Tim R

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Everything posted by Tim R

  1. Lmao this guy?? "he does have brain worms but I don't think Ivermectin works for that" haha
  2. God damn.. Alex Jones is deluded beyond hope of repair. I wouldn't want to live in his head for a second. imagine going around with that image of the world and people..
  3. @Dazgwny Wow, that's a juicy mindfuck? There's a nice German word for this: "Schachteltraum"; Schachtel - "box" and Traum - "dream".
  4. @Flowerfaeiry Didn't mean it like that? The point is that thought alone won't lead you anywhere. Telling yourself that everything is imaginary won't lead you to actually realizing that. "Everyone is me". Is it accurate to look at other people as me? Only if I have awoken to the fact that this is so. Otherwise it's just a meaningless thought. I mean go ahead, do as you like. But the thought "imagination" is not the same as imagination.
  5. Not quite. Because so long as it's a mere thought, it's perfectly meaningless to you. You might as well think that materialism is true or that other people have been created by the Christian god. This is all fantasy, as far as you're concerned. Because it isn't yet grounded in actual insight. This is very important to understand; It's like asking "is it accurate to think that reality a dream?" and the answer is: no! you can't know that reality is a dream until you have awoken from it and recognize that it was just a dream. You see? Just like in an actual dream. Only upon awakening from the dream do you realize that it was all a dream. Or if you become lucid, which is essentially the same as awakening within the dream, but the main point is that you realize it to be a dream. "Dream" is just another word for "imagination". When you awaken from a dream/become lucid during the dream, you realize that it's just your imagination. But if you don't awaken to that and during the dream some dream character comes up to you and tells you "hey, you know, actually this is all just imaginary", it doesn't mean anything to you! until you actually awake for yourself. Otherwise your thought of imagination is still only part of the dream that you have bought into and are still buying into and thus are not realizing to be a dream. That's why the thought isn't enough. And the fact that you're asking this tells you that you haven't yet awoken to imagination - otherwise you wouldn't ask and it would be perfectly obvious! just like when you awake / become lucid This is the duality of dream and awakening; It takes the awakening to realize the dream.
  6. @Knowledge Hoarder I don't need to know, but I did it for two reasons; 1) Mainly just out of plain curiosity 2) To a certain limited extent, it allows you to recontextualize this forum and much of what is going on here. If for example, people would start to argue about scientific or any such technical issues, it would actually make a big difference if we had let's say 90% people who have (only) graduated from high school VS if we had 90% people who have a PhD. You can see how that would matter a lot, if you were to talk about a scientific problem. Or any other problem, which formal education gets you to master!! That's basically the main point here. Obviously we don't have such a gaping difference, so there is no such major pull in any direction to be considered/ used for recontextualization. The results (so far) are interesting nonetheless and probably something to keep in mind anyway. It also lets you roughly gauge the average members age, but I think I did a poll on that a year ago or so. Most members here are fairly young. @NoSelfSelf When Leo starts handing out degrees for realizing God after plugging??
  7. I would like to start a small survey to estimate the approximate distribution of the educational levels of the forum members. I am using the american education system as a reference (High school/College/University Degrees), because the majority of the forum members live in the USA. For those not educated in the US, please select your approximately corresponding level of education. 1) Please select only the degree which you already have, not the degree which you are currently working on getting. 2) Only select the highest degree you have. The survey is anonymous.
  8. Forget it. This guy is lost, there is nothing you could do or say to convince him otherwise. The confidence with which he spouts around his outrageously stupid and unfounded claims is almost admirable. To be honest I kinda feel bad for him. He just doesn't know any better.
  9. That duck/energy analogy to explain love is really good
  10. It was a great podcast for sure. I'm still amazed at how open-minded Curt was. This stuff is not easy to digest, at all, he did a great job. And Leo also explained everything wonderfully
  11. Jesus Christ Leo, don't interrupt people so often... He was really really patient with you, and unbelievably open minded, Kudos to Curt!!
  12. Well, there goes my Sunday night? guess I'll have to stay up for 5 more hours??
  13. @Goldzilla What the f*ck? That's not why or how WWI started...
  14. Lmao these people are f*cking crazy?? you heard it, it will wipe out your DNA?
  15. It's Love. Because Love is the selflessness to become everything. Total and complete selflessness means that it will forget itself as selflessness/love. Total selflessness/Love "goes" full circle and incarnates as everything, creating the illusion of the world.
  16. This is correct in theory, but it can make you totally susceptible to illusion. Only because it seems that *insert whatever illusion you like*, that doesn't mean that it's true. Why on earth would it? I'm not talking about hidden "layers" to reality. Illusion is falsehood, I think we can agree on that? Illusion seems to be there, but actually isn't. Let's say the ego; it seems to be there, but it's just an illusion. Same with Solipsism. It seems that you are the center of awareness, but you aren't and awareness is everywhere, looking at everything. This includes "other people", although it's the same awareness. The only way to unterstand this is to become nothing, otherwise you will deny the existence of more than "your" perspective.
  17. @Javfly33 Hey look, I made a meme - just for you ? Solipsism is not true. It only seems to be so, but many things only seem to be true. You are not alone, because you don't exist. There is no "your" consciousness and there is no "other" consciousness. Your ears can't see and your eyes can't hear - and yet, you can hear and see. But only because there is one awareness behind your eyes and ears. The eye says: "I can't hear, so sound is not real!" The ear says: "I can't see, so sight is not real!" Consciousness says: "I can hear and see - both are real." There is one awareness, yes. But this awareness is more than one perspective. And that's where you are confused. You have confused consciousness with perspective (just like the eyes and ears in my little example have confused their limited perspective with consciousness of sound/sight as such) and now think that you are the only perspective there is. Consciousness is infinite perspective. There is no "your" perspective. There is no "other" perspective, because in infinite perspective, there is no "me" and/or "other". How many points are there on the surface of a sphere? Obviously, infinitely many. And which of these infinitely many points is in the middle? Obviously, they all are in the middle. Same with consciousness. Consciousness contains infinitely "many" perspectives - but it's all one sphere, all one "perspective-ness". And there is no "one center", no "one perspective". Don't take it too literal, there aren't "many" perspectives, separate from each other. Infinity is not a number.
  18. @Vladimir No. Alcohol is a toxin, period. And it certainly isn't "great awakening medicine".
  19. Very insightful into whats's going on in North Korea. God damn this is crazy. What a brave, brave woman. There's also an episode on JRE (Spotify)
  20. I'm having a hard time understanding what exactly you mean. Could you give a concrete example of this?