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About relindwto6

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  1. So I’ve been meditating for 10ish minutes each day during the past couple months. I’ve always seen myself as someone who’s accepting and very open minded, but I realize now how much I still judge others around me. It came to me today as I was sitting at a cafe before work. This lady walked in, and her children were acting up. The lady didn’t really keep them under control and was in her own world, on the phone and applying makeup while her kids ran around, and I found myself really disliking her. I texted my friend a quick picture of her and asked what we could call a “Karen” in the country we live in. A couple of hours later, I found myself judging another person for acting similarly. Then I realized what I’d been doing and felt immediate regret. I guess I didn’t realize how much I silently judge others. It isn’t intentional, but it goes on to serve my own ego in the end. In a way, it makes me feel superior to the person at the other end of my judgment. I don’t feel great about this, but I know that I can change it. While I may not be able to stop myself from noticing the immediate annoyances around me, I know that I can stop myself from turning this realization into a judgment. I am not better than anybody. Hopefully I can continue to foster awareness and prevent myself from saying unkind things in the future. I’d love to hear any thoughts others have on this. Is there a way to increase my awareness of this behavior or further explore it?usps tracking showbox speed test