Tim R

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Everything posted by Tim R

  1. @RMQualtrough I feel like you're a bit too much caught up in ideas and conceptions. What about the idea "house"? Is that a false idea?
  2. @Godhead Oh but that's still relatively harmless.. And to be honest, I'd rather have someone tell me that they're a multidimensional pleiadian serpentine high priest than that they're "enlightened"?
  3. @RMQualtrough Yes. You can't unite anything that wasn't divided in the first place. Even to speak of "cessation" is already saying to much, because cessation implies division. For there to be the sense of "unity" (/nonduality) there must at least be the possibility of the illusion of division (thought). Your feeling of being an individual, of being cut off from the universe, of separation in any way shape or form, that feeling is the exact same as nonduality. There is no difference at all. Precisely because there is no real division, there can exist the illusion of division. You wouldn't know what you meant by "reality" unless you also knew what you meant by "unreality"(/"illusion").
  4. Can't wait for "enlightenment" to go mainstream and people on Instagram declaring themselves to be Buddha almighty
  5. @RMQualtrough Sorry, but I'm not sure how all that relates to your initial question or to what I wrote. Try to introduce only as few variables as possible into any explanation/conceptualization.
  6. @RMQualtrough "Thought" is a thought. Thought is a kind of self-sustaining illusion. So is "mind". Because "mind", i.e. "thought" are identical. Mind is thought, thought is mind. Thought / mind are somewhat like this: Would you say there is a triangle? Of course not. There is no "it". Only the appearance of there being any triangle. You are as much of a "self" as there is a triangle How could the triangle seize to exist when it wasn't real in the first place?
  7. Holy shit Leo just released another video!!
  8. Hey you guys, I'm thinking about starting to detox my body from heavy metals, but my main focus is on mercury. I have an amalgam tooth filling (didn't have enough money at the time to get anything better) so maybe the load is a bit heavier on my body than on people without this sh*t in their mouth? Do you have any good sources on detox you could share with me? I know Leo wants to make video on it but who knows when that's going to be. Thanks in advance?
  9. You guys don't f*cking get it. Aren't you kinda tired of this? 90% of the solipsism debates here are absolutely nothing but mental masturbation. You don't exist. Solipsism is not a thing. "Other people" don't exist, there are no "other bubbles" and "you" don't have any bubble either. Consciousness is not this 3D bubble that keeps changing its content. Consciousness is without any boundary, it is not solipsistic (at least not in the way you think it is), and if you would become conscious of what consciousness is for only one second you would see through it immediately. If you recoil at the notion of being alone in the universe, that's only a problem so long as you think that you exist. I mean, what's really the problem with solipsism anyway? Why are you afraid of "it"? And what is it that you're afraid of and who is afraid? To be alone in this universe, trapped inside a bubble that is mostly limited by your visual field? Isn't that the real bogeyman here? You want "other people to be real/exist", right? But what the hell do you even mean by that? I'll tell you what you mean by that and what you want, you want there to be egos, located inside other people's bodies/sculls, just like you think you are located behind your eyes. The dream analogy is good. But if you think that "you" encounter "other characters" in the dream, you still haven't understood. You are the dream, there are no characters, there is no "you" and there is nothing "other". So long as you think you exist as an ego, solipsism will scare the sh*t out of you and take a toll on your psyche, until you either see through it or stop caring anymore.
  10. If I may add my two cents; Please try to see the bigger picture here. The things that are happening with and to Actualized.org and especially within the community are the result of the development of Actualized.org as such. Don't regard what has been happening (Connor, SoonHei, cult accusations, etc.) as incidents that simply pose a problem to an otherwise stable and indifferent structure, no: these things are the first steps of the (more or less involuntary) transformation process of Actualized.org which will have to occur. Yesterday, I wrote: This I think is the major obstacle, the integration and (partial) overcoming of which will result in (some) transformation of Actualized.org. You can't teach higher mathematics to a 5th grader, yet that's what 's been happening in Actualized.org. And of course, the fifth grader tries to understand, thinks he understands, but doesn't understand and then creates problems for himself and others when he tries to apply the teachings. The reason for why people misunderstand so much of what Leo says, is mostly because they simply aren't at a point in their development where they even can have any proper understanding. But the problem is, that they don't know it. When you watch Actualized.org on YouTube, you will find videos ranging from "How to make a woman squirt" to "God Realization". Can you see the problem here? The same people who want to make women squirt are suddenly listen to Leo talking about life being a dream, other people not being real and what not. You can't expect them to understand any of this. They will become solipsistic, nihilistic and in extreme cases suicidal or end up in a psychiatric institution because instead of carefully deconstructing their mind, they shatter it. Please keep these things in mind when you engage in discussion here. This isn't about who's right or wrong, this is about solving a tricky problem which needs to be solved, because people have been harming themselves and others. Try to remember this and don't attack anyone personally.
