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Everything posted by gettoefl

  1. lemme break this down you gotta keep on having sex porn fap ... til you get over having it til you see how dumb how ludicrous how comical how pathetic how stupid how whipped how enslaved it is to be controlled by your genitals and hormones at the whim of the reproductive instinct like an obedient monkey don't repress it, keep on until you get to the above crystal clear realization namely why are you so driven to do frantic inelegant sweaty press ups and other ghastly gymnastic gyrations on some poor fragile smitten fellow messed up member of the human race aren't you done yet so we can get our shut eye get it out of your system as quick as possible so you can start living a full life there's nothing wrong with sex, problem is being addicted obsessed neurotic and squandering this amazing opportunity
  2. love is to treat every person as the missing link to my happiness every minute every opportunity every drop of sweat blood tears how the me is to deal with the you knowing the you is me all along there but for the grace of god passes i you are welcome long lost limb how might i be of greater service
  3. bless you, essentially we are staking out the dual and non-dual perspectives on this ... both are valid and different ways to experience reality it is good that people see both and understand both
  4. for me meditating is incompatible with waiting, everything is already perfect blissful divine, this moment is everything
  5. the 2 statements explain each other waiting is starting at point A and ending at point B meditating is abiding in point A knowing it contains everything namely the transcending of time when the timer rings you cant believe the time is up
  6. waiting is indulging in time meditation is the end of time
  7. waiting is how mind keep you in its clutches by claiming that something you expect will happen later in this way, we postpone living until tomorrow or whenever waiting is the major obstacle keeping one unenlightened ask yourself how many things are you waiting for this is a measure of your unenlightenment the enlightened are not looking forward to tomorrow everything is put to bed right now
  8. pragmatism is the art of knowing what to say to get what you want all play the same game, wittingly or unwittingly most will deny this namely they are playing the game unwittingly life is being one's own PR advocate you need to look good in order to get more eyeballs on your goods and then you can then ply your pragmatism to all and sundry play the game like everyone else yet also try to purchase a little space where truth has some relevance
  9. all is me but that's no fun, i had to cut myself into pieces to make life interesting we're clones in different clothes
  10. we all are at thought's mercy, we latch onto them and assert imperiously this is how things are we need thought at our mercy and in order to do that we had better spend time living without them running things then we can come back and start enjoying thought, truth, the works
  11. i created a me me and a tweaked me namely you so i could have fun in a dream ... you are me tweaked but both of us have forgotten that each of us is me everything here is me
  12. you can compliment and be confident and be outspoken to the extent you and they have rock solid boundaries and as such need nothing in return in all other cases truth is compliments are politics; an attempt to curry favor with the other, to put yourself on their side and to position yourself for the rewards of such alignment in short know yourself know the other know what you want know what they want else refrain or your noble but naïve intention creates nothing but misery for them and for you
  13. Leo isn't just answering your question he actively models what you are asking
  14. here are 3 aspects of trans-ideology that many may find unreasonable according to chat-gpt
  15. less is more ... mistake costs a woman 9 months, a man 9 seconds ... and dont come back with birth control i am talking the deep conditioning
  16. there is conceptual thinking by mind and non-conceptual thinking by awareness awareness is seeing the tree, thinking is looking at the tree awareness happens first then mind jumps in and adds its two cent overlay looking at shape color size etc
  17. one MIND one mind one world, mind filters MIND into world awakening is mind yields, MIND pervades disempower mind is to ignore every arising thought
  18. most live equal parts sleep work social, me this decade swapped spiritual for social, 4 hours sitting quiet 4 hours spinning ideas here and there works for me, won't for most
  19. some sell our souls others of us have them sold on the open market and have no choice in what they fetch and the rules then imposed on us do we enter our life path with eyes wide open or are we mindlessly doing the 9 to 5 grind to keep the wolf from the door sw for the most part is done with the express purpose of making a fast boatload of money to rest one's laurel's on and enjoy the good life thereafter it is conscious exploitation rather than the unconscious kind others avail of such a path is hard to feel distraught over let alone atone for ... one is convinced that no one suffered and this is a valid expression of one's inalienable freedom nothing is impossible however
  20. female conditioning runs way deeper in the collective and in the individual hard to be a woman, even to leave the house each day tons of expectation's heaped on one's shoulders this is on the average of course and transcendable of course
  21. problem is same for the purchasers and the providers namely addiction to easy sex and easy money once you get this mentality, you cannot easily dislodge this people are just a means to an end you have voluntarily indentured yourself and cannot have a normal relationship where it doesn't equate to exchanging money for sex and sex for money purchasers and providers are henceforth damaged goods and will typically lie to keep this from prospective partners can be done but that takes mammoth work to heal from yet one day this has to be confronted since looks will fade and money burns quickly
  22. coconut water mixed with lemonade is a low-cost beverage staple of mine, can be a 2:1 ratio or even 4:1
  23. crazy huh what works for me is to give it some warm up statements and tell it just answer true or false this primes the pump and gets it thinking the way you want so you can get it to do some heavy lifting
  24. thanks for this great discussion for me, enlightenment is recalibrating the lens of perception from the puny myopic to the prodigious macroscopic