appropriate level. I could tell you about some deep insight I had - but neither would I expect you to understand nor would I be frustrated if you weren't even ready to use my insight as guidance. What do they ask for? You insights?
  5. As long as you are aware of the fact that it's only a game there's absolutely nothing wrong with competitive sports, I think. After all, what do you think the ego is? A game.
  6. Lol. This is basically just advertisement People who'd rather follow this dude are the only people who will miss out on this treasure - everybody who recognizes the value will stay, so nothing's lost.
  7. Ahh yes. Welcome to another episode of "Classical Actualized.org Forum Conversation". Gotta love it.
  8. What's your favourite leisure time activity?
  9. You create your own obstacles by creating goals. No desire, no problem.
  10. I'm such a special turkey. The best turkey, I tell you. Huge.
  11. Darwin was a genius. It takes a lot of courage and intellectual integrity to come up with something like the Theory of Evolution in his times... Nice article!
  12. You're still creating dualities where there aren't any... "That's not the ultimate". Oh yeah? How could something be excluded from the Ultimate (/Non-Duality)?
  13. @Dodo Show me the difference between 1 and zero
  14. What's the deepest insight you can have? Is there even a deepest insight? Is it the insight that insight into the nature of consciousness is an infinite enterprise because consciousness is infinite itself?
  15. Damage to the brain does not imply "damage" to consciousness. He confuses perception with consciousness. Of course, perception is held within consciousness, but consciousness is not perception. A counter argument could be: you could damage your perception organs and thereby "damage consciousness" (according to his logic), like for example if you were born blind, you wouldn't see anything at all (nothing, not even blackness), or if I would damage your visual cortex (or the whole occipital lobe), you would also not be able to see anything at all any more (again: not even blackness, because blackness is a visual perception). If you were born blind, your occipital lobe and your visual cortex might be perfectly fine - but your eyes might not function. Same result, it's just a change in perception (which occurs within consciousness), not in consciousness itself. Consciousness is not an epiphenomenon which has "physical, material reality" as its origin - "physical reality" is just an idea which is also occurring within consciousness. At least admit that, Elon!
  16. Don't you see that Love is selflessness? The Self, the real you, is selflessness/ego-lessness. The Self is Love. It's not something the Self does, it is Love.
  17. @zeroISinfinity Love you???
  18. @mw711 Yeah... Screw this I'm gonna find out myself
  19. A very good friend of mine has fallen into the rationalistic sort of "there's nothing to understand"-Neo-Advaita Trap... He thinks that he has understood, but as we start to engage in a discussion, it very quickly becomes obvious, that he hasn't. When Buddhists say "there's nothing to understand" he thinks that this is to be understood literally - in the sense of "rational understanding". And that's right, of course there's nothing to understand (with the mind!!), but only though direct experience. Now, today I tried to explain to him why existence literally is love, as I came to understand a week or two ago. Of course I know that there isn't really any point in trying to explain this, but I just wanted to hint at it. He then tried to explain to me how it could be the other way round - hate being the absolute "quality" of reality (as you will find out rather quickly, this can't be). As much as I love him, concerning this (and Non-duality as a whole), he is deluded and hasn't yet understood/experienced, what is actually meant. How to get him on the right track? How to disperse his delusions? It actually concerns me a bit, because it's this toxic, sort of unpleasant (Hardcore-) Neo-Advaita...
  20. Yup, you got it perfectly right. Except when you say love or acceptance - because you are not yet talking about actual Love or Acceptance.
  21. It doesn't help to call these things "suffering" either. It is precisely the most meaningful, inherent quality of reality. You confuse love with Love. Love includes everything. It can't reject hate or suffering, otherwise it wouldn't be Love. love is actually not Love, but rather something akin to affection and liking based on what the ego declares to be good. We say "I love this - but not this." So it is tied to condition - that's not Love, Love has no conditions. Therefore of course, love is included by Love. But so are also suffering and hate. What do you mean when you say "suffering"? Does the universe suffer or the ego? Being raped is bad from the ego's point of view. The universe however is selfless(ness). There is no rejection (suffering is the consequence of rejection), because rejection is the same as ego/identification: "I am me and the rest of the world is not me / this is good and this is bad (it ought not to exist) / this is this and not that./ etc. You see? Existence can't deny itself. It can't reject itself. It is utterly selfless acceptance of all that exists, it's Love.
  22. @Mikael89 Doesn't delusion imply that you're not aware of being deluded?