Don Wei

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Everything posted by Don Wei

  1. Thanks guys, I think i'm way too attached to the outcome. From now on I'll still do my best but if things don't work out than I'll also be okay with that. I also found out that after succeeding in your first year you can take your time the rest of the study, so that's cool.
  2. Hi guys, this is gonna be a less mystical and a more concrete post. I just turned 18 and I used to live in a tropical rainforest, but I moved to a rich country 2 days ago and I am really starting to notice how toxic and stressful society can be. It's almost like most adults are doing something wrong with the way they deal with society that makes their life miserable. If you have an average salary than you often won't have much money left after taxes and insurance. If you have an average job you won't have much time and energy left to improve yourself. If most people around you have a limiting mindset which is almost always the case then you won't have much motivation to do anything. I found out that only focusing on spiritual things like a monk won't help either because we still live in a society so we have to play the game. So how do you play this "game" effectively ? How do you get financial freedom ? How do you stop being a victim of society, and instead do whatever you want to do ? How do you live the best most fullfilling life possible ?
  3. @bejapuskas ok thanks I'll try that instead then, experience is king
  4. @louhad @Epikur i already meditate, but I constantly get amazing stories and ideas in my head that don't already exist, and that hurts me so I thought if nobody has created it yet then why would I wait for someone else to make it when I can do it myself. So I started writing a book but i've only written 3 chapters so far and I keep hearing I won't be succesful doing this, but I really enjoy it and maybe I could also learn how to make a website that would be pretty nice.
  5. @louhad alright then I'll look for marketing books
  6. Hi everybody, I used to have so called friends a couple of years ago, who talked behind my back and didn't respect me at all. They were fake friends so I stopped talking to them and started focusing more on my self improvement. Then I met some people I really liked and I saw them as my true best friends, but they were holding me back so much. They never thought about their future and always talked negative about themself and even me when I tried to improve myself more and I wanted to become succesful together with them because there wasn't anyone else I knew who wanted to do what I want to do. They eventually started dragging me more down and I eventually decided it would be better to not talk to them that often anymore. Then I found some friends who I could get along really well and also wanted to improve themselves. That made me feel better because now I could finally become better together with other people. These were 3 people. The guy I hang out most only had one strange problem... Every time I achieve something he just shrugs it off like its nothing and then tries to change the topic to something random. For example when I finally got my first girlfriend: Me: You know the girl i've been talking to ? Him: yeah Me: I'm in a relationship with her now Him: oh... Hey did you see (person) do (something) ? Thats kinda how it would go, then I heard like 5 different people tell me he told them that he must also have a girlfriend just because I had one. That threw me off a little because he never told me that. And I said before he was also into self improvement and thats true but I found out he and a lot of other people that do self improvement are only into the more shallow part of self improvement. When I send him a video about money or women he always watches but when I send him something deeper he almost never watches it or pretends he watched it. I for example can't really send him any leo videos because they are too deep. I don't know about you guys but I prefer it when people are just honest. I also asked why he didn't just tell me but he doesn't give clear answers. This does irritate me a little especially since its someone I normally do get along with greatly. The two other friends just so happen to also watch leo's video but they don't just casually lie like that or keep secrets from me while telling them to other people. For example I will move to another country and go to college there. He will do the same thing but he never told me he wasn't going this year anymore but next year. I heard it from someone else who we both know. To me that feels pretty fucked up. Just a couple of minutes ago we talked and I did not feel a connection this time, he was talking about a random youtube video he saw with some kind of big explosion. And a couple of other things. I'm not gonna lie I did not feel comfortable because it sounded pretty childish to me. He often talks about things in the past and things about other people. I also think I am doing something wrong, I don't know what but there has to be something wrong with my mindset or something unless losing friends is normal in self improvement. But I can't see whether i'm doing something wrong or if he is really untrustworthy or if maybe i'm too paranoid. Thats why i'm asking you guys this, I really think there's something on with me i'm not aware of or with him. These last couple of weeks are very strange. I have lost so much patience for so many things. I am starting to see limiting beliefs, ideologies, ignorant mindsets, victim mindsets, people trying to argue spirituality and god are bullshit and people fighting over nothing all around me ! Its just insane. What the hell is wrong with me right now ? I meditate and I still don't have peace of mind right now. Sorry for posting such a long text, but I really needed to get this of my chest.
