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About Illj

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  1. I was watching Leo’s video about how much more conscious he is than other teachers and that he wouldn’t even necessarily consider them awakened at all. I would just have to ask, after you’ve killed the ego what do you gain for continuously chasing after temporary states of consciousnesses? As someone who has traveled the length of the path, I would have to wonder what is the point of exploring infinity anymore when all you will end up with is more infinity, unless it’s just your hobby or past time. And in that case why hold it over other peoples heads like they are so underdeveloped, when these realizations don’t really hold any value for anyone else. None of this has any value, so what is the pissing contest all about. Why belittle people who’ve decided to opt out of seeking at a certain point. If they have well being and are satisfied. The self can never have or hold onto any enlightened state, why keep trying, other than your own curiosity? Genuinely curious how Leo sees this...