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Everything posted by gettoefl

  1. so one day you realize you're god and then you suddenly realize wait i have a mind body i can use for its majesty's pleasure let the reign the game the love train of god commence
  2. that's your good self you are explaining, he doesn't do that one bit
  3. in short, love is to trigger the other's god consciousness awakening to as much or as little degree attainable all else is prolonging the blindness
  4. am crying, thank you ... for some reason 3 songs sprang to mind as i read bless you for sharing this uplifting word with me
  5. The Spirit Domain Is Jubilantly Ecstatic This Very Moment - And It's All Thanks To You You. Yes You. I want to let you know that on your account there is thunderous cheers and sincere applause, with each morning that you open your eyes and rise from bed. You keep right on living. You keep right on giving. You keep right on growing. The onslaught of harsh trials and the internal pains keep striking. You have been hit by blow after blow. Some of them have even knocked you down. It was reported you were were not long for this world. Somehow you got right back up. AND YOU KEEP GETTING BACK UP. Even when you are not feeling it. Even when the blood, sweat, tears consumes you. You are waging an epic war of wills with life. And sometimes life lands the cruellest blow. But today I’m here to tell you my sweet friend that you are absolutely crushing it. I know the odds look stacked against you. At times it seems the battle is hopelessly rigged. You look around at times and it seems the bystanders are just waiting for you to say - RIGHT I'M DONE. You feel deserted and abandoned. Afraid and anxious. The judge and the jury even seem to be mocking you. But you have continued to stand your ground. Each day you choose to get out of bed you take your stand. And you leap out there in this ring we call existence. And you fight like none before. Each day is making you better. Stronger. Wiser. You, my lovely friend, are the epitome of the divine warrior. While all the world around you is a stage and acting out their petty roles you have chosen to live the full YOU the pure YOU the authentic YOU. And you hold on steadfast. You sit with yourself daily. Reflecting and pondering the deep truths within. And for that the spirit domain is saying with one voice, we honor you. Thank you for finding yourself and being yourself and knowing yourself. Thank you for walking the path less traveled. Thank you for being the one in a trillion miracle that you are long awaited long heralded long anticipated. Thank you for making your one precious life count. Even when you are beaten and battered and bruised. Today as you go about your habitual tasks that seems mundane and inconsequential, know that you are being celebrated wildly right now. You, my beautiful friend, are SEEN. You are FELT. You are NEEDED. You are APPRECIATED. You are LOVED. Now carry on.
  6. meditation is the journey of realizing you are not the limited being looking back at you in the mirror, you are all indomitable god/dess you don't do anything, the all does it all, you put in the time it puts in the work who among us can endure tiresome taxing thankless utter timewasting?
  7. to call someone lazy shows a deep rooted long buried culturally approved fear of being unproductive end of truth though, EVERYONE is lazy ... no person wants to lift one more finger than they have to it is human nature but don't feel bad you're not a bad person, k?
  8. we have little vision, drive, clue about where we want to be so we let the crowd drag us to where it is headed we're lame weak pathetic basically and happy frittering away the cosmological jackpot that fell into our hands this is a clarion call to wake up today and take hold of the reins
  9. life's first few decades is take take take, your cup is empty, you probably don't even have enough cash to live for a year look after number one until you're better situated and financially comfortable; this can even take half a life time or longer love basically is having freedom and when you have it being able to give it to others, you can only give it to the extent you have it
  10. you like who you're like ... likewise in life you'll try to help those who you understand which is those like you ... don't spread yourself thinly, you are not for everyone, do what you know, pick what you know, love what you know
  11. power is the chips you have at your disposal to make others do as you say can be money, fame, reputation, blood, degrees, looks ... it is how you manipulate this life to your benefit assuming that you want to of course note well, power is about others, control is about you, big difference
  12. self mastery is becoming magnetic infectious charismatic magnificent but that isn't why you do it however because you care not a jot about others they will come running in their droves ... what this person has is what i want and you will be delighted to share your intoxicating fragrance generously joyfully abundantly there isn't anything else to do
  13. yea your odds pretty good but goods pretty odd tbf
  14. love is change, is god's constant shape-shifting the one this is what god does change, is god moving, which means,, form is decaying decay seems bad but this is self bias it is changing into new form consciousness is always increasing just as evolution ever ongoing sometimes it moves one step back two steps forward love, in short, is unconsciousness becoming consciousness this is god's will
  15. yea as i see it there's 4 choices: god speaks to god, god speaks to ego, ego speaks to god, or ego speaks to ego god speaks to god is silence god speaks to ego, again no words ... do you need words to tell your arm to type? ego speaks to god ... can ego explain something to god? ego speaks to ego ... one looks to improve the other ... imagining that the other is not already perfect and not on its own unique path to godness speak and act only if asked to is sage advice ... the rest of the time yea share a few poems
  16. what have i done for love's sake today this week this year ever? whereby there wasn't gain for me i did what i did - solely for thee not real tough then not real love love is doing what god wants when it's not what you wants, aligning with what god wills when for itself ego won't
  17. i would suggest first 2 or 3 dates nothing of substance takes place just speak random crazy funny spontaneous stuff doesn't even have to be true ... i mean in my case my memory is like a sieve so i have nothing stored there all you are trying to do is read the energy of each other be yourself but not the silly role you play day to day, the child like innocent impish self that's precisely what i expect from her too, heavy stuff need not apply example: so tell me, what do you do i do like a million things to be honest and that's just in the last month i joined this really far out pottery class last tuesday and do you know what the teacher told us? yadda yadda don't say what do you do then instead say what's something you enjoy doing if you have a free weekend
  18. god just admiring itself in the mirror ??☸
  19. beautiful is how you see god looking like or indeed goddess if you will beautiful stiops you dead in your tracks, makes time stand still, flutters your heart races your pulse, gives you the assurance that god is doing good i look to engineer beauty in my life every day by breathing in these salubrious surroundings deeply when i do so i find myself radiantly beautiful, i had that a-ha moment where i come deeply to see the meaning of be - you - to - full
  20. want to thank you for your beautiful and patient pointers ... you have been missed around here!
  21. how about yourself day to day, are you thinking yourself and behaving as separate or the whole thing
  22. can one write/speak only from one's ego perspective
  23. am confused since you answered with my ego rates itself a 10 so it seemed like you think yourself an ego and now you are saying the opposite