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Everything posted by gettoefl

  1. welcome to the madhouse, nice to meet you, love to know a little more, can you tell us what part of the world you inhabit, how does your typical day look like, are you close with your family, are you involved in your community, do you have a line of work, what does your spiritual practice look like, how has your year been, any high points, any goals for the new year, read any good books of late, which spiritual teacher is your favorite, tell me an important insight you have recently had, hope you choose to stick around and join in the tomfoolery
  2. the journey is from ignorant to innocent so you return to the child-state but you know what is up there are two responses one can have to any situation, a frown or a smile children help us awaken in mirroring their smiles frown is every time you say f-this, smile is every time you say behold-this
  3. Hey c, great to see you're taking on a 3-day retreat in vipassana it is very structured and you meditate about 10 hours a day and it is hella valuable for us serious types, would thoroughly recommend 3-day will be nice too, if you are not used to doing long sits i would max out at 1-2 hours sits and break the day up into a bunch of sits followed by walking/reading/writing sessions ... in order words don't overdo it it will have great benefits ... feel free to ask any specific questions ... hope the retreat is ground breaking and you let us know how it goes
  4. you have to set aside any outcome if you want it to go a certain way, you will be miserable the whole time leave mind at the door and just sit telling someone you are going to do a long sit is the worst thing you can possibly do, you have now piled expectations on your shoulders when you end a long sit you will probably feel no different than when you started this is a good sign that it's working and you won't need to torture yourself analysing it better than any long sit is to commit to a manageable length regular sit for the rest of your life or until awakening whichever comes sooner
  5. there are plenty of books on amazon that have already done that caveat emptor since most give you no clue what you are buying
  6. yes reddit used to be top dog on the block, on a good day you could get an expert point of view on the hardest question askable chat-gpt has absorbed all the reddit data and combined it with the equivalent of another million reddits best of all you dont wait for your answer ... boggles my mind how it outputs so fast and so intelligently (pro tip: even now if you use google to search for something add the word reddit to your search and you get way better results)
  7. gary renard puts it much better than me in his 3rd book
  8. <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="zxx" dir="ltr"><a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Poetic Outlaws (@OutlawsPoetic) <a href="">December 14, 2023</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
  9. to be a victim is to be a hater ... you need to align more with love in baby steps ... forgiveness is saying to another you did the best you were able ... this is the start of love ... everyone who is wounded simply needs someone to love them back to health
  10. the only choice is i am a victim or i am a vessel for all to take place ... one of these lifetimes i will get tired of being a victim and realize what i am
  11. i'll keep with the light side i think ... forgiveness is HOW you crush your enemies ... the only enemy is inner-me get it?
  12. forgiveness is the only meaningful reaction to life ... it is a mental adjustment from i thought you could hurt me to i know you could never hurt me forgiveness is not primarily to do with other people ... it is adjusting your mindset to the true nature of reality and the part you are playing in it of course you remove yourself well clear from someone who will abuse you else you are sinking even deeper the abuser as well as yourself abusers are going to abuse, it is not your mission to deal with them, your only responsibility is to your own agenda of growth evolution ascension etc.
  13. for me this is rough ... i ramp up the self care and sleep a ton more the things i hate are: dark, cold, seasonal societal mania, holidays, end of year, illness potential i just lie low and keep to myself until the sun comes back ... for my sanity i need to steer clear of any and all frantic humans once solstice hits on the 21st, i know things are getting better
  14. what does to close mean in dating circles?
  15. from the book, love has forgotten no one ... seems we need to see these snips on here every week
  16. my trauma acrostic for the day: t-o r-emain a-n u-nforgiving m-iserable a-ntagonist whoever hurt you was smashing your ego to bits and if you keep withholding forgiveness you define yourself a victim for the rest of time you are no victim, you are a vehicle through which heaven can be inhabited today
  17. there's your problem quit that news and watch the nows do you see carnage in that tree outside your window where a blue tit is feathering its nest for its soon to be delivered family the news has a mission to keep you in misery which will keep you from facing the reason you came to this world it is compelling and wrenching and monstrous it will keep you in this mire for lifetimes
  18. going deeper we see all confidence is a con job its job is to assure people you are above average confidence is a measure of how well you can act conviction meanwhile is knowing who you are you instil confidence in another you bring conviction to another for example we love to see confidence in the gender we like we could care less who they are but we for sure want them to look good at playing their role confidence takes a day to demonstrate, conviction is earned in the long run confidence is mimicry, just find somebody on yt and be like them conviction is through deep work you see you bring an utterly priceless contribution to this world your life is nothing while you fail to do so
  19. when you have money it means nothing when you don't it means everything luckily i always had it not because i am rich or a top earner, actually pretty poor throug the world's eyes but i am savvy and resourceful and content with what i get and therefore extremely rich vibes are many, vices are few
  20. yes it is deep rooted trauma every kink is trauma in fact most say that's my pleasure, i say that's your pain
  21. for me it is two addicts snatching their fix from each other with the goal of divorcing oneself from the other's humanity to the highest degree each is deepening the other's desperation and desolation yea some no doubt will view that as entertaining and reality tv is no doubt on the lookout for participants
  22. yes i feel you, have been through the same and it has been agonizing at times being maladjusted in this way journaling and meditation are excellent tools for your healing and i think meditation is what got me to see it all through a clearer lens therapy may be worth undertaking if you feel you are being paralysed by this, it wasn't something that was accessible or suitable for me hope you make a dent with this horrible dysfunction, all the best to you and thank you for your loving energy
  23. am a bit reluctant to give this since the problem with identifying with this trauma is it keeps you deeply entrenched in it if you adopt a victim identity, you can stay that way your whole life being a victim makes one a hater and that isn't a good life path in truth the one's who treated you worst were the ones from whom you grew the most they dropped you right at the door of truth if you could but see it