Tim R

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Everything posted by Tim R

  1. I'm confused as to whether this guy is actually stage green or stage blue.. can you be a stage blue vegan? Or is this just a really toxic form of stage green?
  2. Lol, there's not much selfishness in rearing children...?? especially not when they're under 4 years old, they are priority numero uno in your life. And later too of course.
  3. @zazen What you're saying sounds exactly like Jordan Peterson's ideas on mono- and polygamy. I assume that's where you got this from? What you're describing is a spiral dynamics stage blue approach and not functional in our stage orange/green society anymore. We are past the point of society pressuring its members into monogamy. The dating market is unregulated, yes. So what? It doesn't help to whine about it and play victim. There actually aren't that many men who would want a situation like that, you know... This is exactly the stage blue kind of I was referring to. This approach will not work anymore because it's (severely) regressive to the stage of our (western) society's moral development. Forcing people into monogamy is not going to solve any problems, if anything, it would make things worse. The only way is forward - which would be stage green And the way stage green deals with relationships and sexuality is a lot more developed than stage orange. Stage orange is what you're criticizing; completely hedonistic polygamy and treating sex like a commodity in an unregulated free market where the winner takes it all. Stage green treats sex and relationships much differently; they become a lot more intimate, but nevertheless, people are still very free in their sexual life and choices, whether it's polygamy or monogamy. It's free love. That way, the unhinged dating market that you are criticizing calms down a bit, because people don't treat each other, sex and relationships like commodities anymore. Now, stage blue is the most regressive of them all: stage blue values things like chastity, virginity, anal retentive kind of self-control, sexual restraint and monogamy. These values are, as far as the western world is concerned, of the past. They were the values with which our grandparents and their parents grew up. IN our society 80 years ago, it worked pretty much exactly the way you are describing it here It's not possible for us to go back to that mode of being. Beware of such ideas and victim-hood mentality.
  4. Oh my god, why all this elitism about "do you even trip, bro?" in the psychedelic community?... Really unpleasant to be honest. "Oh you haven't done 5-MeO-DMT at least 100 times? Well then you're full of shit and you don't understand the deepest spiritual insights." What a stupid game, it's embarrassing... Also, how can people argue about the ineffable?? It never fails to make me chuckle when I see people argue about this attainment or that understanding, and how your insight is still not the deepest insight and on and on and on... One-Upmanship at its best ?
  5. Excerpt from a book that discusses possible interaction between the two: Homoerotic experiences? And further: Both the later philosopher and the later dictator remained known throughout their lives for the bizarreness of their behaviour, for their absolute inability to have normal, uninhibited contact with other people. The philosopher had two homosexual brothers who committed suicide; he himself was homosexual and more than once pushed later lovers into situations (for example, participation in the Spanish Civil War) that led to their deaths. Cornish probably falls a little short here when he only touches en passant on the question of the dictator's sexuality. Was Hitler homosexual? Was he what is known in English as a "closet gay"? (So was he a "concealed gay" who possibly kept his "true nature" shamefully hidden even from himself - "in the closet")? Is it not striking how the dictator dealt with homosexuals in his own movement? Röhm and other gay followers of the SA, who had initially backed the "Führer" but could have become "dangerous" to him later, were liquidated. Residents of the men's homes in Vienna who knew him from his younger years were systematically investigated and eliminated. And all his "normal" sexual relationships, even when he was already in his prime, took place with almost boyish, barely twenty-year-old young women, who were consistently driven to suicide in the course of these relationships. (The same applies, in a modified form, to the relationship with Eva Braun). Curious? Certainly. And was there perhaps a particular experience that could be used to pinpoint the beginning of this development? Cornish believes it was the encounter with Wittgenstein. He had already had a relationship with Pepi, the son of his Linz host parents, which in quick succession included "infatuation", "rupture", "half reconciliation", "semblance of innocence", "reconciliation" and "tenderness" (according to the diary notes). "Tenderness" of this kind may have been commonplace at Haus Wittgenstein, the finest address in the cultural Vienna of those days, with two older brothers experienced in the matter. In Linz, this seems at least questionable. Among pubescents there may well be occasional moments that one later prefers to sweep under the carpet of a gracious oblivion. But how would it have been if there had been "tenderness" between these two teenagers? lol
  6. @Leo Gura Will you also tell us about how you do research on new psychedelics? I'd find that a lot more interesting than you just telling us about the psychedelic because it's pretty risky to experiment with completely unknown substances.. So I'd really like to know how you figure out which substance to experiment with
  7. I guess that's just part of the identity he has built around his channel, just imagine him suddenly making "woo-woo" videos on "everything is consciousness and you're god"...
