Tim R

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Everything posted by Tim R

  1. I agree.. I'd expect the scissor sound in an intro of a barber yt channel but not Actualized.org The thumbnails look really cool!
  2. @m0hsen Don't worry, you're not. Leo just gave you a perfect example. You will never get to look like Ronnie Coleman by using your will/discipline or any bodybuilding technique if you're a 100lbs woman, it simply won't happen. Neither will you grow yourself to be 15 ft tall. Neither will you Increase your IQ to 350. Neither will you grow a 6th finger on your left hand. Neither will you fly by flapping with your arms as quick as you can. And neither will you compel your pineal gland to produce NN or 5MeO in the 10-40 milligram range. It's a physiological impossibility.. And if I am to believe Leo, you as God set yourself that limit. This has nothing to do with being open-minded. This has nothing to do with being a dogmatic materialist or dogmatic scientist. But for god sake, keep a certain level of mental hygiene in here (sorry, I'm not trying to be confrontational or anything)... threadlock probably comes in any minute now?
  3. @m0hsen I will look into it, the book is on my book list anyway. This whole schtick around Siddhis and reaching superhuman abilities of any kind strikes me as overly mystified, exaggerated and mostly untrue. People just love this stuff, because people love magic. And in order to love it even more, they will pretend that it's true. Which is perfectly understandable. There's a great deal of excessive guru-worshiping and (subsequent) delusion going on in many yogic traditions, I have personal experience with this sort of thing, I've seen it. So I'm not at all impressed by things like It's because people want magic to be true, people want their gurus to be like Gods, so when Yogananda looked someone in the eyes and their heart started pounding like mad and they felt a tingling all over their body, they will think it's his magic powers and alas, they will start spreading their deluded fantasies about him. It's the exact same priciple like with fundamentalist Christians who delude themselves about having encountered the Holy Spirit when they had a fever for 3 days in a row. Again, I'm 100% sure that people can reach incredibly far out and high states of consciousness by all kinds of techniques, like Tummo or some secret Kriyas which are only known and taught by some 110 years old yogi who has spent the last 85 years doing Yoga in a cave in northern India.
  4. @m0hsen The studies about which these articles write simply show that a) DMT occurs in rat brains b) the DMT levels in the brain increase after cardiac arrest in rats There are studies which show that the effects of DMT are similar to a near death experience, but there's no evidence that DMT actually has anything to do with it. Correlation ≠ Causation As BipolarGrowth said there are many, many other factors besides DMT or 5-MeO. Many of which are not even neurochemical in their nature, but psychological on an individual level. Not to mention context factors. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2018.01424/full Here you go. This is as comprehensive as you could wish for. Be careful what claims you make, especially when you enter such complex scientific domains like neurophysiology/-psychology. "Explanations" like "discipline" or "an advanced yogi is not a human anymore" just don't cut it, so be careful not to delude yourself with these pseudo-scientific approaches when what you're talking about is mostly a problem of science. I bet Bashar doesn't know much about these things either. You can't recreate such experiences with your sheer will. Leo's right, it would be easier to grow your schlong than to manipulate you brain chemistry into a full blown psychedelic experience. We're human. Maybe we'll reincarnate as some actual alien who can do this. But until that happens, we're limited in certain domains. Of course, if you'd provide actual evidence, I'd be more than glad to change my mind.
  5. @m0hsen Can you give me links to these studies? Or maybe names? I would love to read them very much.
  6. @m0hsen I guarantee you that your pineal gland will never ever produce such high doses of DMT. This has nothing whatsoever to do with "limiting beliefs" or "not enough practice". There are limits to our bodily existence. Only because you really, really want to bench press 1000 lbs doesn't mean that you ever will. Also, DMT does not occur only in your brain, it's found in various tissues all over your body. So don't focus too much on the pineal gland. We know very little about the effects of DMT because we've never studied it properly, even researchers like Strassman didn't want to go too woo-woo, so he stuck to measuring rather boring parameters like heart rate or pupil dilation Now please understand me, I'm not denying that some hardcore yogi might've been able to produce exceptionally high amounts of N-N- and/or 5-MeO-DMT (and probably even some other much less known compounds), whether it be through yoga, meditation, breath work or some secret practices, but what I am saying is that it was not in the range of breakthrough dosages. Do you microdose DMT? Or how do you know that? in physiology, there's something called "equilibrium". Which in this context means that your brain will adapt the ration of receptor densitiy to substance concentration in the synaptic cleft. Which means that even if you somehow get your brain to produce more DMT in the long term, since this is a very long process, your brain will slowly adapt to those slightly higher, new states to return to equilibrium - aka it becomes your baseline. Of course, your baseline then is different from your baseline now, so in that sense you will get closer to some other permanent state of consciousness, but here's the problem: as I said, DMT breakthrough dosages are in the mg range (within 3 tokes, which is like what? 1 minute?), whereas natural production of the pineal gland (I'm now talking about melatonin, which is a precursor, not DMT, because the occurence of DMT was studied in rats, not humans) ranges in µg (per day!). So we're talking about a factor of 1000x. You'd have to change your brain chemistry by a factor of 1000 in terms of a very specific relation between almost a dozen 5-HT-receptors, a couple of other receptors and their ligands (N-N-DMT, 5-MeO-DMT, etc.). I'm not saying that it is impossible, as a matter of fact, I don't know. I'll have to do more research on that. But anecdotal stories told about (not even by) some yogi who has supposedly reached and the promise of Bashar is not really enough. Besides, what's even the point of trying to recreate a breakthrough experience without admitting the substance exogenously? Because the psychedelic realm is (imo) not even the point of spirituality..
