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Everything posted by gettoefl

  1. you are flexible to the extent you can pay your bills take care of basic survival then the world is your oyster basically make sure money spent is less than money saved living well below my means is what i do thus every day i can take it easier than the day before knowing in that way money will never be an issue and thus i can enjoy life as i please
  2. i welcome you and i bless you @Artem thanks for sharing so beautifully. hope to see you around here plenty more
  3. the good dream vs. the god dream enlightenment is god steering your life purpose as it sees fit with you hopping along joyfully for the ride sweet dreams in either case
  4. nice is using society's playbook to interact, hey good to see you have a great day k you win no enemies you win no friends you may well be promoted you may well be president you may well be psychopathic in fact nice is a social skill everyone needs and uses problem is when you only know to be nice this would be the unlived life
  5. awakening part one is realising you are empty, there is nothing and no one inside you you thought you were doing stuff when all along stuff is being done through you in a choiceless way your body mind is a slave to its conditioning and circumstances the nothing i wrote above does not mean what mind tells you it means nothing is all the stuff mind does not understand and you are definitely that awakening part two is correctly identifying what you are and next embodying that then your body mind becomes serviceable for marvellous stuff being done through it in this way by living lucidly as one's true nature non-doership is transcended
  6. non-duality is that everything is glued together, each piece inseparable from the whole, so actually no pieces just oneness and then awakening shows you that you are that whole and you are thinking it into existence anew each moment
  7. some of us are letting thoughts blindly run the show, others have awareness blithely decide as it goes this makes for a good dream or a god dream we journey from delusion to illusion by and by sweet dreams in any case
  8. nice slug fest thank you, good to see Leo taking some serious hits, a dose of humble pie helps all of us from time to time
  9. what is meant is, as opposed to your massive existential problems namely your heart can stop beating today and then you are back at square one all because you didn't wake up that's the problem!
  10. meditation is focusing on where in my body is receiving stimulus this moment out of sight sound smell touch taste thought if you're reading, it's sight, hold awareness on the eyes if you're sitting it's touch. hold awareness where body meets chair if a car drives by, hold awareness at ears if dinner is cooking hold awareness on nose if eating hold awareness in the mouth if thought arises hold awareness in mind if no change hold awareness on breath go back and forth between these 7 receiving wordlessly is awakening
  11. what is god though if not nothing ... nothing being the entire set of stuff that mind cannot conceive including itself mind claims to produce something but as we know therein is the grand illusion every something is a big fat nothing thus everything is in fact nothing is and so that is what god is
  12. i was always good at math but it made me far less well rounded and more isolated than i would have been otherwise would much rather be more well-read and gregarious and am working on that now
  13. i agree but it still fun to play fancy dress and besides that's why i came
  14. freedom doesn't mean you sit back and take shit, doesn't mean you are all meek and timid, doesn't mean you let people run roughshod to allow violence isn't to support peace, to allow violence is to perpetuate violence jesus was a guy who turned the other cheek when needed and also a guy who said, think not that I am cometh to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword you mess with god or his kids and you are paying freedom is knowing what you are and which battle has your name on it
  15. for me it's about reaching a so called fuck you level of assets ... namely i no longer depend on another's approval to deserve my daily bread the whims and woes of others have long since been left behind now it's all me (there's calculators that can spit out this retirement number by you inputting personal variables)
  16. nice gives people what they want instead of what they need politics at its finest kind is better but still thinks of their feelings too much love gives the measure they need easy if you know they are you
  17. if sexual needs are not adequately addressed and satisfied this won't be solved this isn't women being triggers for arousal this is about not attending to one's needs and appetites the latter needs to be addressed before leaving the house walking around in a state of perceived deficit will cause one to view women unhealthily fix the root problem or have concrete steps in place that deal with it for example be socializing with and dating women on the regular so your body stops leading you around by your dick
  18. writing (and speaking) is for oneself so have to proceed to benefit oneself authentically as well as optimally writing lifts one's own level of consciousness, one shocks oneself and makes break throughs
  19. yes, i like to distinguish understand and know ... understand is step by step and mental and explainable, know is instant and direct and beyond words know is to integrate yourself from the part to the whole ... of course you know it because you are it ... it is like saying do i know my arm the limits to be dissolved are the thought one is a separate individual ... hitch a ride with awareness instead of being drug along by thinking you are both sides of every interaction that takes place, object as much as subject, nurture this harmoniously
  20. correct you are awake to the extent you relish uncertainty and cultivate freshness surprise spontaneity ... you are asleep to the extent you are running pre-programmed interactions all day long
  21. very simple, separate residences, see each other when both are up for it never been freer, never been happier
  22. to know the knower is the only knowing, all other knowing is here today gone tomorrow ... to know is to be, the think you know is not to be
  23. for me it's an endless quest of being protector provider prince... am always stepping into women's business way more than i should and ignoring plenty of men going through dire experiences this is a pitiful attachment solution online is for example no profile picture i am not god's gift after all
  24. with leo you have to take the dung as the price for the gold if you are awake taking a slap or two from leo is the best medicine the best compliment the best therapy