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Everything posted by gettoefl

  1. therapy is paying someone to converse with you and give you sensitive and informed feedback, and perhaps about very specialised matters if you're equally conscious it's just a normal conversation as with a friend if you're more conscious, the therapist will benefit but it is you who are seeking the conversation not them
  2. i found all the titles beginning with p (which cement in place one's conditioning) also need transcending parent preacher/priest politician psychologist professor pundit etc. if you are these ... all these help keep you stuck
  3. well done, super list all these have to indeed be transcended your posts are super informative, thanks for everything you share here
  4. mind is, the world is out there and i am seeing it rather than the world is 2d movie set perched on my retina, my ear drum etc. which awareness handles not a mind (and awareness is precisely the world you perceive before mind gets its claws into it)
  5. all superiority is your inferiority complex rearing its head
  6. why do you want people under your thumb? because you feel superior and so you deserve to control them
  7. click on where it says books
  8. God is not in heaven - God is in the present moment. If you are also in the present moment you enter the temple. ~Osho
  9. did you even browse if not read one of his over 200 books though ... imagine if you didn't know a thing about him but you dug into one of his extraordinary gifts to the planet then tell me if you find a wrong sentence
  10. yea suffering has the aim, to make you get so sick and tired of it that you lean in to learn the lesson it is designed to teach you learning is looking at yourself (sensations) and within yourself (meditation)
  11. glad to hear that, i do go overboard a bit with the inscrutable one liners
  12. hope you're okay and i didn't hit a nerve ... i thank you for your presence here ?
  13. “Ānāpānassati, bhikkhave, bhāvitā bahulīkatā cattāro satipaṭṭhāne paripūreti. Cattāro satipaṭṭhānā bhāvitā bahulīkatā satta bojjhaṅge paripūrenti. Satta bojjhaṅgā bhāvitā bahulīkatā vijjā vimuttiṃ paripūrenti.” (MN 118) “Monks. If mindfulness of respiration is cultivated and made much of, the four foundations of mindfulness are fulfilled and perfected. If the four foundations of mindfulness are cultivated and made much of, the seven factors of enlightenment (bojjhaṅga) are fulfilled and perfected. If the seven factors of enlightenment are cultivated and made much of, knowledge (vijjā) and liberation (vimutti) are fulfilled and perfected.”
  14. leo doesn't say i am you but you are me, you can know one dream and that's your dream not leo's dream, consciousness does one task at a time, it is unable to multi-task, and thus all else is idle speculation
  15. you fashioned this so you fix it we're all but your long lost limbs
  16. it's too political for me in that i don't follow forum dynamics and discord ... has this user self labelled or has the label been imposed
  17. the god that people are believing in isn't god, osho just like buddha spent his life railing against this quick find quick fix mentality when ramana was asked what is god he said, what is is god you only find this within and cannot see it with human eyes osho preferred words like existence the all i am for the ultimate reality since 'god' could appear to align him with the day's religions
  18. whenever a person crosses your path, whether or not you both communicate, even if you are sworn enemies, they are seeking to love you they want for you the same portion they have for themselves they want you to see feel affirm approve validate corroborate savor their existence this is what love is all is love viewed through a clean lens
  19. when you don't change the world seems like the same ol' messed up hell hole, when you change the world seems like a veritable garden of eden, everyone seems a little softer more relaxed more childish, more pure more worthy more vulnerable you don't see the world as it you see the world as you are
  20. it is fraught with risk that you morph into a hating bitter twisted unbalanced deeply injured money grabbing prima donna making deals with the devil doesn't end well no matter how open eyed and worldly wise you are ... you encounter society's worst and you will not be immune to its contamination when you lie down with dogs you get up with fleas
  21. seems like censored or restricted is the correct word if you fail to toe the progressive line, we don't want to listen to your musings
  22. both is best i'd say ... being an outsider isn't good being an insider gets old, balance is where it's at you can have your cake and eat it too nothing to stop us each day doing 8 hours sleep 8 hours inside 8 hours outside all those domains are important, nothing better than socializing and nothing better than meditating we are lucky in this day and age that we need shut no door, take advantage of this and live full on all fronts
  23. for the most part we're all looks obsessed when we're young, either into our own looks or into other's looks or both; it is biology doing its job to keep the species going; question is can we mature beyond that to see the whole person, the complex package of attributes and quirks that everyone presents; i tend to find attractive just as many older people as younger people, i enjoy things like confidence openness curiosity simplicity ... and these qualities suffice to make someone attractive ... having said that i have my prejudices too; if someone doesn't exercise that is hugely off-putting to me as i like someone who chooses to put their body through its paces at least a few times per week; exercising takes many forms and can be as simple as taking frequent brisk walks mono is much simpler more stable more safe and the basis for having and raising a family in this society so it is the best choice for most people
  24. between a 1st date and a 1st sleepover (for a relationship foundation) 0. current relationship status ... how many partners/spouses in past 5 years ... how many children if any and how many children/exes being supported 1. your/their porn appetite ... do you consume porn regularly or rarely and are you comfortable with a partner consuming porn 2. are you/ they decidedly monogamous or open to more than one partner 3. in favor of protected sex or non protected sex? what kind of protection? 4. std status 5. seeking to have children at some point or comitted to a child-free life 6. any significant sexual trauma experienced any others?
  25. favouritism is seeing with faulty eyes; every person is extraordinary in their own way; comparing is the habit of the conditioned mind; of course some one will have a super body another one will have a super charm yet another will have a super wit; if you connect with someone it is not about them being a most gorgeous specimen, for me attraction casts a much wider net as for them having conflict, this can happen but more often if they both like you there is good chance they will get along amicably and if they don't there is no reason why they need to ever see each other ... if they have another partner or partners i am fine with that as long as everyone is honest and upfront about what they are doing ... i will not ask them to be mono if i myself am poly but if they are mono already then that can work too getting and maintaining a long term partnership isn't about their level of attraction it is about their level of self respect to make the best of the card they have been dealt, are they taking care of themselves are they living a balanced life are they engaging their passions etc ... this is what makes someone attractive, looks fade but laughter lasts ... i want them to become the best version of themselves then i will be happy and they will be happy as for me i don't think i will ever have more than two concurrent partners purely because the logistics get tricky so two is the sweet spot for me, in practical terms that means i will most usually have one partner i see frequently who lives nearby and one partner who lives far away and i see rarely if at all though we communicate every day ... that seems to work well for me