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Everything posted by gettoefl

  1. if you're a hater, migrants is what you will hate, an easy punch bag for you, and it's good proof you're a hater so, removing the needlessly provocative part, your question actually is, is it justifiable to hate it's a inborn human emotion most smart people do hide it but your attitude to migrants will display who you are loud and clear a beautiful litmus test
  2. reason teachers say you have no free will is merely a pointer to make you see you are a slave to your programming most go through life not seeing they are being used when this hits you, you act out of free will for the first time all are free to an extent and bound to an extent
  3. the character doesn't have an awakening awakening now has a character to do stuff with for a while welcome character 2.0 ego is undone time to have fun
  4. it's not what you do or where you do it but how you do and with whom you do it the answers to which are love and spirit i say to god if you have something for me make it seen and no matter what i will act as though every spin of the dice is stacked my way i always bring good and i always get good
  5. she has millions in the bank and you hardly have a bank account how far from wrong am i there of course you dont share your assets equally at the start with an unknown potential liability who hasn't a pot to piss in we each pay our share in partnering but the money i have in the bank is no one in the world's business until i sign on the line to the contrary pretend each is penniless and see if you can love each other accordingly
  6. you are all that on the level of form and from all appearances it sounds like you have a most enviable human existence you are spirit as well as form and this work is about balancing those because what is certain about form is one day you have it next you don't thus it is good to explore your true nature not just enjoy your seeming nature things like meditation, studying/researching spirituality, purification, contemplation, lifestyle discipline etc. are all helpful basically it is about knowing who you are so you don't need to be a slave to what the world is telling you it is doing what is best for you and not simply making the world happy wishing you well, you seem a lovely man, and hope you will knuckle down to what we are all telling you
  7. yep for real ... i factor in 6-8 cheat days per month when being on the world's timeline like for trips and restaurants
  8. there is bad there is neutral there is good bad is my incomplete inner work neutral is lack of attention good is remembrance of god
  9. bed up 7pm and up at 3 works perfect for me evenings are unconscious sink-holes just wake up
  10. here's where it's mentioned
  11. yes all the crowd say so
  12. even as a daily/weekly supplement, it could have many benefits
  13. guilt is i did bad shame is i am bad fear is i observe bad bad has never existed, god can know nothing of bad since it is oneness
  14. i bless you kuba ... thank you for all your many insights here, i am very slowly figuring things out but writing it down definitely helps 🌹
  15. this is just words, you need thicker skin there is brutal and there is brutal leo is a hurricane of love the fact he can tear you to shreds only adds to his legend look how he catapulted your consciousness into the stratosphere
  16. my simplistic take is fear is to do with all your doing, love is to do with all your being you present each moment either one or the other, this is your free will love means the world does not touch you and you touch it fear means the world keeps touching you and you are too scared to touch back to touch the world is to let the world have its way whether good or bad everything has been appointed for your good, you need to know this, in fact you designed it specifically you fear because you think you know better if someone slaps your left cheek then offer your right cheek god lets rains fall on the good and the bad, he lets the blows rain down from the left and the right
  17. you have made an elaborate dream love is the only weapon to die before you die which by killing off fake you reveals real you can never die it doesn't matter what you do in life, only how you do it which is the same as with whom you do it don't aim for any benefit or reward or goal in life then what you do is infused with love and your higher self its quality not quantity live in love that's how you get out of here alive
  18. others can say whatever they please, others can do whatever i permit big difference
  19. circumstances are going to change yes, your consciousness state will remain depending on what you learned and what lessons you still need to learn if you do the work now, you will be better off next time around and that much closer to not needing to repeat you may right now be able to end the whole illusion since after all you just have to see all this as a complete irrelevance ... you can undo the whole dream today
  20. lovely seeing you here today, you are missed
  21. yes well said yet the problem with love is, it requires hate you love what you don't hate and you hate what you don't love this is the dual universe nondual love meanwhile is, when i am with you i see through your eyes only you won't find this taught alas
  22. and l.o.v.e. is l-etting o-pen v-ulnerability e-xude - gettoefl
  23. it has psychedelic descriptions i guess thats why, here's a snip of some of it Southern_Peanut_4524 ·3 days ago Your presence brightens the world, and your kindness is a gift to everyone around you. 27 Reply Share level 1 NectarineCapital3244 ·3 days ago Your past is irrelevant, your present is perfect, your future is undecided. You are in control of your own destiny, do not fear it, and trust yourself. <3 26 Reply Share level 1 grapeapecheesestain ·3 days ago Hey buddy. Wherever I see you next, I’ll be there. 24 Reply Share level 1 newstome1234 ·3 days ago I see you 20 Reply Share level 1 NotFreeBSD ·3 days ago You are the light that brightens my darkest days, the melody that fills my silent nights, and the warmth that envelopes my heart with love. In your presence, every moment feels like a beautiful symphony of joy, and I am grateful for the extraordinary love that connects our souls. 17 Reply Share level 1 michamc11 ·3 days ago I hope you become free from that which pains and ales you, and that for all of your worries and doubts you receive love in turn. 17 Reply Share level 1 FrankensteinMoses ·3 days ago I will always make time for you. 16 Reply Share level 1 BrainwashedApes ·3 days ago Thank you for being. I appreciate your energy. 14 Reply Share level 1 WestSideArcanum ·3 days ago Let’s go fly a kite. 13 Reply Share level 2 samsquanch_metazoo ·3 days ago Beautiful 4 Reply Share level 1 EnvironmentalSlide97 ·3 days ago “Love is the state of unconditional inclusion” 14 Reply Share level 1 sharpfork ·3 days ago You are already there. I love you. 13 Reply Share level 1 OPHealingInitiative ·3 days ago You probably didn’t deserve most of the bad things that happened to you. May your troubles be eased, and may you live with a peaceful heart. 12 Reply Share level 1 sunny_monkey ·3 days ago I am grateful for your presence. 10 Reply Share level 1 kylemesa ·3 days ago Nice post OP! 9 Reply Share level 1 Ivrezul ·3 days ago You are enough. 9 Reply Share level 1 Holiday-Shoe1821 ·3 days ago I've got something a bit different: I'll make a statement that is an observation based on the perspective of existing as and for the boundless, open love that affects all living things. "All war is civil war." 9 Reply Share level 2 BearDizzy1833 OP·3 days ago Love it 5 Reply Share level 1 Otter-Wednesday ·3 days ago You are enough and you deserve rest, peace, and contentment. May the kindness you radiate be reflected back to you in a way that helps you love and forgive yourself. 9 Reply Share level 1 INCoctopus ·3 days ago You are enough 16 Reply Share level 2 Thepluse ·1 day ago You're human. That's all I need you to be <3 1 Reply Share level 1 deadcoo1 ·3 days ago love long and prosper! 8 Reply Share level 2 Constant-Release-875 ·3 days ago 🖖 3 Reply Share level 1 Robbed_Goddess ·3 days ago Your life is important and I love you so much. 8 Reply Share level 1 catastrophicmiracle ·3 days ago You are magnificent and the light you bring to this world is exactly what it needs. I’m glad you exist.
  24. let's be beacons of love like this guy and this thread is:
  25. yes and i had tried remembering who spoke about it but couldn't ... spirit told me to downplay it otherwise it might seem this place is becoming a cult promoting authors and ideology ... everyone has to do the path that calls to them