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About Amanita

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  1. @Gesundheit But do you know how awakened you are by your desire to sleep? Also why are you so off topic? lol this thread is about the psychedelics Leo is 'hiding' from us.
  2. @eggopm3 I'm not sure if the criteria is actually a newly made drug. I think it is just newly found by Leo, so I think it can be something that has been around for a while but is new to the mainstream discussion and certainly new to the discussion on here.
  3. @peanutspathtotruth @Girzo I've tried 4-HO-MiPT and 4-HO-MET and I doubt it is either of those, they are similar to psilocybin and I don't imagine they would be much more powerful even if taken at a higher dose. It is also not 5-MeO-MiPT because Leo explicitly said it is not a 5-MeO- type. I also doubt it is 2-FDCK, since that is much more similar to ketamine and I don't imagine you could find that to be more powerful than 5-MeO-DMT.