Call Me Whatever

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Everything posted by Call Me Whatever

  1. Thank you for sharing. I've done a lot of LSD all of which was masturbatory, and before spirituality. Just reading your report I felt the penumbra of bad trips gone by, which tells me I'm most certainly not ready to engage them again at this point in my development. Your post solidified the decision.
  2. What internal resistances must one overcome to transcend Love, assuming one has already achieved this vibrational frequency, in order to reach higher levels of consciousness?
  3. The past two mornings I've been up before dawn admiring the moon and stars. I was overwhelmed in a sense thinking "it's amazing that any of this exists at all", accompanied by an understanding that it's an illusion! This evening I open Youtube and find Leo's new video. What is this? Coincidence? Some type of synchronicity? The universe pushing me closer to ego death? A glitch in the matrix? It's wonderful when things like this happen. (Accidentally posted this first in the High Consciousness Resource thread. Sorry!)
  4. I prefer to think of the ego as a mental parasite.
  5. I've increasingly found it difficult to relate to people in general, but there's an acceptance that accompanies this distancing.
  6. When I do this practice I can feel a heightened energy surrounding the body part I"m focusing on, but I'm also highly tuned to my body through exercise, so that might play into the experience. Most people are numb to their physical form.
  7. I can't confirm, or deny. In one of his videos he admitted to not reading anymore because he found his own truth.
  8. @Thought Art If existence is ultimately pointless, then the only reason to pursue anything at all is to pass the time beautifully.
  9. I just watched this documentary and it dovetails nicely into spiritual work, specifically, the connection between spirituality and contacting alien intelligences.
  10. I was admiring the stunning complexity and beauty of a dragonfly the other day. After a couple minutes I stood to give it space. The dragonfly then buzzed like a hummingbird at my shoulder for maybe 10 seconds before flying up to my head and landing on it. Of course I then ruined the moment by taking a photo of it, rather than accepting the experience in the now. I believe this situation, and other instances like it, occur because of higher consciousness in myself. This creature sensed I wasn't a threat. Another time, about a year ago, I found a dragonfly caught in a spider's web. I carefully detached it, making sure not to damage its wings. When I freed it, I placed in on the ground where it sat for a few moments before taking off and flying around me in circles for about 20 to 30 seconds. Both were amazing experiences.
  11. I consume coffee during my morning workouts because it fuels an aggressive, fasted exercise session, but it also it triggers calcified, aggressive, repetitive thought patterns I know do not serve me. Does anyone else who consumes coffee experience this?
  12. What are some interesting paradoxes on the spiritual journey that'd lend themselves to dramatization via a fictionalized anthology?
  13. I had an interesting experience in meditation this afternoon in that I separated myself from the ego with enough distance to view it objectively. I understood it, experientially, as a separate entity appended to consciousness. I use the word "understood" because no language or symbolism accompanied the understanding (earlier in the meditation I realized for the first time the ego's dependency on language and symbolism). This meditation came to an abrupt end when I became aware of my mind attempting to covertly highjack the experience and fragment itself into yet another super-ego partition. My mind has been a gasoline fire ever since, burning wildly, almost as retribution for looking at its mechanics too closely. So I'm left with the insights, but no lasting change of which I'm consciously aware. Moreover, I feel a strong resistance to more meditation right now. I wouldn't characterize this a emotional drainage, though the resistance is powerful enough to make me heed its warning. Can any experienced meditators comment on this? Thank you.
  14. @Aratrok I'm not a doctor and I'm not giving medical advice so talk to your physician. That said: Reducing excess in iron in the blood stream, measured as ferritin, may eliminate your fungal problem as fungus feeds on iron. I keep my ferritin level in the low-normal rage and have eliminated fungal problems. You can do this through regular blood donation, or if that's not available to you, therapeutic phlebotomy. Again, talk to your physician first.
  15. @Aratrok You may be trying too hard in that you're chasing an altered experience in consciousness, as if you're using meditation as a drug. Try to accept what is and just let it be. Let thought appear and unfold without attaching yourself to these forms.