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Tim R replied to romansoloviov's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@romansoloviov If you can't see that absolute Truth is right here right now, in the most mundane of all situations, you will not see any other time. Because you create an artificial split between enlightenment and normal life. Let's assume you slip into "enlightenment" by accident within the next 2 days and then "you know". And then you're very satisfied for a while, but then it goes away again and you're "back in normal life". Ah, see? That's the split I'm talking about. This split is an illusion. Do not think that you will find enlightenment by abandoning this ordinary material existence, because so long as you make this split, you will not understand the oneness between "ordinary" and "mystical". Don't rush, you have plenty of time. Your true nature will not go away, I promise. You don't have to worry about missing out on anything "more special" than "mundane existence". What's this "without enlightenment" anyway? Why do you assume that you're unenlightened? Why do you assume that there is such a state as "enlightened" and that you're not a Buddha right now? What I'm trying to say is that you have to find a way in between. You're not enlightened, but you're not unenlightened either. And mundane existence is no different from nonduality. How could it? Your craving for enlightenment is the biggest obstacle to enlightenment. But if you don't chase enlightenment, that itself will become you're biggest obstacle to enlightenment. You're damned if you do and damned if you don't! So what are you to do? Wrong question. -
@Carl-Richard One time? Ha? Happens every now and then, sometimes more "severely" than other times, but I've learned to accept and love myself when it happens (which was not easy and certainly didn't happen over night). I know that I'm a fool and that I don't know infinitely more things than I think I do know, and when I make mistakes or say utterly stupid things, I know that it's okay. (I still of course try not to do it unnecessarily?) I'm therefore not ashamed to ask people to explain things to me, which to them might seem completely obvious - turns out that if you're being honest about this with yourself and the other person, they will (if they are not totally underdeveloped) feel this honesty and integrity and explain things to you or correct you without making you feel ashamed for not knowing or understanding. Whether this is about "not knowing things or not being as awake as you thought you'd be" makes no difference, you're a fool anyway. Understanding that will set you free. You're a fool anyway. One of my absolutely favorite quotes in this regard is from Alan Watts: "Freedom means the freedom to make mistakes — the freedom to be a damn fool."
Tim R replied to RMQualtrough's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Nice one -
Tim R replied to iboughtleosbooklist's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@iboughtleosbooklist I'm going to answer that one with "yes". Not as an ultimate answer to this question, but as an answer for you. -
Tim R replied to Godishere's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
That's why Solipsism is an utterly meaningless problem!! (for those, for whom it still poses a problem). "All perspectives" can only be your perspective. It's always you. If you could at this very moment incarnate yourself "into the perspective" of your mom or your best friend "to find out whether they have their own bubble", it would still be you who's looking!! It's always you. Always. Got that? There is nothing depressing about actual Solipsism. And if you think there is, you have no clue who you are and deluded yourself into a solipsistic prison where you feel trapped inside your head and "inside your bubble". You're not inside the bubble, the bubble is inside f*cking you!!! And Leo was 100% correct when he said that you are the sponge. You're not the damn bubble, and you are certainly not "alone inside your bubble". Realize who you truly are, and you will find out who "other people" are. And there's nothing scary about it - and if there is, you know there's still some ego clinging to itself, so don't think that it was the final step. -
Tim R replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
You need to be a bit more sophisticated here. The Buddha didn't pull this sh*t out of his ass over night, you can bet that a lot of careful thought went into these four statements. There is nothing negative about these statements, they're just observations packed into easily understood and memorized statements. What is meant by saying that "life is suffering" is this: "dukkha" is the opposite of "sukha", which means something like "pleasure". "Dukkha" is about the frustration of everyday life which is the result of - and then comes this long list of why you're frustrated. Because you don't understand that Sukha implies Dukkha. Because you're setting yourself impossible goals (like getting rid of Dukkha and keeping Sukha). Because you don't understand that your wanting and craving is the same as feeling that there is something missing in life (Dukkha). And on and on and on.... And then the Buddha gives solutions to these problems. Which also need to be packed into shirt sentences because this was the only way of teaching them to large audiences. @Someone here If you actually want to know more about Buddhism I suggest you go study it yourself, there's a lot to learn and much of it is incredibly valuable. -
