Tim R

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Everything posted by Tim R

  1. @Carl-Richard Nah bro yours is completely fine. When I try to record my piano there's so much white noise and I don't know why..that's the only thing that has kept me from uploading some impro?
  2. @BeHereNow Actually yes, they do. Of course it's impossible to say what exactly is going to happen and when, but it's safe to say that if we keep going the way we do, catastrophe will follow no matter what. Climate change is a very thoroughly researched subject. @Scholar Yeah that's probably what's going to happen. We'll corner ourselves, begin to panic and only then implement radical measures. How about we don't let that happen to begin with and rather wise up now??
  3. How do you guys manage to get such good audio quality? Every time I try record something or upload a recording there's so much noise that you can't hear anything
  4. I think the stuff that Leo talked about in his latest video sounded exactly what Leo Tsu taught in his Daodejing. @Leo Gura You can't be serious abut this. First of all, they're not nonsense, they contain a lot of value, each spiritual tradition covers a some aspect of awakening to a certain depth. Calling it "nonsense" is just ignorant. What you're saying sounds just like any old dogmatic teaching, even though you might object to me calling it that.
  5. @supremeyingyang True, and guess why so many people aren't interested in serious change? Simply because we have so many old people, who out of habit chose CDU/CSU. But to be fair, I am kinda proud that so many people decided against the Union. Groko just doesn't work anymore, people are sick of it. And the whole frustration that has built up since the pandemic is reflected in the results. And young people crave political change more than anything. Lindner darf jetzt nicht wieder so ein Theater abziehen wie vor 4 Jahren, "lieber nicht als schlecht regieren". Und ich glaube die FDP weiß, dass die Union so langsam am Ende ist. Wie du schon sagst, wir können nicht mehr so weiter machen wie bisher. Germany is a societal and ecological construction site. There's so much to do and we have to act quick. Like really quick and all this whining about "die Grünen sind eine Verbotspartei" is exactly the kind of attitude that will keep us stuck. Have you noticed how much Laschet is denying the fact that it's over for him? He's clinging so much. In the Berliner Runde yesterday he didn't even want to consider what it would look like if he had to be in the Opposition? An I'm quite happy that the Linke just barely managed to get in, even though R2G didn't work out.
  6. @supremeyingyang Naja, "weiter so" is hopefully not going to happen. Depends on how stubborn Lindner is, because the Ampel Koalition is quite reasonable at the moment. I would be so happy the see CDU/CSU in the opposition. Germany needs a change.
  7. @supremeyingyang But that's just a problem of German bureaucracy... God damn bro where do you live? Maybe it's just your city? just kidding of course. Although, who knows - who sits in the government of your Landkreis? If it's for example Die Grünen I guess it wouldn't be such a problem
  8. @Godhead I think @supremeyingyang meant rather something like "democracy isn't to be taken for granted, but Germans do just that." I agree. Germans are very complacent. I'm not sure yet why this is. Is it because we have it so good? Or is it something in our political history? I don't know...
  9. @supremeyingyang Die Linke haben auch ne ganze Menge gesunde stage green Elemente
  10. @Carl-Richard Last year, not nearly as many people were vaccinated.
  11. @Husseinisdoingfine Bro you're not even German???
  12. @Heinrich Faust Yeah, either that or Jamaica. See the link I've posted: https://de.statista.com/statistik/daten/studie/1246505/umfrage/prognosen-koalitionen-nach-der-bundestagswahl/#professional
  13. @RMQualtrough I see. The best advice I can give you is: Love. There are many ways of how you can deal with this situation, but if all these ways have Love in common, I think this is the best thing you can do, both for yourself, your nan and those around you. Show yourself the love you need. If there is anything that you for example feel guilty for in your relationship to her, forgive yourself. And vice versa, love her: if there is anything to forgive her for, love her. Forgive her. For one last time, accept and embrace her as she truly is, so deeply, that it breaks your heart. Embrace that she is just like you, limited, and embrace that despite that, she was selfless and loving. Love that. Maybe this doesn't even seem counterintuitive to you anymore, but to love is to let go. To say "I love you" is to say "I don't cling to you, I don't force you to stay". Be with her. Maybe she is afraid. What she needs is Love. What she needs is you, being with her, saying "it's okay. I understand you, I feel you. I love you."
  14. You won't be able to describe reality either by calling it "real" or "illusory", because these two terms define each other. So what is it then? Ultimately, there is only "Reality" with a capital R, we might say. This Reality doesn't distinguish between real and illusory (imaginary, as Leo would call it). What would be the dividing line between reality and illusion be made of, reality or illusion? Or perhaps, nothing? Reality IS Illusion.
  15. @RMQualtrough I am so sorry to hear that... may I ask who it is and why there are only 2 weeks left? Perhaps this could make it easier for us to help you. You don't have to, of course.
  16. Lol Taking shits, having sex, bonding emotionally, being an animal, having to eat, having to sleep, all of this is so awesome!! You're just blind to how absolutely miraculous and amazing all of this it is. That's all. Your neurotic standards to being "pure" are what prevent you from seeing how beautiful it is to be this living organism. Learn to love yourself. You won't stop taking shits anytime soon so why not just accept it???
  17. @isabel You must be careful with this now. What @peanutspathtotruth said is very important to understand; Essentially, what we're talking about here is free will on the level of abstract, mental activity (thought). So when I say "choosing/directing thought is just a thought", this might sound like I'm suggesting some kind of determinism. That there is no free will which chooses and makes decisions. And ultimately, yes, that is what I am saying. But here's the important counterpart: Determinism, i.e. not being able to choose and being a mere passive witness of your thoughts is also just a thought. You understand this? Yes, but this means a lot more than " a process that is going on outside of your control". To 'happen by itself' is actually the way this entire universe works. It's the "how" of reality. So this really isn't exclusive to thoughts. There is a first level understanding (metaphorically speaking), which is "I am in control". This is the ordinary, egoic sense of being in control. Second level understanding is "nobody is in control; laissez faire, be passive, there's nothing to do here." This is how many people who get into spirituality and Neo-Advaita begin to see the world; 'the ego ("I am in control") is an illusion' (so far this has mostly not been understood beyond the conceptual level). And then there's third level understanding: "I am not doing it, but it's not happening to me either". This is the stage I am talking about. This is the stage at which "happening of itself' has been deeply realized. Your thoughts don't happen to you, but it's not you who is in control of them either. Every thought comes and goes of itself. It's like your breath. Are you breathing voluntarily or involuntarily? You see, you can look at your breath in both (and thus neither) ways. You can't abandon responsibility for something that you were never in control of to begin with. In other words, you can't become passive if you were never active to begin with. That realization will only make sense if the duality between "I am doing" and "it happens to me" has collapsed. In a sense, yes. But even this "program" is happening of itself and not to anyone. So there is no passivity involved and you're not suddenly going to become a puppet of the forces of the universe which will make you say "no I won't accept this better job offer". You can have realizations beyond the mind. And they are not thoughts of any kind.