Tim R

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Everything posted by Tim R

  1. @nuwu That's right and precisely why reality is illusion. Consciousness can never be conscious of "itself" because it's infinite. The infinite can not know the finite (for the very reason you put forth). It can only appear to be so by appearing to be finite (distinctions). But "something" is only appearance. There isn't actually something. "Something" is illusory.
  2. @nuwu It's so simple. Look at anything (any thing) and begin by removing the word/concept from it. Then go on to remove the idea of there being any "it". What are you left with? Nothing.
  3. @BipolarGrowth Awesome! Thanks for sharing. I've never heard of Dhammarato before, but he seems quite likable
  4. @WokeBloke "One thing" and "no thing" are 100% identical. If there is only ONE thing, then there isn't anything "outside" of this one thing to compare it to. Because there is nothing to compare it to, you can't speak of there being any "it" or any "thing", because that requires comparison. Hence the identity with "nothing".
  5. @Vision I'm not telling you to let go of money or survival, just to let go of those hypothetical 300$.
  6. It's just stupid, there's nothing scientific about it. Only because some substance doesn't have any negative effects on him, that doesn't make it safe for others.
  7. @Carl-Richard Bruh? my idea with making a very large cup and surface tension would be more realistic and consistent with your rules... would've never come up with your solution?
  8. @Carl-Richard Let's go, resolve. Otherwise this will end up in a cul-de-sac of bickering back and forth about the rules
  9. Now I want to know the answer?? I made a meme out of this, I deserve to know?
  10. Ok so in that case i'd enlarge the cup until all the water sticks to the walls of the cup due to surface tension? But I somehow still don't this this is the right answer.. How is "changing the cup size" compatible with rule 2 and "the laws of nature apply"?
  11. @Vision You don't even have to let go of "a few hundred dollars". Those 300$ don't exist, they are literally just a thought. You're not clinging to 300$, you're clinging to the thought of 300$, that's it. Become as deeply aware of this as you can. Those 300$ are a complete fantasy, they were never taken away from you and you have lost nothing. Don't make any excuses, don't say "well but I really could've had 300$ more now", no. So long as you insist on this silly fantasy, you will feel regret. But only because you insisted. Before you can even cling to a fantasy, you have to believe that it's real. So that's the first thing you need to see, it's just a fantasy. And then you can start letting go, because it's actually quite easy to let go of something which isn't even real.
  12. @Carl-Richard Alright, maybe start throwing some hints at us
  13. Big brain time?
  14. Oh I think I know how. The key is the notion of: "Upside down" is a completely relative notion. If we are standing on the north pole we just travel with the cup to the south pole and voila, we've "turned it upside down"? This has gotta be it, otherwise I resign
  15. Nooo?? so it's an ordinary cup? Not made from any special material? No weird shape or anything?
  16. goes against the 3rd rule tho, you're only allowed to use the cup itself
  17. If it's a very small cup that is no larger than a drop/few drops of water, the water will hold itself inside the cup due to surface tension. Edit: And it depends on the shape of the cup, if it's rather shaped like a tube, we can add a lot more water than just a few drops Correct answer??
  18. @Tyler Durden You're kinda conflating two things here... yes, there's no past and creation is happening now. But that doesn't give permission to deny ideas like "the past", "evolution", etc. They're still quite useful models and I can project them, creating the illusion of the future which allows for prediction.
  19. Why can't you drive to a nearby big city?
  20. Probably Nexaltrone https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4969763/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27401883/
  21. @BipolarGrowth The 360° sphere of vision is only kind of a metaphor. But it's strikingly accurate and it really feels like you have become a 360° lens. Before, you thought that you had/are a "point of view", like an ordinary camera (which obviously doesn't ave 360° vision, but only like 190°x170° or something). But that feeling of there being a center to your visual field is a complete illusion, consciousness is much rather like a 360° camera and it feels like that too, it feels as though "you" (aka the "point of view") have flipped inside out into infinity and into nowhere simultaneously. It feels like you are absolutely and completely non-local and at the same time 360°. I'd rather want to call this trans-locality. You are no longer within space, but space ("the visual field") is within you, and at that point, "360° lens" is the most accurate metaphor for this. That's why Frank Yang always uses this effect in his videos? It feels like you have become an spherical mirror that is simultaneously containing itself and all of its reflections. It's not that you can suddenly see "behind your head". The point is that the notion of there "something being behind you" has become totally meaningless, because you are literally everywhere and nowhere simultaneously, the visual field becomes recontextualized and you now feel it to be a kind of holographic bubble, which is both inside you and contains you (the latter only in a spacial context).
  22. Someone like Hitler is the perfect example of how originally good intentions can become so utterly, utterly corrupted that they are almost not recognizable as good anymore, neither to oneself nor to others. And Hitler had a lot of hate in his heart... Many measures that were taken by Hitler to "make things better" were actually also just the result of Hitlers disdain and hate for certain things, such as for example the cleaning of factories, they even made the factories beautiful (putting flowers in there etc.), but actually, Hitler was very, very disgust sensitive, which is why he did that. They got rid of the bugs in the factories (cockroaches etc) using "Cyclone B", which is the exact same gas they used to kill the Jews. He often referred to the Jewish people as "Ungeziefer", (engl. "vermin"). So yes, his good intentions were totally and completely perverted by hate.
  23. Please put some effort into creating posts.
  24. Russia west of the Ural Mountains is Europe, everything to the east is considered Asian. Russia is simply too big a country to be classified as either Europe or Asia. "Europe" is a geographical class, it has nothing to do with history or ethnicity (which btw differs a lot in Russia, go to the east and see how people will look more and more Asian).