  7. Hi guys, i'm 18 years old and I just finished high school so i'm gonna move to another country tomorrow and go to a university. So as you guys probably understand, this is a new part of my life and I feel very strange right now. I'm gonna start a new life and i'm first gonna move in with my brother and his wife who live in the country i'm going to. Does anyone have any advice for me ? It could be about any topic, dating, money, independence, actualization, spirituality, my social life, things to avoid etc Btw i'm not just moving to another country, i'm moving from a third world country to a very rich developed country
  8. @allislove yes of course, studying is the main focus.
  9. @Arcangelo that's good advice but I first have to get used to this country and not being underage. I think I first need guidance before I can do that. I'm also writing a book right now not just for the money but because I have a passion for it. So I will start selling it once it's finished.
  10. @meow_meow ok then I'll just buy condoms even before I talk to women
  11. @Javfly33 I am going to the netherlands. I'm right now waiting to go in the plane btw
  12. @soos_mite_ah I think I kinda understand why, it's better for a man to ask men with experience how to attract women because they have experience in attracting women. A woman doesn't know what it's like to be a man and how to attract women as a man. Unless you've talked to a lot of men and have the ability to see things from other people's perspective. But I still asked the women on this forum a question because I want to understand this topic not only from a male perspective but also a female perspective. And I don't think doing that will damage my dating skills because I don't just assume the advice women give me is 100 % true. On the other hand I don't believe everything experienced men say too. Like Leo said every perspective is partially true. I know some very motivational, positive experienced male dating coaches that give amazing advice but not everything they say is true. Some of them actually think all women are sluts and I don't agree because you can't put everyone in 1 category. There are also differen't levels of sluttiness even though i've never heard anyone except me say this but not everyone can be equally slutty. But that's another topic so i"m not gonna get too deep into that. So that's why I want to hear differen't perspectives. As long as I question all of them and don't become dogmatic I'll be oké.
  13. @Leo Gura I wasn't specifically asking for dating advice, I was just wondering why some women call some men creepy in certain situations, especially while approaching. Shouldn't I see as many perspectives as possible in order to find out the truth ? I understand you can't ask a fish how to catch fish, but finding out women's perspectives and ways of thinking won't damage me right ?
  14. But as I said before that's just my opinion, you'll have to see what works best for you. You can also approach at night if you want. What i've seen is that it more often works in specific places at night. Remember experience is key so you'll really have to try it yourself and become better at both. Actually you should be able to talk to women you like at any place any time, that's true game right there.
  15. Well night game has it's ups and downs, first of all women can be more on their guard and more defensive because it's nighttime so it's more dangerous for them at that time. The positive part is that it will be harder for them to see if you look like shit (Jk lol ?) But to be honest I prefer day game, during daytime women will often be more open to talk and be less afraid since it's daytime, and during daytime you can plan a date in the evening the same day, but when you meet women in the night you'll either have to make a date for another day which takes way more time or you'll have to hang out the same night and since the woman doesn't know you and since it's nighttime that would probably be a dangerous option for her. Going with somebody you just met at night, so that will be a lot harder. Also this is my perspective but I think women don't really go out to clubs or any place at night for the sole purpose of finding a man... Most women I see going out at night just have fun with their friends and are probably not interested in talking to guys, trust me it's very difficult to pick up women at night while they are hanging out in a big group of women. In order to do this you need to be extremely advanced when it comes to dating and if you ask me why talk to women with low interest when the odds are against you ? It's not fun to talk to women that have low interest, I find it much more attractive when the woman also finds me very attractive, it makes my life a lot easier and that way you don't have to lose so much energy. Energy that you could have used to go after your goals in life instead and raise your consciousness.
