Tim R

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Everything posted by Tim R

  1. Absolutely 0%. Thinking about enlightenment, conceptualizing and building gigantic and elaborate models of what it's like is like furiously flapping your arms trying to fly into outer space. It can't be done. And just as a side note; psychedelics won't bring you enlightenment either, that's an illusion. But if you insist that they do, they (or rather: you) will get you deeper into the illusion of "if I do this, I will become enlightened" and it just doesn't work that way. "You" can't "become" enlightened, "you" can't "do" anything to become enlightened, and psychedelics won't "make you enlightened". So the best thing psychedelics can do for you is precisely to make you see that they won't make you enlightened, that there is no you to become enlightned and that you were enlightened all the time, and that psychedelics have absolutely zero to do with who/what you are, they will neither add nor subtract from the Truth that you are. And then if you're still after realizations and deepening your understanding etc., psychedelics are on hell of a booster to all that, to realizing Infinity, Love, etc.
  2. There is a very, very subtle line between "denying the content of a story and thereby believing in it" and "realizing a story to be a story and thereby dispelling the belief in it". The latter gets rid of the reality of the story without getting rid of the story itself, the former tries to get rid of the story by denying the story itself, but without realizing the unreality of the story and thereby reinforcing/validating the illusory reality of the story - and that is definitely not a good idea, and I would agree with you on that. That would be denial and repression, which in the case of something like trauma is not what we should seek to do. Do you know what I mean?
  3. Yes, the dissolution of the finite self is the expansion/dissolution into he infinite self. Realizing no-self doesn't mean that you suddenly stop being a unique character. There's no contradiciton or misunderstanding - at least not in any of the more popular spiritual teachings. What teachings exactly?
  4. Step up the quality of your posts, this forum is not the right place for conspiracy theories. I'm neither denying nor affirming the stuff this guy talks about, just saying that this forum is not the right place for this kind of stuff. If you want to talk about Meta being run by the devil or whatever, go do that on some other forum.
  5. Someone please clue me in, who wrote the RationalWiki article?? Adeptus? Please no
  6. @Husseinisdoingfine I thought you wanted to leave the forum? (not implying that I don't want you around, just curious)
  7. @WokeBloke I've said it time and time again, you're caught up in words, sentence structures and ideas / concepts, and you're confusing that with reality. It's time for you to let go of the concepts and start to see reality without them. Philosophy can only get you to a certain point, but your're trying to take it with you into a realm where it can't serve you anymore.
  8. @Forza21 Realize that nothing has changed - so why be miserable now? People are right, you're still mising something. You made up the problem. It's all good. Pm me if you want to talk.
  9. Fuck. This happened half an hour ago... He did it on TV too. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/putin-orders-nuclear-deterrent-forces-high-alert-tensions-build-ukrain-rcna17853
  10. Coming into existence is going out of existence
  11. @catcat69123 Why do you think that the self is a product of trauma?
  12. @Gesundheit2 None, of course. You're not trying to become that hand, you're just trying to become more and more authentic - even though one's striving for authenticity already is an expression of one's authenticity and therefore, there's nothing for you to do except play. No, it means to embrace yourself as the entire hand: that of course includes your game as a finger. Hence there is no dissonance. @Forza21 Yes, I've also forgotten. Sometimes, Truth comes back and I know again. But in between, I don't believe, I just know. I'm not even convinced, there's no need to be convinced of or believe in anything when you thoroughly, thoroughly know. That's faith. Just let go, you aready know. You don't need to try to go back, you don't need to do anything at all to achieve this - unless you want to, in which case, go ahead. In fact, this is the only reason why you have forgotten in the first place. Because the deepest from of knowing is Being. When you ARE, you KNOW so unshakingly and uncompromisingly deep, to the deepest, deepest of your infinite core, that you can totally and completely afford to let yourself go 100%, until there's absolutely NOHTING left of you. And that is the greatest gift you could possibly give to yourself, because you know that you will remember, because there is absolutely no way AT ALL to not be who you are.
  13. @Gesundheit2 There's no need to believe that you are the hand, once you've seen it, theres no coming back. And then, all you have to do is work at becoming more and more who you already are. There's no dissonance at all. Although certain insights have this "all-or-nothing" quality, the embodiment is a continuous process and you won't get rid of your role as the finger over night. You don't have to. You are the hand, no matter what. But: if one "exploits" this, one hasn't understood. So this is not a justification for anything, it just gets rid of the dissonance.
  14. ?????? "There are no other fingers"? "You're a Solipsist!!"? No, I'm the goddamn hand
  15. @catcat69123 Yes, congratulations on your insight! The "connection" between time and attachment is very subtle and it takes an unattached mind to see it. In the future I'll make a rather extensive post about the illusion of time and the varying depths of seeing through this illusion - attachment is rather advanced. This attachment doesn't come about through trauma though. Edit: I guess it depends on how you define trauma.
  16. @Kksd74628 I think Raptorsin7 and I are working this thing out. As I said multiple times now, the discussion is not at all problematic, it's the way this "discussion" has turned into personal attacks against nahm behind his back. And that, and only that, is not allowed.
  17. I never said that this discussion shouldn't be had? I even encourage this discussion! I'm literally just asking you to turn down the hatred, that's it.
  18. I care about harmony, yes, If you called someone else "charlatan" over and over again, I'd give you the same response. You do have that right.
  19. I personally don't care about Nahm, I never had a session with him or anything. I'm not defending him. You're posts are just getting too much, I told you that if you want to criticise him, that's perfectly fine and I encourage you, but your posts have turned into personal attacks, that's the problem.
  20. He's on the brink. If he keeps calling Nahm a charlatan, he'll get a warning too. @Raptorsin7 Enough now, I'm serious.
  21. This is of course a very serious issue and you need to a dress it as such, but not by calling him a charlatan. Do it in a most contsructive, understanding and helpful way possible. And try to take your own biases into account, I know you're frustrated because of all the money, I understand that. But you mustn't allow this to blind you. I think it would also be much better for you personally, it might help you work through these issues, frustrations and resentments.
  22. @Raptorsin7 But look, there are people who were genuinely helped by Nahm. You can't just say "Nahm is a charlatan, period" only because it didn't work out for you. You know?
  23. @Raptorsin7 You're frustrated and upset about Nahm for almost a day now, enough now. This is no longer constructive criticism. You had several opportunities to point out your problem, you did. What you're doing now is just calling Nahm a charlatan, we get it. You're allowed to be upset, but stop making dozens of the same posts.