Tim R replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I think they are very sophisticated and hit the nail on the head. Don't forget that Buddhism is primarily interested in reducing suffering, not describing reality. Of course, in order to reduce suffering, you will have to understand reality so as to navigate towards that first goal successfully. And I think the four noble truths do a pretty good job at that, as they lay the ground for enlightenment work in Buddhism. -
Tim R replied to Gabith's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Whatever you think reality is, is your projection. -
Tim R replied to Daniel347's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Leo still has to reveal the new substance he talked about in his latest video on god realization... -
@fopylo Some very solid and extremely foundational insight you got there, nice? What you're describing here is the state of consciousness of 99% of people. They are dazing in and out of awareness of their immediate reality, whether it's the physical reality surrounding them, or more subtle still, their thoughts, fantasies and beliefs. What comes into play at this point is focus. This feeling of intensified "is-ness" (/being) is the result of increased focus. And focus is a "function" of awareness (I'm putting "function" in quotes because awareness actually doesn't "have" any functions, but let's keep it simple for the moment). This weird state of "not being there" is awareness without very much focus. In this state, events and things in the physical and mental world flow through awareness, but without focus, that is to say, without "particularization". And so it feels as if the world has turned into a blurry picture. As if there wasn't really anything there. But the moment you begin to focus - there it is!
Tim R replied to Gregory1's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
That video doesn't even begin to move into the realm of Langen's work. If he has an IQ of 200, that would obviously be very impressive, but intelligence is not a guarantor for finding truth. I've quickly skimmed his work and find it quite interesting, but his approach to describe the ontological nature of reality mathematically is simply false. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christopher_Langan https://variantofone.medium.com/explaining-the-ctmu-cognitive-theoretic-model-of-the-universe-163a89fc5841 Here are some of his papers: http://www.ctmu.org/ I think he isn't immersed enough inside epistemology and metaphysics; he still thinks too much like a rational materialist/scientist. It must be incredibly difficult for a man with an IQ of 200 to go beyond his mind... -
Tim R replied to Blackhawk's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Blackhawk Leo didn't call the holocaust into question, what he meant by saying is not that there is any question about the historical validity of the holocaust, but that the notion of "truth" in and of itself is something that is part of the social matrix. The social matrix is a culturally enforced sense of reality - that's the point he was trying to make. What people consider to be "true" is cultural consensus. It doesn't matter in the least what is considered to be true (as for example the holocaust) only the fact that "truth" itself is constructed. -
Tim R replied to Someone here's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
That's a very theory-loaded question and you must be very careful and attentive when trying to forge an answer, because we're now moving within the domain of pure abstraction. You could read entire books on "what is information?" and still not be satisfied with the answers. I think information is a function of abstraction. By abstraction I mean specifically: representations (in whatever form; symbolic, phonetic, visual, imagistic, etc.) of events or things in the world. But since the "representation" is always based on comparison with "other things" (i.e. abstractions), the definitions of "things" is circular. But for the sake of discussion, let's pretend that this is not the case, because otherwise the whole enterprise of abstraction would lose its meaning. This is why in the strictest sense, information is illusory. Information is essentially synonymous with "meaning". Which in turn is synonymous with "implication". Information is always based on interpretation. I can talk to you in a foreign language, but unless you know how to interpret the sounds I make, no information is conveyed to you, aka no meaning/sense can be constructed. -
Tim R replied to ivankiss's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
And when he (Jesus) had said this, he breathed on them (his disciples) and saith unto them, "Receive ye the Holy Spirit". - John 20,22 - -
Tim R replied to Mafortu's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
No, I don't think there's any mystic who ever said anything like that... The notion of "temporary" (as opposed to "eternal") is a duality itself. -
Tim R replied to anderson's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@anderson Who said that there is any "I" or "self" that reincarnates? Oh? What if we're much more than that? -