  16. @Recursoinominado thanks that's great advice
  17. @Recursoinominado oh yes, now I think about I have experienced the same thing, women are really good at feeling vibrations. It's true that you're able to feel when someone is desperate and wants something from you. That means you just have to enjoy yourself right ? Because if you go out with the sole purpose of talk to women you're gonna be needy from the start and you're not gonna enjoy yourself
  18. @Raphael wow the indian one was the worst, it made me feel uncomfortable. The first one had a few bad ones but it wasn't too bad. It's really sad though, the men in these videos have no social skills and also obviously don't take care of their body. No wonder women find them creepy, they actually think that saying these will make her like you lol When I talk to women I just introduce myself, ask her name, tell her I find her attractive and ask her number to hang out. This also doesn't always work but it's at least better than catcalling.
  19. @soos_mite_ah yeah most people aren't honest about it. I only know a couple of guys that straight up tell women they are seeing other women, and a lot of the women are suprisingly ok with it if you're just honest about it. I do kinda understand if I look at it from a women's perspective that you could be pretty paranoid walking on the street alone. I can become pretty aggressive and low conscious when I feel threatened by someone on the street. So to sum it up I have to just improve myself internally and externally and not look mad ? I have never been called creepy but I do have an expressionless resting stone face. And some women have told me that looks pretty intimidating, but that's something I cannot change sadly.
  20. @soos_mite_ah ok I can't talk for all guys but personally I don't want to be in a relationship either. I'm 18 and i've had pretty shitty experiences when it comes to dating until now. And i'm focused on my purpose right now, so to be honest yeah sure. Right now when it comes to dating sex is pretty important to me right now compared to other aspects of dating, people from my culture would shame me for saying this but I don't think it's a bad thing right ? As long as i'm honest about my intentions and don't manipulate anybody, maybe there are more women that don't want a relationship than I thought. So this experiment could work out good for me right now untill I do want a relationship later in my life.
  21. @Recursoinominado alright so men should maybe be a little more direct then right ? Instead of making to many excuses and small talk.
  22. @nistake thanks so as long as i'm polite and attractive I won't have any problems
  23. Hi everybody, I have had spiritual experiences before and I was always scared. When I was like 11 years old I didn't see that many ghosts anymore for some reason mostly max 2 times every year ( I know I sound pretty weird right now) but I have awakened in 2020. This may be my best year yet when it comes to self improvement and actualization. Last night was the first time I felt calm and peaceful while seeing a spirit and it even looked different. I don't know for sure if it was a spirit or something else because I know there are a lot of things out there we can't sense. So last night I was meditating extremely long (to me). I started meditating around 12 am because at night the vibes are just better and the moonlight was shining on me when I was sitting against the wall on my bed. For some reason I love looking at the moon, it makes me feel very nostalgic and peaceful like I don't have to worry about time and all the toxic bullshit that goes on when most people are awake. It can even make me feel ecstatic the same way some amazing out of this world dreams can, although I don't know if it is possible to make myself dream like that on demand. I decided to meditate with my eyes open because the moon was full and I wanted to see the sky (the sky is very clear because I live in a rainforest right now ) After an hour or so I started to feel even better and more ecstatic. I felt very safe like nothing could harm me and even if I die it would be okay. Nothing really mattered to me at that point and I just kinda existed... It sounds strange but Idon't know how else to describe it. Then I suddenly saw something in the shape of a person walking in front of me but it was shining. I could not see any facial features or anything but it was like the person or whatever it was was made of light. Then it walked away and disappeared fast while walking. I know for sure this was not a hallucination, it was walking right in front of me and it disappeared right before my eyes. I was not tired at all for some reason, I felt very refreshed and awake actually so it was not a dream either. I am very grateful that I was able to experience this, if you guys have had some experience like this or if you know what the thing was then let me know, I would love to hear it.
  24. @Osaid did you feel fear or love ? I always felt fear while seeing ghosts. My father always told me not to be afraid because spirits don't have power, but this might be the first time i'm not scared or annoyed by them. When I was in kindergarden I always saw two old men sitting high on a wall constantly staring at me and I thought they were real people untill my father told me they were ghosts a couple of weeks ago and I was shocked. Me and him where the only ones who could see them. Now I think about it, it wouldn't make sense for two old men to sit on a high stone wall with no ladder staring at me EVERYDAY lol. I should have known something was off about that.