Tim R

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Everything posted by Tim R

  1. @Aaron p I felt that way for sure. It made me depressed, anxious and feeling existential dread every fucking waking minute and it was horrible. But I've overcome Solipsism. although it was very difficult and tough on me emotionally. And now I see that it's just an illusion. I asked you "what has changed?", you didn't answer. The answer is important for dealing with and understanding Solipsism. You have to go full circle with Solipsism: At first you're not alone (before Solipsism). Then you're alone (Solipsism). Then you're not alone anymore (transcending Solipsism). What are you afraid of? That you are alone? Weren't you alone this entire time? "Well yes maybe", you say, "but I thought there are other people". Well, again: what has changed? Are the other people suddenly gone? And who are you, that you can feel "alone"? Your have to become infinitely alone. And then you're not alone anymore. This is spot on☝?
  2. @LSD-Rumi I'm sorry for your loss❤ I know how painful it can be to lose a beloved pet. I don't know what you mean by because it can be interpreted that you covered the death of your kitten with a story of "it's an illusion" so that it provides you with a reason not to mourn its death. You know what I mean? It's one thing to see reality to be an illusion, it's quite another thing to not see that and believe in a story of reality being illusion and then using that in order to avoid the pains of life. It's a type of spiritual bypassing. It is better to mourn an illusion than not to mourn a story. Your situation reminded me of something Leo once talked about (I already put the timestamp in the link) Maybe this also helps.
  3. I don't have any specific advice for you as I myself never had to deal with such a situation but I can tell you this: Whatever you do, Love is the right answer to such a problem. So long as you show Love, are loving, you can't really do anything wrong. Because that's what both of you and especially her!! need right now. Love and Patience. Pain cannot withstand Love and Patience.
  4. They only self replicate (and survive!) under lab conditions. And even if they became sophisticated enough to survive and replicate inside let's say a human body, that still doesn't make them dangerous per se.
  5. Like every technology. There's nothing special about Xenobots in that regard.
  6. @WokeBloke It means that the pointers themselves are part of reality, part of the map.
  7. Nothing determines the movement of the body. Its movement is "part of" the cosmic process (which has no parts), spontaneous and without determining force. Whatever physiological processes there are that "cause" movement (e.g. muscle fibers etc.), they are also just an expression of the spontaneous and im-mediate, i.e. unmediated, undivided process that is the universe. ☝?
  8. @WokeBloke Investigate instead of speculating.
  9. @WokeBloke Uno reverse Card: why would there be any separation between "the seer" and "what is seen"? In your direct experience, there is only seeing. You can't see the difference between seen and seer, can you? Close your eyes and listen. Listen until you get deeply absorbed into the chanting. And then, try to hear the difference between the sound and yourself (the alleged "hearer").
  10. @VeganAwake Why speak of Samadhi and Mahasamadhi? I don't see why there should be any "leaving the body". Do you know what this is all about? Nirvana can't be different from Samsara, but in Samsara, it must seems like Mahasamadhi is necessary to reach Brahman?
  11. Lol?? Sadhguru be throwin hands @Tyler Durden It's either that or God is actually seeing your head through other people's eyes. Or hey, who knows, maybe it's both. In either case, I advise you not to mentally masturbate too much.
  12. Being is neither changing nor fixed.
  13. Very well put. I always find it quite difficult to put this into words. Infinity, what is boundless, can't be/know the finite or it wouldn't be infinity. To "dis-member" (as the opposite of "re-member"; i.e. to forget) is to become finite - but only in the sense that infinity appears to be finite, but never "actually" is. Something appears. Or: Love forgot. And not even that, Love doesn't forget, but to be Infinity/Love is to "necessarily" forget and remember.
  14. This is inspiring. I absolutely love this mindset. Timothy Leary, Terence McKenna, The Archaic Revival, Psychedelics, Dropping Out, all of it. And I pray that I will live long enough to witness stage Green and the hippie lifestyle go mainstream.
  15. Yeah but it's one thing to re-upload videos from someone's YT and it's another thing to snatch entire videos from someone else's website and upload them on YT.
  16. For those of you who have enjoyed Curt's interview with Leo, here are his announcements on the second part with Leo and a scheduled interview with Frank Yang. 2nd part with Leo; https://www.youtube.com/post/Ugy2kW_Gsjzo9JQx1Cx4AaABCQ Announcement Frank Yang; https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdWIQh9DGG6uhJk8eyIFl1w/community?lb=UgwC63Ol9xj3GyR3Ef94AaABCQ
  17. Please, good sir, make more substantial threads.
  18. What the hell @Leo Gura It says but still, does Leo even know about this??
  19. The idea is obviously not that you should literally be cruel. The idea is that you should be able to be cruel, but consciously decide not to be cruel. It's based on Nietzsche's idea that people aren't good in and of themselves, but just afraid to be bad. And that's quite true. You need to recognize that you have the capacity for cruelty within yourself and that you can be so cruel that it would scare the shit out of you (shadow integration). That's what he means by saying that you have to become a monster. And then, when you know that you are capable of being a cruel monster, you consciously decide to be good. And that's real moral goodness (depending of course on what we mean by "good").
  20. @itachi uchiha This☝? Don't worry, if you'd say something like that about Leo's teachings, I'd do the exact same thing and lock your thread. Dogma is dogma, regardless of the teaching and will not be tolerated.
  21. In that post you said: I locked the thread because you were dogmatically propagandizing Islam. This is has nothing to do with open-mindedness, anyone who will say stuff like that about any religion or teaching will receive a warning because of dogmatism and the thread will get locked. Your thread is no exception.
  22. Threads get locked for mainly three reasons: either there's been some guideline violation by OP in the Initial post, or the thread derailed, or it was a low quality post. If you have good reasons to think a mod wrongfully locked a thread, consider sending him/her or other Mods a PM (which you did in the case of the thread you're mentioning...) But usually, there is a good reason why threads get locked. Mods are actually quite liberal in that regard and don't just immediately lock a thread.