Tim R replied to Chives99's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Chives99 In a sense, yes. Only the trick of course is not to turn "non-duality" into yet another descriptive concept. Because saying that reality is "this" would exclude "that". And every concept is meaningful only because it sets up a duality. But reality isn't a concept. Reality isn't "this". It also isn't "that". There isn't even any "it". Because "it" would exclude "not-it". All dualities exclude, and therefore cannot grasp reality. So, reality is non-dual. It's neither this nor that, but all of it and thus none of it. Nothing to see here -
Tim R replied to Godishere's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Godishere There is nothing special about psychedelics. You might as well ask "why did god create the tree in your neighbor's garden?" The answer is: for no reason. Creation (i.e. reality) is spontaneous and unpremeditated. There is no reason to anything, but equally, nothing is random. There cannot be a "reason" to anything, because reality is groundless. It is itself. It's own ground/existence. The notion of "reason/cause" bears with it so many assumptions that by the time you've tackled all those, your question will have revealed itself to be meaningless. -
"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." Interesting philosophical tool I just came across. It's kinda like Ockhams Razor. I think it's quite useful, because plain ignorance, stupidity and unconsciousness are much more abundant in human beings than actual malice... Philosophical Razors are pretty useful anyway, so here you go: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philosophical_razor
Tim R replied to Gabith's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Gabith Sounds pretty normal. The microdose range ends at 15µg (beginning with around 6µg). What you're describing doesn't sound like hypersensitivity, I get pretty much the same effects at around 12,5-15µg - but I use 1cp LSD, which is slightly more potent than normal acid. So with 15-20µg you're well above micro dosing range. The point of MD is to take the dose in the morning and then basically forget that you did so. Of course you can take more if you want, but then it's not exactly microdosing. But it isn't proper "tripping" or macro-dosing either? it's just more than micro dosing and of course you then get the effects of LSD. So either lower the dose or enjoy the higher dose?? -
Tim R replied to Ecocotton's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Ecocotton If Solipsism were to be true, you could not ask anyone to verify or falsify it. Thus making Solipsism an utterly meaningless problem. There is no self and everything is of that same nature; selflessness. This is the "big Self". And as that, you are alone - but in union with the Universe, as the Universe. There is only "everything" - and as that, "everything" is alone. Everything is a reflection of consciousness - consciousness reflecting itself. Think of it in this way: When you look at other people, you are looking at yourself. When you look into a mirror, you are also looking at yourself. And it's the exact same thing with consciousness. That, which is looking (consciousness), is both the reflection and the mirror simultaneously. This is what is meant by saying "there are no other people". Your reflection in the mirror is also not an entity. There is no "other" when you look into a mirror. Does your reflection in the mirror "have" consciousness? No! It is consciousness! Do other people have consciousness? No! They are consciousness! The mirror and the reflection are 100% identical. This is the nature of non-duality. Once you see that this is so, Solipsism immediately ceases to be a problem, because you have realized that there is no self, there is no other and there is no problem. -
Lol. The Yugas aren't "real", they are metaphors for the ups and downs of every dynamic system - especially the human psyche. There is no such thing as the Kali Yuga, don't let Shunyamurti scare you?
Tim R replied to Gabith's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Your feelings are never wrong. To ask whether your feelings are "wrong" is like asking "can colors be wrong?" and the answer to that is obviously "no". They are what they are and they present themselves to you in and as the direct and unmediated way how they actually are. However, we human beings never keep it at that. We interpret our feelings, mostly within the context of our desires (which is essentially also feeling) and thoughts. We also project all kinds of things onto them and them onto other things or people. So when you're asking "are my feelings wrong", what you're actually asking is "can there be a discordance between the interpretation of my feelings?" and I thinks the answer is yes. For example, when you break up with someone you love, you might experience a confusion in your feelings. On the one hand you still kinda love the person, on the other hand you don't anymore because they did something bad or whatever. But this confusion is not "wrong feelings". You feelings are exactly right the way they are, but the frame in which you interpret them now, is in discord. I suggest you ask @Nahm, he is a pro when it comes to feeling. -
I'm beginning to speculate whether these two dudes have started to watch Leo's stuff? some of the things they (especially Jordan) say reminds me of that. They talk about Love, God, Truth, Consciousness, all the good stuff. Could it be that JBP has seen Leo's videos?