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Everything posted by gettoefl

  1. we don't have the smarts to do that imo if i claim such and such is in your best interests, i am indulging in educated guesswork the only one who knows what works for me is me of course i take advice but ultimately i am sovereign spiritual work is realizing you are forever selfless
  2. i would say if you expanded yourself to the entire universe, ruled every hale and hollow, were even almighty benign compassionate you would still descend to ever deeper selfishness since you lack knowledge wisdom foresight remember that absolute power corrupts absolutely i don't believe human history contradicts this
  3. ego is god experiencing the ups and downs of being god of a part instead of god of the whole wars violence evil are inevitable but also plenty of abundance beauty creativity how much of the world can i bring under my thumb? all want to be king of their own castle big or small it's all god's design, playing in the sandpit of duality one day i might get the spiritual bug and wake myself up
  4. this christian mystic knows precisely what the man jesus attained in consciousness ... alas christians brand her a heretic and will never reach such levels
  5. seems a great read, here is what chat-gpt says here is the flip side, making for the controversy this book has garnered according to chat-gpt
  6. well done on a valuable fascinating experiment, thank you for sharing it, i look forward to updates when you are able
  7. here is the question, when i speak am i trying to help you or am i trying to help me in general when speaking do i want to help you or to correct you if i speak my honest truth, does it matter whether or not you understand it should i change what i say based on who i am speaking to am i honest with myself at all times and how do i assess how honest i am with myself will my understanding of honesty and truth remain fixed or does it change over time and if so why would it change is my truth the same as the truth and if not how are they different
  8. it's a mundane piece of the whole thing, i am doing it all not just me
  9. human is just a rudimentary devise to place a data gathering station at the center of the universe that's just a non-special object like everything else, it's nothing to do with me
  10. vulnerability and humility are key, even on internet forums i've been a useless piece of shit plenty of times and will no doubt be so again
  11. hang out here of course but not be a disturber of the peace
  12. i did a good job putting the bits and bobs together but then my work was done, i was created for more in human-speak the dream is fine but it's just one episode of many so i better not get too fired up
  13. the only freedom i have is to let go this human, human me is a pretty simplistic mechanism always to sputter and suffer sure it's nice to ride along for the fun but i am infinitely more and i am to realize that here and now real eyes > reel lies
  14. you have no idea what they went through, you are engaging in projection teach trust and forget truth that is do what i do not what i say should it work for you keep doing it, k? in this way my truth is now your truth so you have a chance at the whole truth
  15. we are clones in different clothes, everyone i meet is 99.999% identical to me, i meet myself everywhere i go, me giving myself lesson after lesson and treat after treat aloneness is brilliant when i can change such a miniscule part of myself yet find astonishing diversity and unending euphoria in what i experience only a mind speaks of differences and division, all is sameness and all are long lost limbs
  16. yes thanks osaid body is inescapable and un-ignorable while mind is up to you and in your own hands body will do what it needs to do while mind can be tweaked and mastered and overcome once mind sees that you see it, its wheels stop turning slowly and surely
  17. takes one to know one, love your passion and persistence, you inspire me ?
  18. i only say what you understand else there is no communication truth is intent not content truth raises your consciousness lies lower your consciousness
  19. mind tells you that you are mind and body no, you are the watcher of these so start watching
  20. belief is, i think this is true ... there is nothing that is true except absolute me, all around is mist and energy and flow all on its unimprovable pre-set course ... i awaken as soon as i align and bask and am smitten with the perfection being viewed and thus i bring precisely nothing to the table ... thoughts tell me the opposite that i must intervene everywhere but leaving them be closes out karma and mental afflictions and tunes in to enjoying my nature which is full time harmony bliss relaxation
  21. we all live on intellect, what's key is to develop some intelligence, the uncharted untrammelled virgin ground of your unique path you can't do this with others (or with substances) only in silence you may get a hint but then you have to own it and hone it i am real far from awakening but i am real fine doing me
  22. for me i have to prioritize, i simply can't do the work all the hours under the sun since i will be burned out, balance is required, i need my share of pleasures too; however i need to ensure these are not blunting my efforts to do the work; in other words if i am sharpening my ego in my pursuits i will not awaken, so yes by all means i enjoy all that life offers but if i am trying to make myself something special, want myself noticed and cheered on then i am taking one step forward and two steps back and am wasting my god given breath btw very well done on the inroads you are making, seems you are on the cusp, it resonates deeply though i am a long way behind
  23. to want an improved life or even a worse life is egoic desire you designed this life better than any mind can fathom melting the ego is the entire path stop looking to feather your nest and get serious