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Everything posted by gettoefl

  1. intellect is knowledge; the knowledge you need is to dump all your knowledge so to become pure again there you find intelligence ie awaken
  2. suffering is taking what is impermanent and wanting it to be permanent and ignoring what is permanent to end suffering, stick with the permanent
  3. consciousness is how well you see, discipline is making yourself sit in order to gain consciousness, family is who you share with
  4. unawake is there are others; awake is others are my long lost limbs unawake is, i assert i have more right to survive than you do and so my every act is about making me top dog and you my under dog; if it's life or death i kill you to save me - the only exception being a mother's love where she will take a bullet for her child so this makes her awake in fact awake is, thanks for being a mirror so i can see myself more clearly in my movie
  5. what mind can know is meagre; the premise of self inquiry is that mind knows not who i am but if i stfu then good stuff comes to light meditation is to stfu and let source do its thing
  6. perfect is a far cry from meaning compatible .... when awake you see everyone is acting flawlessly for the path they proceed on ... has nothing to do with whether they feature in your path
  7. curating ain't creating, contemplate that
  8. love is, she is perfect; unconditional love is, everyone is perfect but this is post awakening not pre
  9. your ego your personality your avatar seeks to be a god, to be untouchable to be unstoppable to be insuperable to be supreme and all powerful i call the shots in this lifetime for i am all that and mine is the way the truth the life truth though is that the person looking back at you in the mirror is but a deceptive appearance you mistakenly misidentify as you you cling desperately to the reins of this image and try to control it and the world at large just watch yourself going through these contortions and your absolute nature can then shine brighly
  10. yes there is the easy work namely living to the full and the real work toiling to the bone i would say
  11. all the bad stuff we do in life, whatever your poison is
  12. went sugar free beginning of year ... body revolted for about 3 months and felt like crap ... now feels tons better ... i am not a zealot; if offered a piece of birthday cake i take and enjoy ... sugar free is not my identity since almost every food in a wrapper has sugar or fake sugar in it ... i quit the biscuits and the muffins and eat healthy bread and heathy cereals like oatmeal; my go to snacks now are dates, nuts and rice cakes ... best change was no sugary drinks, don't miss them all
  13. truth is you have to get the bad shit out of your system ... every last bit of it ... then you realize how dumb how misguided how detrimental it is ... some can do it in a week and some need more than a lifetime ... after all that you happily do the work
  14. love generated from outside is many people's life purpose and seems to many a well lived life i frame it as they look up to me so i better get up and put on a good show and put in a good shift they need me plus they feed me and this keeps me jogging along blithely meanwhile i know not true love not to mention self love, i make do perfectly well without these while living this lifestyle so i shall keep living this movie pretending it is, or at some point when i have enough in the bank will be, fulfilling
  15. bernadette roberts. even better all 6 of her books free ... even a rare 3-hour youtube of her which won't make much sense if you haven't done the reading
  16. could be/come attachment but then again i am lucky to have danced through all vistas of the globe and so place holds less sway; provided i have a few trees and green surroundings to wander in i am good ... wonder calls in the meretricious as much as the marvellous ... i rather see one thing a thousand times than a thousand things one time
  17. depends who's asking ... that's the one that makes more sense to talk about on a forum ... talk about what you know without speculating about what you don't, that is what helps both yourself and the imagined others
  18. i have finished with the world, i lived it in absolute totality the first half of life and enjoyed every kiss and curve ... yes body mind still asks to get out there for more of the same but i have a better time savoring the spiritual rather than the sensual, and the rewards of this accumulate rather than crumble like sand ... don't have much attachment anymore even the cold has become my friend since it tells my body to kick into overdrive ... i had a good life in the world and now i am having a good life out of it ... i am 57 btw so i do say to you that it is good to exhaust all the world can offer before bothering with renouncing
  19. i can't help anyone because i don't know anything ... i can however help myself though i wouldn't try nor couldn't try to prove that to anyone
  20. been doing the hermit thing for some time, my schedule is bed at 7 up at 3 meditate til 7 work til 11 study til 3 play til 7 ... can attest it works well and i won't change any time soon
  21. simplistically put let's say 1% of the population is trans right now .... let's say 10% of one particular school becomes deeply interested in trans issues due to the way it is presented supported well funded and modelled; 9% of these people are playing with fire; they are not trans, since only 1% are, but they are given good grades if they explore empathize and perhaps even role play it for themselves; this is helpful for the 1% but harmful for the 9% ... they are experimenting with their own gender and sexuality at a vulnerable stage of their lives; this will have far reaching consequences in their lives and arrest their development so nine times more damage
  22. @Water by the River thanks for explaining ... i have found the following most helping in practicing all of that: progressive-stages-of-meditation-on-emptiness.pdf
  23. and the way to prize asunder minds vise like grip is a million times a day asking who am i and abiding in the supreme nature ... you were never the person looking back at you in the mirror, take back your sovereignty your birth right your glory, step away from the insane machine running you
  24. i say enlightenment is the knowing that the other is living in full truth and harmony, they don't need changing saving fixing ... they are enjoying the level of consciousness they have just like god does ... every person is a wow a wonder a marvel a miracle an enchanting masterpiece of the what is to be embraced elicited enjoyed