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Everything posted by Don Wei
@WaveInTheOcean yes of course that's why I said " the way you carry yourself " in my reply.
@nistake not the first one, but the second one.
@Roy as I said to the other guy, she first has to give you a chance in order to be able to show her you have a good personality. Women have a lot of options so they are not just gonna give you a chance to show them you have a nice personality. Nobody has time for that, especially not when she doesn't even know you and even more so if she is extremely attractive and gets attention from almost all the guys she meets. If she doesn't know any of the men who hit on her personally then the only things she can use to judge whether she would want to sleep with you is your appearance and the way you carry yourself. Your personality becomes more important later on when she gets to know you assuming you already have your foot in the door. Thats why you shouldn't only improve yourself on the inside or only on the outside. You should do it every way possible.
@WaveInTheOcean yeah, but you forgot to mention that women are not always looking for a serious relationship or a man to raise kids, especially young women. Men are often more visual than women but the first impression is still extremely important. The looks get only get your foot in the door. That means that if you talk to a woman you probably won't ever meet again on the streets or in a mall for example she first has to give you a chance. Make no mistake, women have a lot more options than men when it comes to dating and sex. I think everybody can agree on this. Place yourself in a woman's shoes that gets attention from men everyday. Why would she give you a chance when she maybe doesn't find you attractive and has many other options ? That wouldn't make sense would it ? If you are a women and a man approaches you that you find very unattractive and if there are already multiple men you find much more attractive hitting on you, why would you give him a chance ? Just because there is a slight chance he has a good personality ? Heck no ! Even if she knew you had a good personality it would still be very strange. Liking someone's personality alone without attraction is no reason to date someone because a lack of attraction with a good personality is just friendship ! Nothing else. You would get friendzoned that way. Why would you waste your time trying to convince a women that you would be a good husband while she clearly showed you in the beginning that she wasn't into you and only wanted to be friends. This is gonna make you look even more desperate and unattractive. And don't forget that she is in this situation not in a relationship with you. And she is probably already dating someone else. It's not worth it at all man. The ideal situation would be that you make a great impression on her which first will make her feel attracted to you ( not love, but attraction as you said before women don't immediately fall in love ) then later when she gets to know you better then and only then will she find out if you have a good personality or not and then while she was already attracted to you she also starts to develop feelings for you and that is when the love starts. But before love she has to feel attracted to you and has to respect you. How can a women love you and not have any respect for you at the same time ? This of course happens when she gets to know you and sees if you're a wise man with passion. Or someone who is just wandering through life like a zombie. As I said before improve yourself physically, mentally and spiritually for the best results. Improve yourself from the inside and the outside.
It's not specifically about being an asshole, it's about some of the qualities assholes have. First of all you gotta watch the way you carry yourself. If you walk around slouching with your head down like you never get women, then people are going to see your not confident. Especially women ! Women are better at reading body language and they judge consciously or unconsciously within the first couple of seconds they meet you whether they want to fuck you or not. So you don't have to treat them like shit you just have make sure people especially women don't dick you around, don't act goofy or hyperactive if you want women to see themselves having sex with you. Don't be an asshole but don't let anybody walk over you either. Women shouldn't be the most important thing in your life either. Neediness and a scarcity mindset are the most unattractive qualities a person can have. So always be focused on your goals and enjoy your life. Btw if you're under 30 then I don't recommend serious relationships, they will keep you away from your goal in life and you will waste a lot of energy doing that. But that's just my opinion that's why I don't really care that much about attraction any specific spiral stage woman. Why the hell would I care if the woman is stage turquoise or not. The whole reason why people go in relationships and have sex is because of attraction. I must find the woman attractive and I must get along with her. I wouldn't go in a relationship just because she may be turquoise. I don't need to be in a relationship to meet conscious people. You can be conscious and intelligent all you want but if a person doesn't think you're attractive they are not gonna go in a relationship with you. If I meet a stage turquoise or yellow women that I also find extremely attractive while life starting to get a little easier and I already have all of my shit together then sure. That's a good time to go in a relationship to me. So to sum it up, be a well rounded man. Improve yourself physically, mentally and spiritually. Get a lot of experience with women. Enjoy life and be grateful, if you just keep doing this everything should go fine.
