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Everything posted by gettoefl

  1. all kinks reveal the trauma pain wounds you are carrying and refusing to acknowledge and heal, not that there is anything wrong with that who would you be and what fun would you have without them
  2. here's a dozen pros of this method: taking control of your dating destiny, i choose based on energy vibe and their similarity to me not letting love and life pass you by living for the now resisting high pressure techniques to close but letting the prospect decide in their own time cultivating sincerity humility integrity living from complete desperation: if i die tonight i gave this my best shot (this is a positive attribute) my presentation is in my hands alone, both my bio, how i approach and my appearance pure intentions, full honesty will likely beget the same from others it's free one of a kind creative wholesome innocent, all qualities one would like in a prospective partner you don't get a second chance to make a good first impression doing what i fear is the best way to conquer fear trusting the universe to send simply the best
  3. @Tyler Robinson a most luminous landscape, bless you
  4. if mind is on the go, it is happy if you sit quietly however, there is a chance you may awaken don't ever do that, mind tells you mind will make it an insufferable experience but if you actually sit there, good things are not far off
  5. it is the new opium of the masses, it is what keeps you fast asleep, never having to think, worst possible thing for body and soul on your death bed entertainment will be the last thing on your mind yet it is what kept you most enslaved while your breathed sweet air unconscious entertainment is outsourcing your relaxation energy to the most nefarious sources take back control
  6. don't forget to answer the poll question don't be shy then in your reply give your reasons / say why or why not
  7. i see what you mean ... for me fellow humans are the most astonishing if most inscrutable creation, the only reason worth walking the earth
  8. guilt is feeling bad for not following rules forcibly imposed on you first wake up and you will understand this then write the rules that work for you
  9. @Loba you may enjoy this thoughtful if long article showing that even the seemingly irredeemable may be capable of reformation
  10. your superiority complex is your inability to communicate with those different to you notice i don't say those dumber than you everyone has a ton to say and much to contribute to those with sensitivity curiosity intelligence learn from everyone you encounter is the flex, those deemed unintelligent are often most eager to share and for me the ones from whom i learn most the smarter you are the more you can extract nuggets from the commonplace and the everyman this is the superior human
  11. we all murderers, face facts ... yet we prefer to walk away scott free
  12. murder is excluding people with you being judge jury excecutioner worth a contemplation
  13. you're either still in the world of materialism playing tits for tats or you are in sync with god i say do the one and be done for good and then do two and owe no one
  14. you mete out the death penalty every time you block ghost defame this is the only death penalty most are inadvertently guilty of keep destroying the lives of those you are too dumb to understand while claiming to be whiter than white while arguing meaningless abstract issues that you will never in your life have a personal experience of well done
  15. there is three cases, they know they want it they don't know they want it they don't want it the 3 words respectively are acquiesce, reprogram, manipulate you are reprogramming them if you know better than they do for example a parent and a child don't manipulate people even if it's pickup, it's low conscious behaviour
  16. here is what paul brunton says of the void
  17. ask yourself, do you live in scarcity mindset or abundance mindset why do you do this
  18. best retreat is solitary i would say, if you want a group setting you can do a goenka vipassana retreat, i just did a 10-day one and it is hard core and punishing but worthwhile and at the end you meet a ton of cool cats, it is almost worth the retreat just to meet the fellow travellers
  19. you either follow their agenda or you want to impose your agenda enlightenment mirrors the former, they are perfect and you need to marvel at them not have them learn your ultimate truth if you are running into negativity then realize that all triggers are teachers, the lower their consciousness the more your awakening gets a work out
  20. i am motivated by the fact that i am humbled to have another day of life, another 24 hours to savor marvel luxuriate ... in the unfolding mystery my heart could stop beating any day but today it hasn't so i have a responsibility to live in totality it is all in my hands whether i do that, no one else's
  21. you are relying on the outside word to spur you on, it has to be gotten from inside you need to take motivation out of the equation and live from your vision very little of daily life should be left to chance and everything should be from choice the day needs to be won from the time you get up irrespective of all happenings you have life loosely mapped out, how you will proceed and what you will achieve motivation is for dummies; just get up and do what you must
  22. can you look and not see of course you can this bypasses mind this is knowing prior to knowledge also known as the intelligence of awareness
  23. others take a dimmer view
  24. heart is merely the good part of mind which is good but this is duality and needs transcending