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Everything posted by gettoefl

  1. passion is what gets your heart beating, it is not a grind or a chore or a duty good to have a list of half dozen things you are passionate about in the case of the gym if you push yourself, it can certainly evolve into a passion so our passions are certainly within our own hands to some extent
  2. passion is what gets you up to put on your running shoes when it's dark and everyone else is still in bed perspiration is what keeps your logging the miles when all around are calling it a day passion is knowing your gift perspiration is honing your gift
  3. you don't live as the absolute, that is why you are given a body mind to navigate this dream, heal your shit else it is coming to bite you in the rear, you already have a grandiosity complex clearly in evidence when you talk with the clearly awake folks such as @Inliytened1 and @Moksha
  4. yes nicely expressed, a delicate balancing act indeed if anyone would like some spiritual meat on a daily basis, these tweeters i follow share about one hour's reading per day of nice nuggets: ... some other random stuff mixed in there too, can make your own list based on these if you like
  5. of course everyone wants to be god once they get wind it might be possible ... it is the ego's grandest adventure what have i done in all my years here to make such an outcome feasible no wait, what have i done today chatting in forums profiteth nothing except self aggrandizement i have to touch the core of my being relentlessly as though i have minutes left to live
  6. truth is better not spoken about, your quality of life so much better and besides you know that everyone is perfect and on the right path but every night your heart weeps can't i just give these loved ones a tiny drop of fragrance so they don't keep walking into the jaws of fire for yet another lifetime
  7. leo does everything from first principles not received dogma show me the monk or guru who has had an original thought religion precludes this if you have one, you are a heretic and need to leave right now and get off the payroll
  8. i can't be god no matter what, i better go and let it take the wheel
  9. everyone wants to be god but no-one wants to die to get there
  10. thought is this universe, god willing me into action question is, who among us has a conscious original piercing thought rather than ones we just repackage and claim our own
  11. self help then self halt 1st half of life, 2nd half of life
  12. beautiful and for anyone curious here is how to get from the relative to the absolute per mahamudra
  13. correct ... the treadmill runs you, it is completely different to being out there i can easily run 12mph on a treadmill for 10k but outside not even close
  14. i would say only feed your consciousness with positive content good reading, good music, good company, good vibes, good food this is an old thread with some good love tunes
  15. every bit of consciousness pain i observe within or without is for my benefit and my evolution it was sent to me to heal me and disabuse me of attachment, illusion, pride ... another piece of the jigsaw puzzle i enjoy giving the gift of presence but you have to do you and i have to do me i am happy to speak how i do me if the other enquires i am no missionary savior evangelist partisan, some smart well regarded role model who has life figured out
  16. are you an entity that exists - no you are not so you are an entity that doesn't exist? no you are not you arise dependent on conditions and causes the mind births you as an entity which is your shape and your appearance but you true nature is voidness same for everyone and everything nobody exists how they believe they do a tree exists only if looked at ... it hasn't any inherent existence, it has imputed existence, imputed by the person who looks at it
  17. being good in the streets is a far cry from being good in the sheets; in fact they are opposite one is measured, manufactured, fake while the other is spontaneous, instinctive, personal pick up is going through the motions, getting it on is a mutual give and take
  18. cant see how dick has one shred of relevance, she is already a convert to your cause way before she gets a single eye-full of those goods, if you mess up in the bedroom you dropped the ball and it's your bedroom game that needs work still nothing to with a dick now money on the other hand, can be spotted from miles away
  19. i know right ... wait til you see the 12in ... the song i mean
  20. do everything, want nothing what's meant to be, shall come to me
  21. for me it's, he brings the money she brings the honey show me the one who wants the unemployed barely making it guy, show me the one who wants the wall-flower gal with the walmart style she better be looking good, he better be doing good deny it all we like, everything else is icing we all want to continue the life of decadence we have thus far indulged in who wants to take a step down in status and standards in the name of love? no way! what would my parents and social media say if they saw me holding hands with such a person? have you lost your mind!
  22. one is the scenic route one is the 100 meter dash i wonder which the absolute prescribes
  23. he's the best ... lots of clips of him on youtube ... all his books are worth the time too Love is truly all that exists ...
  24. ego propounds this perspective; and naturally so since meditation is its death sentence meditation is to tune into the god frequency and afterwards binning the cushion it's so simple but not so easy for the desire hungry ego with places to go and people to see