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Everything posted by gettoefl

  1. thoughts can never stop the tree will always be enlightenment is changing your relationship with thoughts to see that they are not your business or your boss they are empty they are self liberating in other words you don't need to free them so yes let the current thought be i love you thoughts but it's time we see other people and you are bam! enlightened
  2. thoughts are appearances are appearances real? only in relative reality in the absolute these is just this pristine undifferentiated tapestry
  3. ego filters ABSOLUTE into RELATIVE by means of thoughts on average one thinks 120 thoughts per minute ... ask chat-gpt to give 120 thoughts than a regular person will think in one minute thoughts distort awareness reveals
  4. you are already the supreme totality of existence but thoughts are distorting your vision thoughts are serving up what they decided is your best interest; you need to discard them and the esteemed way is meditation thoughts are relative reality which is where we all live, when discarded your true nature the absolute reality is apparent recommend you read all of of @Osaid 's posts
  5. yes you sit on the mat and it is all peace and calm lol
  6. i feel pain when i prick myself and not when i prick you since god wants to keep this hulk of flesh around a bit longer so it can wake me up after waking up i feel your pain the same as mine since i am you i no longer control my body nor your body since all a body does is respond to causes and conditions and is running its allotted course
  7. your true nature is peaceful awareness but your current nature is violent distractibility when you sit in silence you will see your current nature meditation is going from the one to the other here are some good affirmations for when thoughts constantly besiege you during meditation courtesy of chat-gpt: "I see you, thought, arising and dissolving in the space of awareness." - This affirmation acknowledges the thought's presence without judgment and reinforces the understanding that thoughts naturally come and go. "I am not this thought; I am the clear awareness that witnesses it." - This affirmation helps you detach from the identification with thoughts and recognize your true nature as the observing awareness. "Thoughts are like passing clouds; they do not define me." - This affirmation encourages you to view thoughts as transient phenomena, like clouds in the sky, rather than fixed aspects of your identity. "I rest in the stillness of pure awareness, untouched by the comings and goings of thoughts." - This affirmation reminds you to rest in the unchanging and pristine awareness that underlies all thoughts. "In the silence between thoughts, I find the boundless clarity of mind." - This affirmation directs your attention to the gaps between thoughts, which can reveal the inherent clarity and spaciousness of your true nature. These affirmations can be silently repeated as thoughts arise during your meditation practice. They serve to gently guide your awareness back to the essence of pure awareness and non-grasping presence.
  8. mindful is a measure of how aware i am right now mindfulness is how to become more mindful namely to improve one's experience of the present moment
  9. prayer is transforming the internal dialogue to ongoing pep talks with god even just thank you god every moment works well
  10. there is zen and there is monk, you better understand them both first i'd say take a year or two to investigate both these approaches you can practice zen at home you can live monk mode at home so if you can master it all from home why be a zen monk in a monastery? contemplate what you're getting into lots of online communities can help and support including here
  11. good contemplation however scepticism to the point of cynicism gets you only so far innocence to the point of heresy gets you all the way you have to get your hands dirty, dive in head first, not count any cost, and be committed dedicated dogged unshakable to your last breath else no dice what others contend matters not a jot, all obstacles hardships reversals are fodder for your evolution
  12. seeing is direct looking is dual utterly different
  13. question is rather, can you ask before you think to which the answer is no
  14. ask chat-gpt to distill jesus truth into 100 insights and you could appear the wisest most spiritual person on earth to say is not to show
  15. speaking of music, here's a little playlist i made for the world ... if it resonates, pass it on x
  16. yes love isn't all rainbows and butterflies ... you have to be brutal as much as tender love will kill as much as kiss which leo should have pointed out
  17. its alan watts as the voiceover for a cunard advert they took his speech and weaved it into their cruise holidays ad his words hit deep at least for me
  18. do the nasty til you see how lame it truly is and how much better life and love is without that plaguing your brain constantly
  19. check out this slice of genius ... maybe some of us need to rework our life purpose
  20. i would say the prerequisite to speaking the truth is to identify with no groups all groups are lie factories and that includes families groups uphold loyalty above truth i am expressly forbidden from throwing you under the bus only alone have you a chance of embodying and expressing truth this incidentally is the downfall of religion god has to be encountered alone
  21. all sins are my level of consciousness ... forgive me father for i know not what i do