  11. I want to talk about two perspectives and two other very, very important points, which create a lot of problems for many people who feel that they are stuck in these perspectives and they don't know how to get out. If you feel like you have a problem with solipsism, take your time to read this very carefully, it might help you, if you can get a glimpse of what is meant. I address some of the most sneaky and deceptive illusions you can get yourself into and because your mind is blind and biased, you might not know how to get out again. The problem I want to talk about is: confusing space with consciousness. Space is consciousness, but consciousness is not space. This confusion is, next to the confusion of ego, the major contributor to and source of solipsism. If you think the whole universe is "the bubble" as Leo likes to call it, you have confused space with consciousness. Notice, that "bubble" is a geometrical/spacial term. And if you think that you are this bubble or that you are trapped inside this bubble of consciousness, I unfortunately have to inform you, that you don't know what consciousness is. Consciousness is not limited to this unfortunate little confusion. Consciousness is not "the bubble". In fact, there is no "bubble" as a spacial thing "in which" the universe occurs. The visual field is infinite. Only because left and right to your visual field there aren't any colors or shapes, it doesn't mean that somehow there the domain of "something" (e.g. the bubble/"universe") has ended. It doesn't end there. It doesn't end at all. Also, you are not inside the bubble. Or somehow "behind" the visual field. Or inside the bubble "as" the visual field. You are not limited to the visual field, for two reasons; A) because you don't exist as a separate entity B) because "inside" can't exist with an "outside" If you think you are "inside" the bubble and you are the bubble (and nothing but the bubble, as everything that exists) you have fallen prey to and extremely tricky and unbelievably deceptive illusion: You have projected yourself (ego) onto space, which you have confused with consciousness. You say "there I am", pointing to the bubble. But what you don't know is that this is not you. You have merely projected yourself from inside your head onto "the external world" and now call it "inside your head", which is why you feel trapped. This is a relikt of your prior beliefs that A) you are inside your head B) there is an external world Consciousness is like space, but it is not space. And if you have ever become conscious of consciousness itself, you know exactly what I mean. But if you think that consciousness is made of colors, sounds, etc., you don't yet know what "it" is. Consciousness is not like the rest of appearances which occur "within" consciousness. Also of course, consciousness is not "outside" of itself either. Do not confuse direct experience with being true. Yes, it is the Truth, but it isn't necessarily true. Because "true" is a state of interpretation. Whereas Truth is not "a state". To think that everything you think you experience (and mind you, you often don't even know at all that you think something about something, your mind is completely blind to itself) is true, will lead you into complete and utter disaster. When Leo says "direct experience is king", he doesn't mean to take everything you experience for granted and think that it's true. But people think in too simplistic ways and therefore fall into the trap of believing everything they think they experience and don't even see that it's just their thoughts.
  12. There are no "other bubbles" just like there isn't "your bubble". You guys are confused, maybe you should stop speculating so much. Because that's what this is, pure speculation. Sit your ass down, do the work and find out what is actually meant by "there is no other". Because in non-duality, there is no "other", neither is there any "self" as in "self and other". "You" are not who you think you are, and "others" are not who you think they are. You are not inside your head, neither is there anyone home in "other" people. You are as much "you" and others are as much "other" from you as the south pole of a magnet is "other" from the north pole of that very magnet. There is just the magnet, it's one magnet. Same way with consciousness, there are no "two consciousness". There is just consciousness. People have no separate, individual, other existence. Equally, you don't "have" any separate consciousness which you could call "my bubble" apart from "your bubble". Say "other" over and over and over and over and over, really go deep down into what you mean by that word, until you realize that it's just a f*cking word and there is no "other".