Hello, I was thinking about everything that is going in the world, especially all the fear, paranoia and chaos. A lot of people are pointing fingers at the elite people in the world. They say they have secret organisations where they manipulate everything around the planet so everything works in their favour. And a lot of people spread a lot of fear about it. Here's the part that doesn't really add up. I heard some very conscious people say the elite people already know about everything we are learning right now and are using things like the law of attraction perfectly. In fact they say that they have known about this for centuries. The elite people do have secret meetings called bilderberg meetings, where the elite people discuss different events around the world and they also say that they are working together and creating a global type of government for the greater good. If you look at Leo's videos then working together as a unity would be a very high consciousness decision so they could be speaking the truth. But these same elite people also spread a lot of fear about things going on in the world. The normal average people on the other side of the spectrum do the same thing by spreading fear about the illuminati in return. It's almost like everybody says they want the best for you and everybody is pointing fingers at each other. I understand that it might be true that the elites have secret evil plans but it could also be true that they are good misunderstood people that are just to far ahead, to conscious and advanced to be understand and the masses might be afraid out of ignorance. When I say masses i'm not only talking about the people who follow the crowd like sheep but also spiritual people on youtube or self improvement channels, just very conscious people that are not a part of the elite group. They say you should watch out for the mainstream media, watch out for mass control by using fear. But even if they make you more conscious they also make you more paranoid. For all we know the elites could just be elites not because of evil plans but because they are the most conscious and intelligent people. But as I said before I personally do think they have some secret plans they don't tell us. Like for example the existance of aliens and other grand things that are so different from everything we have been told our whole life that if they told us we would just all go crazy and lose a lot of our consciousness. What are you guys opinions on this ?
Bloodborne is by far the most conscious vidso game i've ever seen. But you will have to find out the lore of the story on your own though. You would normally think its just a horror game but it deals with enlightenment and awareness. You literally have to raise your insight in order to progress in the video game. And not only that, its also extremely fun and difficult to play at the same time. Anbody here who has played any of the Souls games knows what i'm talking about. Its very special because in my opinion low consciousness games are more entertaining. But I'll write a seperate topic about this to explain myself more
I was always wondering whether my hair was a little thinner on top. I've heard people say it before but I did not pay that much attention. I was meditating today and I don't know what triggered the thought, but I suddenly got the idea to film the top of my head to see if my hair is actually thinner or if its just an optical illusion. Then when I watched the video I discovered my hair actually is thinner on top and then I suddenly panicked. I remembered that stress causes hair loss so I calmed myself down and tried to think if its possible that my hair has always been a little thinner on top. Nobody in my entire family is bald, so if if its true that i'm really balding its not genetics. How can I prevent balding ? I'm only 18 years old, i'm way too young for this. If I was an old man or if I was at least able to grow a beard I wouldn't mind it that much but i'm not ignoring this. I want to solve any health problem as early as possible that's why I want to know what to do to prevent this.
@supremeyingyang @supremeyingyang I already had my final physics exam and it went really bad, if i'm lucky I'll get a 6 but probably not. I need an 8,9 because my last two grades in physics also happened to suck. My only change now is to ask for a second chance exam. Normally this would not be possible before corona.
@supremeyingyang we have marks from 1 to 10. A 6 is just enough to get by. Anything below 6 is bad. And during the final class of high school you get three physics test per semester, some other subjects have more. And they add all three numbers together and divide them with three. That's your average score and the university I want to go to is in the Netherlands called TUdelft. They want my average score to be at least 7 but somehow I did bad with all my physics tests this year. And I studied it during the entire corona period. But this particular exam was a lot more difficult than other years. I'm not going to blame circumstances I have to take responsibility for this. I always used to get amazing grades but a couple of years ago it stopped and I really started believing I was dumb untill I found videos about victim mentality from people like dr joe dispenza, leo and others and how they got succesfull through all their disadvantages.
@supremeyingyang yeah I probably dp have to calm down a bit, this is a pretty stressful time right now, I think I worked pretty bad in physics druing the exam and the people from the university at least expect me to get a 7 so if I don't I'll have spend all my time next year studying physics and math in a different country with no friends at all in order to try to get accepted into the university there again. So yeah I'll see what will happen next month and how everything will play out thanks ??
