Tim R

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Everything posted by Tim R

  1. @Fadl For real? Damn.
  2. @TheAlchemist Oh god I have that too... I hate it, especially when I'm trying to sleep. But I think it's correlated to how much stress you have.
  3. It seems that interest in certain topics comes and goes in waves on this forum Before it was solipsism, now it's physical reality and why everything is the way it is - what comes next? I hope it's gonna be about how to get a hot witch girlfriend
  4. I love chess. Sometimes when I've played a lot of chess in one day, this very weird thing happens: everything somehow becomes chess. Everything that happens is viewed through a strategic lens. It's a very odd feeling. Objects are viewed as pieces and everything you do is a move.
  5. @Elshaddai You're asking something very, very specific. One psychedelic alone can manifest vastly different effects from person to person, god only knows what effects a combination might have. So I highly, highly doubt that there's any combination which could produce effects that are explicitly helpful for personal growth.
  6. @Enlightenment He said that those people who haven't faced their mortality will suffer because of it.
  7. @Holygrail Look for the boundary. Where the universe "ends". There can't be such a boundary, because all boundaries have two sides. The universe therefor never ends. The 3D space-time-continuum might be finite, yes. But even so, it simply constitutes a "larger" 4D "space", since an infinite number of dimensions always constitutes the next higher dimension. Like 3D is "made out of" infinitely many 2D plains, which in turn are "made out of" infinitely many 1D strings. But the key thing to understand is Non-Duality. Every boundary has two sides. Non-Duality = Infinity
  8. @Preety_India Unpleasant and painful in what way?
  9. Have you ever wondered what it means to ask "why"? What is it that we want to hear when we ask "why is this"? Do we want to know the "reason" for something, whatever that means? Or is it something else? What is going on in the mind when we ask "why"? Where does it come from? What do we expect? It's a form of question... a form of not knowing... and being dissatisfied with not knowing. To ask is to cling. But to what? Why do we create problems where there aren't any? Don't we have anything better to do??
  10. Same reason as you
  11. How do I recognize it when action or thought stems from the spiritual ego? When for example I see a beggar on the street and give him some money, how do I ensure that this isn't motivated by selfishness masked as selflessness? Wait a minute... Why do I have the desire to avoid selfishness by avoiding a spiritual ego? I'm still being selfish then... It's impossible to do it, isn't it? I can't get around being selfish, no matter what. What should I do? Act out the selfishness? Or pretend to be selfless? It's a perfect trap...
  12. I don't think this is the case. What makes you think that for example yellow admires blue?
  13. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miracles_of_Jesus What do you think about this? Leo sometimes talks about healing and being able to will certain things into existing at sufficiently high levels of consciousness. Was Jesus maybe such an advanced individual? How is this connected to Siddhis? Or are these just stories?
  14. I just realized that open-mindedness is a form of Love. Furthermore, it's a form of courage and trust. Open-mindedness is willingness to die. Because to have an open mind means to face and accept the possibility of the death of ones previous identity and/or belief system. It's a form of trusting yourself to the truth, whatever it may turn out to be. Holy sh*t, I didn't think this would go that deep. So far I thought open-mindedness was just a...useful trait, I guess? But damn. Now I finally understand why @Leo Gura said that his open-mindedness killed him...
  15. @Gesundheit Lol what does it say???
  16. He describes Love. That's what Love is, pure Acceptance of what is. Without a choice for acceptance or rejection. Reality = Love
  17. That's basically the entire problem with trying to get rid of racism. The end goal is to actually embody the hippie notion of "I don't see race", but in order to get there, we have to take two enormous steps: 1) eliminate systemic racism by a) becoming aware of it b) changing the system 2) and this is the really difficult step: bring up a generation which actually doesn't learn to categorize people based on their skin color anymore than you categorize people based on their hair or eye color. As @Preety_India said correctly: There's nothing wrong with seeing, acknowledging, accepting and embracing our inherent differences. It's true, that's actually real love. Racism arises, when we act in some negatively discriminating manner based on those differences. Btw, "discrimination" has become a bad word. "Discrimination" per se is not a bad thing. It simply means "choosing something over something else" and we do it all the time (-->basically decision making). We must be careful not to abandon the notion of "discrimination" altogether. We have to discriminate, but: on a fair basis.
  18. @Breakingthewall Yeah, that "well of nothing" is you, but that doesn't answer my question
  19. @Breakingthewall How do you come to that conclusion?