  8. As if this made it any easier to understand??
  9. If you're assuming that your past is imaginary, then there is nothing for you to deconstruct.
  10. @Someone here What do you mean by "deconstructing memories"?
  11. Did I? I'm not anti substance and I know that you're not either? I'm just saying that substance abuse is really fucking difficult to handle. We are all fools. And we are all hurt. Some of use more foolish and more hurt than others. That's when things become problematic. Yeah, easier said than done.
  12. Substance abuse* Substance abuse is already the hell, not the promise. Alcohol or opiates promise heaven and if you feel like you're in hell, that's what creates the promise in the first place. And then comes the abuse. Well that's kinda the problem? if you aren't wise yet, you will get fooled by substances.
  13. Yes. Substances promise heaven but deliver hell. Fooled.
  14. You misunderstood what was said. I didn't say that I prefer people die and suffering, of course I don't. Don't strawman me like that. I said I think it shows a lack of compassion to laugh about people dying because they were stupid, afraid and didn't know any better. These videos won't prevent people from being idiots, that's completely naive to assume. If you're an anti-vaxxer, these videos are the last things that will convince you to take the shot, instead, they will drive you even deeper into antagonism because you hate to admit that people die because of ignorance and you hate that people laugh about it and make memes. Granted, maybe there's a few people who will be convinced to get vaccinated because of this, but that's a minority.
  15. Stop identifying yourself as an "INFP". It's not a personality trait and it is not a valid psychometric classification.
  16. I think it's deeply lacking in compassion to find amusement in the deaths of those who were misinformed, afraid and therefore lacking in trust and courage to do the right thing and save themselves and their love ones.
  17. Holy crap 7 more hours? God damn, Curt deserves some serious credit for being so open-minded. That's nuts. He is a paramount example for the future scientist. Hats off to Curt??
  18. Yeah just avoid the subject. There's no reasoning with extremists of any kind. You did the right thing?
  19. I did never say that it was "entirely man-made". But it's mostly man-made and there is just no credible research that says otherwise. First of all, people who "don't buy into the narrative of man-mad cc" are a minority. Secondly, yes, I think that most of them are either somewhat deluded or don't know how to conduct proper research and are extremely gullible for pseudoscience. I don't know what "research" you have done, but I can guarantee you that it goes against around 97% of scientific consensus. And that's a pretty damn bold stance to take, especially if one hasn't had any deep academic education in this field or even any scientific education at all. I'm not a climate scientist or ecologist, I'm a biologist. And if I am not a researcher in a certain academic field which is not at the frontiers of science itself (like for example research on consciousness or quantum physics would be), there is almost no good reason for me to believe that the petty "research" I have done on my own is in any way trumping that of hundreds of thousands of much, much more educated people than myself who have been studying this topic for more than a century. So please don't try to intellectually gaslight me with calling me dogmatic. Of course science isn't always right. Of course science can be dogmatic. Of course one has to be open-minded. But after a certain point you really have to ask yourself whether your opinion has any footing. As they say, "be open-minded, but not so much that your brain falls out".
  20. Again, I don't know how viable/realistic that is. If I'm at let's say mostly stage green, it's difficult enough to even embody stage yellow in a healthy way, not to mention stage turquoise. That also applies to fragments of yellow/turquoise. Edit: I would worry that if I tried to embody, even fragmentarily, a value system that was too high for my current stage of development and didn't fit me, I would both lose integrity and adopt the values of the higher level in some corrupt way. I think that's a realistic risk.
  21. You gotta ask yourself how realistic that is. I'm not saying you shouldn't do or try to do it, but I would rather worry about properly embodying the stage I'm at. Not to mention that at stage coral (whatever that would even look like), there's probably no more talk about "stage coral" or "spiral dynamics".
  22. I do see the nuances and I do recognize if they have something valuable to say. But it doesn't really matter if they have 1 or 2 decent points in their whole 230 page Parteiprogramm and 10 absolutely reprehensible and or regressive ideas. This is spot on. They are stage blue through and though with some stage orange so as to not be completely backwards. Well in that case this discussion is pretty much over for me. Climate change is almost entirely man made and if your denying that, you might as well deny climate change itself, not to mention that you're denying decades worth of science on this issue. Please understand, I'm not being dogmatic on this - I couldn't care less whether it is man made or not, but I choose to side with science on this issue and it is clear. @peanutspathtotruth I suggest you give this a go: https://www.wahl-o-mat.de/bundestagswahl2021/app/main_app.html When you get to the last page, scroll all the way down and tick the box to select all the parties.
  23. @Roy How do you want to know that Teal doesn't know anything about crypto currencies?