@Zak I feel a strong urge to tell people why their limiting beliefs and mentalities are holding them back but its so energy draining. Its like i'm screaming on the inside... Its so unsatisfying to know what people are doing wrong and see them try to debate with bad arguments. I saw a comedian named george carlin talk about god, he said he doesn't belief god exists because if he did the world wouldn't be full of bad things and corruption, he also said god must be a man because a women would never fuck up the earth like god did... This irritated me so much because god first of all doesn't have a body so you can't see him, we are also not conscious enough, we can't sense a lot of things. He tries to argue about god the same way you would argue about a human. Then I started ranting in the comments, but its not worth it. If people gain succes and happiness with your advice then good, but if they don't listen then just let them go its not worth your energy.
Hi everybody, i'm right now on my purpose and I haven't achieved my goals yet. I'm still very grateful though. But I was wondering, when I get rich. What would be the best way to spend my money to raise my consciousness live happily and contribute to society. Besides obvious things you do when you have a lot of money like buying cars, houses, clothes etc. But what is the smartest way to use it. Especially when you first start getting the big bucks, I don't want to be one of those people who waste their money as soon as they get rich but I also don't want to unnecessarily wear old shitty clothes and live like I don't have any money the way some extreme rich people do for some reason.
@Heaven what do you do for money that allows you to live this freely and abundant ?
@Ya knowknowknowknowknowkn@JosephKnecht (ignore the sentence above this it is a glitch i've had on this page for a while) Value is subjective, but I still asked this question on this forum because I assume that everybody on this forum has a high consciousness and values physical, mental and spiritual self improvement. I think we all want to spend our money wisely so to me the advice i'm asking is not really like strict rules on how to use your money but more like a guide so I don't go completely in the wrong direction when I suddenly get a lot of money. But thanks for the advice I will definitely use my money to help others. Probably not the way most people expect though, I want to write fictional books, because I get ideas in my head and I feel a strong urge to share the things in my head with others, writing seems like the best way to do that so then I think I'll invest in that. So to sum up what you guys said I have to invest in: Health Knowledge Goals Helping others Safety Fun things ( when i've already invested in urgent stuff)
@ajasatya could you give some examples of high quality food ?
@Toby yes both sides of my family literally no man I know in any side of the family suffers from hair loss. My dad is 69 years old and his hair isn't even half gray yet even though he has never dyed his hair, so comparing that to me also stressed me out. I probably shouldn't compare myself to him though. Even the thought of balding at 18 is scary to me. Today I massaged my hair with coconut oil. So I'll just have to wait for the results now.
@Michael569 nobody in my entire family is bald, all my ancestors had full heads of hair even at old age so if it is balding its not hereditary, thanks for the advice though.
@Keyhole thanks I will definitely do that, I need to solve this early and quick.
@Opo sooo...if its not safe for white people then does that mean its also not that safe for other types of tourists ? Like black latin arabic or mixed people etc I always got the impression that its very safe there, I mean its one of the healthiest, most developed countries with one of the highest average iq's, doesn't sound that dangerous to me. You do have the yakuza there though ?
@Opo that is awsome, i'm pretty lucky then ! But what do you and the others think about japan ? I really wanna go there at least once in my life. Also Singapore and Norway.
@Preety_India the netherlands cool !! Thats where i'm from and I just so happen to move back there 13 august when I finish high school. That makes me happy to hear its in a good state
Ok guys if there are no true turquoise countries, what countries do you guys think are generally the most conscious and non-toxic ?
@universe @universe yes I know, my barber made a mistake. There was a while after that where I stopped going to the barber all together. I didn't even cut the sides for a while but I started going last month.
Ok so in my life I have met a lot of different women, but something feels different about very feminine women. When I meet them I feel a lot more attracted to them, not only physically but also to their personality and overal energy. Meeting these kind of women can be pretty rare and it often gets more difficult to be calm and masculine around them (not always). This often makes them lose attraction, so I thought maybe if I get more in my masculine energy I can attract more of these kind of women. So my question is, do I need to get more into my masculine energy to attract more feminine women ? If so, how do I do this and what are the other benefits of being in my masculine energy ?