Tim R

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Everything posted by Tim R

  1. When do you predict will Western society be at solid stage green? We're going to have to hit our head into the stage orange brick wall, as Leo said, but how much of this will still be necessary? What will the stage orange excess look like at its peak? Which countries will lead this development? Scandinavian and middle European countries? Just collecting some thoughts on this, feel free to share whatever comes to your mind.
  2. Someone tell me please, what exactly is the point of this subtly sexist thread? Showing that men are somehow superior to women in that they can sustain themselves without them? I doubt it... That's not the same as an island with a population of 10K men. After a point they'd probably tear each other to pieces...
  3. Examples? That's just not true and there's nothing in our society that would reflect this claim. Not sure what you mean by this? How is "the climate left-biased"? And how does Germany want to separate itself from the past?
  4. True, they're left wing too. But it will probably become washed out into rather moderate/left politics with the upcoming coalition, many of their election promises won't come true. The demographic climate, since it is dominated by old people, is quite conservative. Many political decisions were made because they were recognized to be necessary, like the Flüchtlingspolitik or Ehe für alle. And that was enough to create a massive backlash (AfD). Yes, our generation will have to deal with our messed up Generationenvertrag and inflation. Most of us won't be able to afford buying their own houses. The left-leaning development is the natural societal evolution. Our economy will take a dent, but only in the short term. Capitalism in its current form will soften. That's not a bad thing.
  5. @Farnaby If you know that it's just a belief, you're already on the right track. Because then you know that it's not true and so it can't be reinforced unconsciously anymore. All beliefs lose (a lot) of their power once they're recognized to be just beliefs. Keep working on your confidence. But don't say "I am not confident and I need to become confident", say "I am confident and I will become more confident". Because confidence is not a black and white thing, it's not "either you are confident or not". Like so many things, confidence comes in degrees. You are already confident, and now you're simply working on becoming more confident. By becoming better at something you will inevitably highlight that before, you were not as good as you are now. That's simply how this works. But let me illustrate how silly this whole situation actually is: If I'm sitting in a plane on the runway and look out the window at the ground and say "well, we want to go up very high with this plane because it's not very nice down here on the ground. But how do we get to high up without reinforcing the fact that we're down on the ground?" The answer is of course: you can't. The higher you ascend with the plane, the more evident it will become how low you were before. Is this a bad thing? Of course not! Or if I'm studying for mathematics, I might say to myself "how do I become better at maths without reinforcing the belief that I'm bad at maths?" You see what a nonsensical situation this is? Just do the work and you will become better at whatever it is that you want to improve at. Because action triumphs over belief. You can believe all you want. At the end of the day, you will see actual results.
  6. @Farnaby That's one of the paradoxes of developing/improving yourself. Realizing that you are good enough is very important. But realizing that there's a lot more better to be had yet is also very important. The key to overcoming this paradox is by uniting the two: perfection + imperfection = Perfection Perfection with a capital P includes, but also transcends both perfection and imperfection. All your flaws are imperfections and you should work on overcoming them. However, you must also realize that all your imperfections are, seen from the absolute point of view, just a part of Perfection. You understand? Leo made a video on that problem (only with dealing with a different topic).
  7. @IAmReallyImportant No??? Germany was ruled by the CDU (a moderate/right conservative christian party) for almost 2 decades, the only party that you could truly consider to be left wing is "Die Linke" and they barely even made it into the Bundestag... Our economy is pretty damn strong... Inflation is mostly due to the pandemic btw. Has nothing to do with Germany.
  8. @Ilan You can link your IG in your signature? (Account Settings >> Signature)
  9. @WokeBloke Most of your posts are much better suited for journaling instead of posting them in the main discussions, you should give it a try The main discussion areas are, as their name suggests, intended for discussions. https://www.actualized.org/forum/forum/16-self-actualization-journals/
  10. @WokeBloke Yeah, because you already answered it yourself: Yes, "thinker" is a thought and all conceptions that try to answer your question are just more thoughts. There is no thinker of thoughts. "thinking thoughts" is redundant speech, so is "thinker of thoughts". As I said, you're confused by language, that's all.
  11. @WokeBloke You're just confused by language, that's all it is. No need to make this so complicated.
  12. Which of both should one focus on? Or both? How to know which one to focus on?
  13. "Body" is a thought. But "thought" is also just thought. Hence, the body isn't thought you understand?
  14. Because there is neither preference nor aversion, everything that can be, will and must be. Infinity = Love
  15. https://www.reddit.com/r/AnimalsBeingDerps/comments/qgg72w/we_rescued_a_tm_a_little_while_back_and_those/ This is exactly what it's like trying to get you to see who you are? (don't forget to turn on the volume in the video!) "That's you! You're barking at you!"
  16. @Leo Gura Lol. There are many scientists who are into metaphysics and spirituality who know that science, like anything else that is of the world, abstract and conceptual, isn't real. Count me one of them. I think there are even a few scientists on this forum who know just exactly that.
  17. Be careful not to turn anti-science. There's a difference between meta-scientific and non-scientific and many (I'm almost inclined to say most) people fall into the trap of confusing the latter with the former. They watch Leo's videos on science and then turn anti-science because they don't even know what most of science is actually all about to begin with. Most scientists are not in the business of metaphysics or philosophy and that's perfectly okay. The vast majority of people have a completely naive and utterly inaccurate idea of what the average scientist does or what the scientific community is up to in most faculties and fields. And unless you have experience with scientific work or doing science yourself, you can be pretty damn sure that you're one of them.
  18. That study is from April 2020 and not at all accurate anymore. Don't let this thread derail.
  19. Not sure if I'm more inclined to believe this or Terence McKenna's stoned ape theory lol? @Endangered-EGO Getting away from suffering is the suffering (but I know that you already know this). So yes, it's impossible to get away from suffering. If suffering is the attempt of getting away from suffering, then trying to get away from suffering is like trying to draw a square circle. It's meaningless. It's not a real problem because there's no way of solving it. The only way of "solving it" is by dis-solving it; the alleged problem - which is "I".
  20. Hmm who do you think knows best what your heart tells you?
  21. 24. Confusing the relative with the absolute
  22. What do you think about the pharma industry? Is it really always as bad as people say it is? Especially stage green tends to have a (strong) a aversion against the pharma industry, but how justified is this really? Sure, the problem is that they make money with sick people. But if it wasn't for Big Pharma, those people wouldn't be sick but either very sick or dead.
  23. No more or less legit than for example the I Ching. Although, I'd probably rather read the I Ching than Tarot cards. Yup, namely your ass. That's how it works.
  24. What Nikocado does with his life is not a life purpose. It's an addiction/fetish.