Tim R

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Everything posted by Tim R

  1. @SoonHei Lemme get this straight... you're "planning" on doing some acid tonight, but you know neither how much a normal /full blown dose is, nor do you know how much a microdose is? Is that correct?
  2. @Identity Thanks, you too
  3. @Identity I never disputed that?
  4. This is just such a good example why people think that spirituality is nothing but woo woo... @Identity If anything, the third eye is probably the pineal gland, not some little skin bump. pinterest.de/pin/177540410295025717/ Any choleric has larger veins popping out of his angry, wrinkled forehead than the most enlightened yogi. @Gesundheit Don't take the idea of a "chakra " too literally as something that actually exists in your physiology (I mean as in "separate Chakra which is some part of the body existing in its own right") Guys I'm all for open-mindedness and exploring strange hypothesis, but please, let's maintain some level of intellectual hygiene...
  5. @Identity Sorry bro, but that's just your skin? did you actually think some weird, eye-shaped bulge would grow out of your forehead?
  6. Exactly, it's just a thought. Become aware of it for yourself: is there anything but "now"?
  7. @Holygrail Enlightenment has nothing whatsoever to do with belief. It's no guessing, no speculating, no assuming and nothing else of this kind. If I hit you, you don't have to believe in anything in order to feel the pain, do you? If I play some beautiful music to you, you don't have to have any assumptions in order to hear and enjoy the music, do you? If I show you some colorful object, you don't have to think of anything in order to be aware of the colors, do you? It's also no "just knowing" or "intuiting". If somehow you should suddenly slip into an actual enlightenment experience, i.e. a nondual state of awareness, it will hit you with the might of a freight train. It is so immensely powerful, that all of reality will be vastly different in terms of the way you see it (nothing about the appearance of reality itself changes). Yes, people sometimes think that they are "enlightened" when in reality they are deluding themselves, but when the real deal hits you, it's going to be as obvious as obvious can be.
  8. I want to give you a little exercise to make it easier to understand the actual unity underneath the appearance of all differences. Take a look at this: Normally, we'd say "Black VS White". There's a black field and there's a white field and they are clearly not the same. Now, I want you to physically point with your finger to the place where black and white are separated. Are you pointing on the line in the middle? Good. Now ask yourself, what color is the line between black and white? Is it black? Well...No, otherwise it would simply be part of the black field and therefore you couldn't see it. So maybe it is white? But then again, if it would be white, you simply wouldn't be able to distinguish the line from the white field. Ahh, so it must be both! Right? Well, no. If you think that it's both you're actually still looking at the two colors, so go deeper! Go deeper, look closer, as close as you can into this boundary, imagine you could zoom into it infinitely, what color is the "line between" black and white? And eventually you'll find - that there is no line separating the two but actually uniting them, in such a way that black and white are identical. There literally is no boundary/difference between black and white. It's a "no-line" if you want to think of it that way. If you don't understand this it at first, that's fine, try again. Just keep looking for the alleged line. The above is a very simple example for how to recognize unity underneath appearing duality, but once you got the principle, you can see unity underneath the most intricate multiplicity: This is the visual aspect of recognizing Unity. Of course you can apply the same principle on every other aspect of perception, for example with sound. Try to hear the boundary between sound and silence. What is it made of? Sound or silence? You can also take this a step further; look for the difference between "you" and "the universe". Can you see the difference between the one who sees and that which is seen? Can you hear the difference between the one who listens and the sound? Try the latter in your meditation practice, put on some "Om chant" or "singing bowl" or something like that, and with a bit of luck, you might even suddenly merge with the world
  9. @rnd Of course you can fathom it. On some days you're dumber than on other days and that's how it feels. Nothing special.
  10. I suggest you experiment with one substance at a time, that way you get to know them better. Concerning the dose you're going to have to adapt/calibrate it according to the effects. Don't take more than recommended (at first, see how it goes).
  11. Not easy to accept that centuries of science and metaphysics were wrong lol?? Materialism and scientism seem very very convincing tho (and are very powerful), gotta give the devil his due.
  12. @JJfromSwitzerland Yup that can happen, it's normal and good. That's the power of meditation Your true nature is peaceful and happy, but veiled by the constantly chattering, doubtful, anxious, attached and dissatisfied ego-mind. So when the mind calms down, your true nature reveals itself to you. It might, but not for long. The more you cling to it, the less you have it. Your true nature isn't clingy, so to desire this state of consciousness will only get in the way of it actually happening. So here's what not to do: meditating in hope of attaining or regaining this state of consciousness. Keep meditating, but don't expect this state to last longer or to come back once it's gone. If you're going to meditate, meditate for meditation's sake.
  13. Lol Terence was stoned 24/7, he always used cannabis to think. Which is really where you can use cannabis as a teacher. Cannabis aids implicit understanding.
  14. @freejoy No, you can't. Try and see how it goes
  15. Then what are you doing here?
  16. @freejoy You can't love "on command", i.e. if it doesn't come naturally/authentically. "thou shalt love thy neighbor". Ha! Forget it If you don't love someone or something, that's fine. Don't be phony and try to love them. Rather be selfish and admit it, than fake loving and acting all saintly and Jesus-like. What you can try however, is forgiving someone. Which is btw not the same as letting them treat you like sh*t and brushing it off.
  17. @Gesundheit Then there are no more values left I guess. At least no more values in our sense of the word. Our values are "valuable" to us because we're attached to them. So you can still go do your things, but you're not in the least attached to anything at that point.
  18. @Gili Trawangan @Flim @allislove @Jonty @nistake Glad to see that you like it, thanks
  19. @Gesundheit Yeah but that doesn't nullify the notion of having a "highest value". It might make the value "worthless", but only from an absolute perspective. Yes, it's all striving and yes, when you've reached the highest point you can only go down from there. Ultimately, every value will lead towards the value/goal of self-realization and the ending of suffering, the escape from Samsara, to use Buddhist terms. However the attempt of of escaping Samsara is still part of Samsara because one thinks that this will somehow make life easier/better. One is still in the rat race. And everything is falling apart, changing, dying, escaping, fleeting. We want security. The highest goal/value is the ending of all suffering. If you got something better, hit me up
  20. @Gesundheit What do you mean?
  21. @Endangered-EGO That's also a good one. I think most people experience the present moment as a very short memory-fraction that lasts for about 0.1 - 0.3 seconds or something like that. It's funny when you point out how arbitrary this is... "how long do you think is the present moment? 5 seconds?" "No! that's way too long!" "Okay, 1 second?" "hmm, no, that's still too long.." "what about 5 femtoseconds?" "what" ??
  22. @At awe Yes, the idea of a spectrum is also very useful to realize the unreality of boundaries/differences. Same goes for sound, either fading into another note or fading out into silence. And although most people will admit that there isn't really any boundary between white and grey, they would (maybe not on this forum) still argue that black is "obviously" not the same as white and that there's a clear and distinct difference/boundary.