Tim R

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Everything posted by Tim R

  1. @Cireeric Yup. Ok cool so... guess I'll make mir ein Wurschtbrot
  2. Every time Nahm replies, I feel that I don't understand sh*t... so much to learn... almost discouraging. But only almost @Nahm So as far as I could make it out, "feeling" is the ultimate guidance, yes? Feeling will guide you towards your true nature, as long as you have an allowing relationship to them?
  3. @JosephKnecht What about this one then?
  4. @Chumbimba Aren't you trying to become more confident to eventually sleep with them? Otherwise... what's the point?
  5. What do you guys think about the relation that we as (more or less) younger people have towards the elderly in our societies? How important do you think this relationship is? How does it look like when the relationship between the younger and older generation is healthy? How does this relationship dynamic change across the spiral development of individuals and society at large? In all societies across human history, the older generation was considered wise and respectable and younger people often came to them for life advice and wisdom, since this tends to develop naturally as you age. This is not really how I feel our societies (in the West) relate to the old. We regard them as a sort of burden. Depending on the demography of your country, these dynamics change. Living in Germany, I'm sure to have a different relation to the elderly than someone who lives in let's say India, where most people aren't very old yet. So what can both young and old do in order to improve their relationship?
  6. https://youtu.be/mnn0IU0-atg?t=3770 Ever since I've glimpsed Love, it's the most amazing thing I've ever come across. I feel like I have more Love in my heart, but still not enough. Why is that? Is that what was meant by saying that life is a race for love? Because look, if I feel like there's not enough Love, whether I'm not loving myself or others enough, I'm (at least seemingly) in discord with Love, because I don't love my lack of Love. Ok, so the answer to overcoming that is obviously "that's okay too, loving your lack of Love is the solution". So if it's a race, isn't that an "infinite lack" of Love that must be resolved with "more" Love? How then can there be such a race in the first place? And why is everything else silliness? Aren't collecting shoelaces and fear part of that race as well? @Leo Gura Thank you for that video, it's my absolute favorite. Keep making videos on Love, you're amazing❤
  7. Yea but that's not Love and not what I mean
  8. @Kalo It's not that I want Love for myself, that's not Love, it's the opposite, it's giving yourself and whatever you have to offer, and the funny thing is, that for some reason that creates more Love. And that's where I feel as though I never am enough Love, in other words, I feel like my Love is too little. Idk maybe you're right, maybe it somehow has something to do with ego. Probably.
  9. Holy shit these videos are so damn good
  10. This is primarily a question to @Nahm since he talked a bit about focus in his video, but please, feel free to answer if you feel like you understand. "With your focus you are the creator of conditions. Anytime a thought doesn't feel good to you that thought which is focused upon is in discord with the infinite love and truth that you truly are. When you let that thought go, which is to say focus on something else which does feel good to you, you feel good. Good feeling and focus really is the key to creating the experience that you want and becomes more and more obvious the more you consider this in your own experience. Simply put, it is not possible for you to experience that which you are not focused on. If you don't like what's on channel 2 you simply change the channel. Focus is really no different. Each one is the creator. We are the creators. We make changes to this place based on what we focus on." https://youtu.be/1TxOmW3Iz_c?t=2983 Ok, so I'm not sure if I understood this correctly (or at all lol) I think I don't understand what "focus" is. To me it sounds like a center of some sort. As if there's a POV. As if there's something of which we could say "there it is". But awareness is nowhere and thus everywhere, so how is there focus? Why is it not the other way round? Isn't it that I have conditions in mind which therefore creates a discord in my experience ("I want something else") and then focus comes into play to change my experience in order to fulfill my conditions? How? Isn't it my condition that creates the discord, rather than my focus? Isn't that what creates the discord with Love in the first place? If focus creates condition? @Nahm Thank you for the video❤ Many many things I don't yet understand but that's okay
  11. Ok this might be kinda random but I thought it was funny so.. I noticed how in his earlier videos, Leo used to talk faster than he does nowadays. So what I did was I calculated the words per minute rate from his older and newer videos and lo and behold, Leo used to speak at a rate of around 202 words per minute, whereas today it's only around 132 words per minute. Over the years his speech rate gradually slowed down (about 35% slower), which is actually a lot. I wonder why that is. Is it because his mind has become more calm or because of something else? Why do wise people speak so slowly? I think of J. Krishnamurti or Alan Watts, maybe one day Leo will be talking like them?
  12. @The Buddha What do you mean when you say "grace"? Is a pine tree without grace because it's prickly? Are cats more graceful than sea urchins? And what what about cacti? Are they not as graceful as algae swinging in the water? Nothing lacks gracefulness, one only lacks in ability to see it.
  13. Meditation isn't something that you're doing. Meditation is the awareness of what is. And awareness isn't something that you're doing, is it? It even says it: "being aware", not "doing aware". Meditation (as something that you are) and and enlightenment are identical.
  14. My God... You guys also sometimes just tear up over how unbelievably beautiful reality is? Just went for a run.. And I couldn't contain it anymore. How is this possible, I don't know, but thank God... Thank God for Love, thank God for reality, with all its struggles and problems, thank you. It's gorgeous❤️
  15. Before enlightenment, watch cat videos on YouTube. After enlightenment, watch cat videos on YouTube.
  16. @zeroISinfinity Lichess or Chess.com? Yup, that's me. Idk where you live, but where I live it's evening, so... wanna play a couple of rounds?
  17. Showing our faces lol. What's the point of life
  18. @RendHeaven Thanks @Someone here ❤
  19. This becomes evermore important in our own lives...