  13. This would be a huge loss (yeah, I know I'm being selfish). Exchange with other people is extremely valuable, one, because it provides alleviation from the sense of loneliness that comes with going deep in this work and two, it simply enlarges the information network. The more people, the more information. @Leo GuraPeople discover Actualized.org because they want to know how to not give a sh*t what others think or how to meditate. And then they discover the rest. The relation between "depth of content" and "degree of shallowness of average follower" is too wide of a gap. I'm not telling you to divide Actualized.org into two camps, but the discrepancy between the levels of development that meet within the framework of Actualized.org has become unsustainably large. Hell, it even took a massive toll on the popularity of your brand.
  14. @kinesin No, it most certainly isn't. Leo can only be held responsible for what he says, not for what his followers do. He is not an authority. He is just some random dude, who, for all you know, could be utterly deluded and insane. It's always oneself who declares someone else to be an authority. There is no one to blame here.
  15. This is true, but one-sided. In the end, Leo can't be held responsible for anything his followers/listeners do, it's 100% up to them. The real danger doesn't lurk in the things Leo says, but in the way people interpret those things. When Leo or whoever else says "life is a dream" or "you're god" or "death is infinite love" or "you're imagining me" or whatever, these statements mean nothing whatsoever, per se. I agree with you on the point that "advanced teachings" maybe shouldn't be shared out in front of god and everybody, but even then, there simply is no way at all to make sure that people don't take these things literally or interpret them in ways that are harmful to themselves or others.
  16. I can't believe I have to say this, but please keep all your speculations to yourself and show some respect and decency. It's not appropriate.
  17. In the beginning there was Love. And then Love forgot, and then it remembered; Utterly embracing itself, there is no "outside" to Love. Because there is perfection, there are no reasons. No reasons is the same as birth of illusion! Illusion is pretending, but since it is pretending, nothing ever happened. nothing - ever - happened Love - Eternity - "Illusion" So, the birth of illusion and the illusion of birth are identical - this is what happened, when Love (you! this!) went full circle. Only, remember: there are no illusions, not really this is the nature of illusion - to be Truth!, not to be true. In an act of total, eternal self-abandonment, it forgot. Forgot itself. You forgot! Forgot yourself. But to forget is not to seize!! Only of course, it seems to be so When you were a child and played being someone else, you had to forget who you are. And because you loved playing, you really did it. So you forgot. But you still were who you were, only in disguise. Love forgetting itself, turns into "I". The true I forgot, because I am Love and I am selflessness - so, to be selfless(ness) when at the same time you are Love means to forget yourself! You must forget! That's who you are!! you are the You, who forgot who You is And then, when you have forgotten... Time to go back. Because there is no forgetting without remembering. Don't forget, you are still Love, so you will remember, you will "become" whole once again. You remember that you were all along. And you can re-member, because you only pretended to be dis-membered. To forget and to remember is a duality. There is only remembrance and nothing to be remembered, because nothing was ever lost. And so it goes, on and on and on and on, eternally. Of course it does, because something that was only an illusion, never happened (isn't true), but it is Truth. You are who you are, because you are Love.
  18. Misunderstanding is unavoidable - which makes it all the more tragic. All we can do is learn from and be forgiving of those, who acted according to their best knowledge. There is nothing left for me to say. @SoonHei May you rest in Peace❤
  19. @Muhammad Jawad I'm so sorry for you loss man.. This is shocking to read... May he rest in peace? This is a very tricky question, especially in this context of his death. Suicide, i.e. killing the body assumes identification with the body. But if I know that I am not the body, then killing the body is unnecessary. Spirituality is supposed to make you see that you are not limited to the body. "Is it possible to liberate myself from death by killing myself?" I think you see the futility in that.
  20. This is the sort of conversation that hovers at the edge of "wtf, is this even real?" and "I can't believe this sh*t is real"? Now I just want to tear off my ears and cover my eyes with them...
  21. @Carl-Richard Very nice Reminds me of a thread from a few weeks ago. Your post would've fitted well...where people were making claims about mystics transcending material limits to induce these superhuman levels of consciousness through sheer will...
  22. I'm watching Leo's new video rn, and I have to say it's brilliant. I love it. The ideas Leo talks about remind me very much of Hindu mythology, where the Godhead plays, gets lost in Maya, the illusion, the play, the power that created this world... Also, some of the things he said sounded exactly like the things Alan Watts said... Here he talks about the balance between skill and chance for an optimal game. Or this: This is 100% the same... Guess both Leo and Alan have realized the same... But how to realize this for myself? Is there no way around 5-MeO? Or what??