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About AsEyeAm

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    Vancouver, BC, Canada
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  1. 1. "The Highest Hero's Journey - What It Means To Be A Real Hero" - All time favorite. Helped me bridge a connection between my relative goals/life, and my spiritual curiosity. Wouldn't have gone down the Leo Gura/Actualized rabbit hole were it not for this. 2. "What Is The Point Of Life? - An Advanced, Life-Changing Explanation" - It's incredibly inspirational for a simple obvious question. 3. "The Metaphysical Implications Of Gödel's Incompleteness Theorum Part 1" - Such profound contemplative insights regarding such a complex tough to grasp topic. One of my favorite topics.
  2. @Hardkill Essentially you are correct. AOC and Bernie will appear far more corrupted to the point of pure evil to somebody on the far right. To more moderate people, they might appear to have good ideals that people would no doubt want to have actualized in society, but appear to be outright delusional in how to go about creating the changes. Corrupted by their own "wishful thinking" to a moderate rather then "evil" to someone on the far right. At the same time you can't make changes to a corrupt system without playing the systems corrupted game. Are progressives corrupt enough to "get it done" I could see some people framing that as the crux of the issue also ?
  3. @CodyXarex So that god can trick itself into thinking it needs to be a "devil" itself. What is present in direct experience IS the ideal of God. Those who are in denial of this ideal (and thus see devils) naturally think they have to behave "devilish"
  4. You speak as if knowing a certain kind of "something" is the reason you're being labeled dogmatic. The definition of dogmatic is simply believing insistently that what you know and believe is 100% true. Believing or knowing a certain something (Islam, Christianity, etc.) never makes anybody dogmatic just through the sheer knowing or believing of it. How dogmatic someone is being can be measured by how closed off someone becomes to alternate beliefs systems and other ways of "knowing" in favor of the belief they're 100% sure is true. Knowing Islam doesn't make you dogmatic and you won't become dogmatic simply from studying it. It's the HOW you convey and talk about what you know with 100% certainty that has people on this forum labeling you as "dogmatic with Islam". My personal opinion of the forum here is that people are pretty open minded. At least that's what I "know" and "believe". I'm not going to insist that what I know and believe is 100% true for everyone....even though it is 100% true for myself as an individual that this forum is open minded. Cause that would be dogmatic of me to try and suck you into that frame. THAT being said, if the forum is going to remain open minded. Then it needs to be closed minded towards dogmatic close-minded people in order to keep the open mindedness from getting closed down. Bit of a paradox ?‍♂️. Hope this helps ?
  5. 1. Memento (2000) - Taught me a lot about "forgetfulness" 2. The Matrix (1999) - No explanation needed. 3. Gangs Of New York (2002) - The style. The time period. And Daniel Day Lewis's acting. 4. Synecdoche New York (2008) - Life in the arts. 5. The Prestige (2006) - You haven't watched it once unless you've watched it twice. The re watch is the first time.
  6. I recently played it a couple years ago. It's a very profound thing to stick in an action RPG. I remember being so confused by that codec conversation when I played it as a young teen and playing it over and over again trying to understand it. Hideo was a seriously amazing story teller to be able to slip that in. Snake telling Raiden that he has the power to create and live out whatever he wants at the very end after you beat Solidus is even more amazing to me ? Also the cut scene between raiden and president Johnson was pretty profound as well. He clearly knew what was up, but it was nowhere near as paradigm shattering as that final call from that AI but still. "The GW system is the Patriots TRUMP card." - President Johnson
  7. A russian named Konstantin Stanislavski created it in the late 1800's, early 1900's. Stella Adler and Lee Strasberg learned it from him, lee opened a school on the west coast, Stella opened one on the east and they alone are responsible for method acting being a part of american acting. they began teaching it in the early 1940's. Marlon Brando was the first method actor to be in a movie with streetcar named desire (1951). American acting up until that point didn't have much to do with being in the present moment or getting in touch with the "now" so to speak. Getting to the point where you can give your ego fully away to the character takes years of method acting work/training depending on your level of awareness with your own body/mind. its a rough road like any self actualization path. They have their own versions of various psychotherapy. Method acting training communities and circles are very stage green on the SD spectrum. Every great american actor since the 1960's has had some degree of method acting exposure. Literally half of the acting community in my own town outright thinks that method acting schools/training cause serious psychological harm. The other half like it to varying degrees. I think Jim is an exception in my humble opinion. Most devoted method actors have a heightened awareness of "awareness" in contrast to the average person, especially if they have learned to play a variety of different people and embody different perspectives/characters. It also helps understand, and empathize with others. But I think self actualization for a method actor is pretty rare. Most method acting circles simply teach that what your ego is telling you about the present moment at any given time is the highest and truest meaning of the word "truth". Most if not all method acting circles embody a lot of the negative/unhealthy manifestations of stage green on the SD spec. Self indulgence gets rewarded as a method actor. This can lead to a lot of out of control devilry, a lot of method actors get this self indulgent, difficult to deal with reputation as a result of it, and they get addicted to drugs and alcohol. That being said I've met some highly conscious, self actualized actors but its rare.
  8. A Timeless Gem. I think the lyrics of this refer to something more than just Mufasa watching over Simba's pride at the beginning of lion king 2 Another maiden song!! The entire Album Seventh Son of a Seventh Son could probably be posted on here, but this is the most direct song on the album.