  7. Wow this is such a good example for stage blue. Just the way the bishop begins to talk about "God" and "objective values" and how he doesn't like subjectivity?
  8. @m0hsen Bro, it's a gland. Not a freakin DMT lab. Do you actually know how ungodly massive of a dose the pineal gland would have to produce in order to create a breakthrough experience? Forget it... 25miligrams+ from a gland that produces its main chemicals (e.g. melatonin) in the lower microgram range? not gonna happen?? not to mention your MAO which would simply break down any present DMT. Which is why you have to smoke a lot of it within a few tokes, that way your brain is overwhelmed and needs some time to break it all down
  9. What would you do? Would you keep working on your life purpose? Would you live a hedonistic life? Would you meditate more? Would you leave society and become a hermit? Would you become a monk/nun? Would you travel the world? Would you love other people more? Or would you simply go on living? This is actually something to really think about. Because your life will end, only you don't know when. Today might be your last day on earth, literally. Are you conscious of that? Do you act/live like you know it? Or are you in denial about this fact?... most people are, including me. Looking forward to your answers. Maybe this thread can spark some inspiration and motivation
  10. @Fishmonk What you do is called fearmongering. There are individual cases where the various vaccines have led to rather serious health issues but most people are fine. We don't really have any other option here. Either you cooperate and take the vaccine or you don't (which is also fine if you have good reasons), but if you decide to do the latter, at least do it without spreading overly generalized, incidental, flashy news which scare people into not getting the shot.
  11. Before you start listening to this, I need you to become a little bit... stupid Become once again like a baby. You don't know anything. You don't know what sound is, you don't know where it comes from, you don't know who is listening, you know absolutely nothing. And then listen. Listen closely, but don't try to listen closely, just let the sound come to you. Don't even do that, that's already too much. Nothing to do, nowhere to be. Just... Let the birds tell you the purpose of the Universe. They will explain it much better than anyone of us could ever tell you.
  12. Yes, being is not only all that is left but also all that was ever there. So you're in the same place where you always were. What you call "emptiness of being" I think is your search for meaning. Because clearly you find it bleak and boring, aka meaningless. I'm pretty sure that this is an accurate diagnosis Your mind is fooling you.
  13. One more step and you will have completed the circle. You're at 99% meaninglessness. You need that last 1% to see that life is 100% meaningless. Because when you realizes that EVERYTING is meaningless, you can apply it to "the problem" of meaninglessness itself. And the result of that is: It doesn't matter that nothing matters. And then it's like a game, where you know from the beginning that it doesn't matter a bit, but it is because of that, that you can get fully involved in the game with all your effort. What did you want anyway? Did you want it to matter? Did you want it to be serious in the end? You're not talking about transcending desire, you're really talking about meaningfulness and nihilism.
  14. Maybe some of you know the famous Koan: "Does a dog have Buddha nature?" - "Mu!" This Koan is of course absurd and meaningless, because everything is Buddha-nature, so what the master wants to hear is not "mu" or "hai" ("yes"), he wants to hear the true self in the student, i.e. the Buddha say "mu". In other words, he wants to get the student to understand that everything is Buddha, including himself and him saying "mu". But so long as the student makes a difference between a "wrong" Mu and a "true" Mu, the master won't accept his answer, no matter what he says. And as soon as the student realizes that every Mu is the true Mu, he solved the Koan. I was just sitting at my desk and trying to do some Japanese Zen calligraphy - I wanted to do this for a long time, but didn't dare to draw an Ensō (the circle, the symbol for emptiness, Mu), because I thought that before I "am allowed" to draw a "real Ensō", I must realize what the Ensō stands for. Otherwise I would be drawing a "wrong" Ensō. I just realized the solution to the Koan above - all Ensō are true Ensō. There are no mistakes.
  15. Ok now I'm intrigued. I wanna start experimenting with LSD microdosing this week, is it really that powerful for you? How much do you take and how frequently? Sounds like you're either taking rather high doses (by microdosing standards) or you're evolved enough that even small doses can trigger such experiences. But it sounds amazing❤ Love = non-duality/non-separation/surrendering/melting into one --> same as Death = collapsing of dualities/boundaries, surrendering distinctions, melting into everything else
  16. Ok wow, the "as if" just turns that sentence into an absolute overdose of going meta?
  17. Damn, the "why" is the same? haha great, not even a reason for there not being any brain lol
  18. We do it all the time, on the forum and elsewhere. I'm becoming aware of it more and more, and the more time I spend on the forum, the more I see it in others and myself. This whole "who's got all the answers"-game. Maybe this is just a phase in my development rn, but I'll let you guys partake in it, so here's a share. I'm not even quite sure what to write without sounding as though I'm preaching to you, telling you to become aware of this game in yourself and others and helping to reduce it. Do it, don't do it, your choice. Maybe this post is just another form of one-upmanship, a kind of non-one-upmanship. I don't know. Does it feel good to play this game? Or does it feel more like having eaten too much chocolate?
  19. I haven't yet realized the facet of God/ the Godhead, and I don't know what even to look for. My question is this: What exactly do you realize, which in the moment of realization makes you say "holy sh*t this is God!"? Because in my experience, every facet is extremely characteristic, so when you realize Oneness or Love, you immediately and without any doubt recognize it as Oneness or Love. So what are the characteristics of the realization of the Godhead?
  20. @Megan Alecia No? Why not?
  21. Also his explanation of consciousness in the beginning is absolutely spot on
  22. @Nahm You mean that "what is realized" is not anything realized per se because essentially the Godhead has no...qualities, I guess? In the sense that "it" is no "something". Nothing to point towards, yes? honestly I don't even know why I'm still asking. Nobody can convey it. Who am I kidding.